IBPS PO Prelims English (Day-01)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for IBPS PO 2020 Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Double fillers

Directions (1-5): In the question given below there are two statements, each statement consists of two blanks. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct:


I) The fund made from these ____, will be utilized only for _______ projects.

II) The _____ among the friends was very strong, they together decided to investin the________ project to help the people of that village.

  1. bonds, infrastructure
  2. craze, berserk
  3. rabid, conjectural
  4. link, goad
  5. none of the above


I) The rhetoric, oft-repeated in _____ documents, is that the Government of India is committed to sustainable development – which by its definition would integrate _________, social and economic concerns into the development framework.

II) New ______ was levied by the government to control _________ degradation.

  1. pesky, adopt
  2. policy, environmental
  3. malice, raving
  4. politics, environment
  5. none of the above


I) The Minister _______ out the steps taken to avoid human-wildlife ______.

II) The Scientists ______ the steps of the new case study to avoid _______ with his fellow Scientists in their absence.

  1. marked, absent
  2. myth, staunch
  3. listed, conflicts
  4. listed, understanding
  5. none of the above


  1. I) King was ________ in his approach to his army even when they got a heavy set back in the war this made the _______of his kingdom surprised.
  2. II) The __________ nature of the poor man moved the hearts of the ________ in the town when the saw him feeding the poor child and starving himself.
  1. modest, careless
  2. zeal, wax
  3. humus, loath
  4. benevolent, people
  5. none of the above


I) She felt a sharp pang of _________ over the incident which took place last night ________ that the person is dead.

II) He learned the _________of hangovers and overeating and decided to go on diet ________ to lose weight soon.

  1. compunction, merge
  2. regret, assume
  3. aggravate, prattle
  4. remorse, assuming
  5. none of the above

Phrase replacement

Directions (6-10): In each question, a part of the sentence is made bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no replacement is needed, mark (E) as your answer:

6) She had a laud mouth which made her famous wherever she went.

  1. a loudly mouth
  2. loud moth
  3. a loud mouth
  4. all the above
  5. none of the above

7) He called a spate a spade when he saw the unjust happening to his people.

  1. call a spate a spade
  2. called a spade a spade
  3. called an spade an spade
  4. all the above
  5. none of the above

8) The question paper was very tough she thought herself at be in a thick soup.

  1. to be in a thick soup
  2. at be in a thick soup
  3. of be in a thick soup
  4. all the above
  5. none of the above

9) Mr. Narayan wasred to take rough with the smooth after marrying the woman he loved.

  1. ready to took rough with the smooth
  2. read to take rough with the smooth
  3. ready to take rough with the smooth
  4. all the above
  5. none of the above

10) Madhavi had the gift the gab as she could master any task given to her.

  1. gift of the gab
  2. gift in the gab
  3. gift at the gab
  4. all the above
  5. none of the above

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: A

Option B: It does not fit in thus it is ruled out.

Option C: It is contextually wrong hence this option is marked out.

Option D: The first word in this option does not fit in the well with the first part of the question but connects well in the second part of the first blank. Thus this is not correct.

Option E: It cannot be correct as the question is ‘fill in the blanks’ and something  needs to fit in.

Option A: It is contextually and grammatically apt.

Hence option A is the correct answer.

2) Answer: B

Option A: It is contextually and grammatically out of context.

Option C: It is contextually wrong hence this option is marked out.

Option D: The first word in this option does not fit in the well thus this is not correct.

Option E: It cannot be correct as the question is ‘fill in the blanks’ and something  needs to fit in.

Option B: It is contextually and grammatically apt.

Hence option B is the correct answer.

3) Answer: C

Option A: the word in the option may connect to the sentence but the second word is out of context and does not fit in thus it is ruled out.

Option B: It is contextually incorrect hence this option is marked out.

Option D: The first word in this option fit in well with the first part of

both the question but second word is out of context.Thus this is not correct.

Option E: It cannot be correct as the question is ‘fill in the blanks’ and something needs to fit in.

Option C: It is contextually and grammatically correct.

Hence option C is the correct answer.

4) Answer: D

Option A: The first word might fit in the first blank of both the question but the second word is out of context thus this option is incorrect.

Option B: It is contextually wrong hence this option is ruled out.

Option C: It is out of context thus this option is incorrect.

Option E: It cannot be correct as the question is ‘fill in the blanks’ and something  needs to fit in.

Option D: It is contextually and grammatically correct.

Hence option D is the correct answer.

5) Answer: D

Option A: It is out of context thus this option is ruled out.

Option B:The first word may fill in the blank of the first question  but does not fit in well in the second question.

Option C: It is out of context thus this option is incorrect.

Option E: It cannot be correct as the question is ‘fill in the blanks’ and something  needs to fit in.

Option D: It is contextually and grammatically correct.

Hence option D is the correct answer.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: C

The original sentence is incorrect.

Reason: The word ‘laud’ means ‘to praise’ and is unsuitable in this sentence. The correct word to be used here is ‘loud’ which means ‘noise’ Hence ‘loud’ should be used in place of ‘laud’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Among the given choices, only option C replaces the given bold part most appropriately.
The sentence after replacement becomes:

She had a loud mouth which made her famous wherever she went.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

7) Answer: B

The original sentence is erroneous.

Reason: The word ‘spate’ means ‘a British term for a heavy rainstorm that results in flash floods.’ and is unsuitable in this sentence. The correct word to be used here is ‘spade’ which means ‘to be frank and straight’ Hence ‘Spade’ should be used in place of ‘Spate’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Among the given choices, only option B replaces the given bold part most appropriately.
The sentence after replacement becomes:

He called a spade a spade when he saw the unjust happening to his people.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

8) Answer: A

The original sentence is incorrect grammatically.

Reason: The word ‘at’ should be replaced with ‘to’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Among the given choices, only option A replaces the given bold part most appropriately.
The sentence after replacement becomes:

The question paper was very tough she thought herself to be in a thick soup.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

9) Answer: C

The original sentence has grammatical error.

Reason: The word ‘red’ is the name of colour which doesn’t fit in the sentence above it should be replaced by ‘ready’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Among the given choices, only option B replaces the given bold part most appropriately.
The sentence after replacement becomes:

Mr. Narayan was ready to take rough with the smooth after marrying the woman he loved.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

10) Answer: A

The original sentence is erroneous.


In the question ‘gift the gab’ idiom is grammatically incorrect it should be ‘gift of the gab’ to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Among the given choices, only option A replaces the given bold part most appropriately.
The sentence after replacement becomes:

Madhavi had the gift the gab as she could master any task given to


Option A is hence the correct answer.

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