IBPS SO Syllabus 2022: Updated Syllabus & Exam Pattern | IBPS Specialist Officer

IBPS SO Syllabus 2022: IBPS SO Syllabus is given here for your reference!!! All the details are updated as per the latest updated exam pattern. Aspirants who are having the passion to get into the Specialist Officer vacancy shall refer to this article.

IBPS SO Apply Online 2022 For 1828 Posts

IBPS SO 2022 Notification is out and the Online Examination for IBPS SO 2022 Recruitment is about to conduct the preliminary exam in the month of December. We know that aspirants are started preparing for IBPS SO to tackle all the questions asked in IBPS SO 2022 examination. For this year 2022, IBPS has released notification for 1828 vacancies. About 1163+ Vacancies are announced in 2020. So, here we are giving information about the IBPS SO Syllabus and a Detailed analysis of the Exam Pattern. Aspirants who are appearing for the IBPS SO Exam can utilize this IBPS SO 2022 Syllabus. Also, We are also given Important Study materials based on IBPS SO Syllabus and important topics for your reference.

IBPS SO Recruitment 2022 – Check Notification PDF Here


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IBPS SO 2022 | IBPS SO Syllabus

Name of the Exam Name of the Post IBPS SO Syllabus – Click Below


I.T Officer (Scale-I) IBPS IT Officer Syllabus
Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I) IBPS SO
RajBhasha Adhikari (Scale-I) IBPS Specialist Officer
Law Officer (Scale-I) IBPS Specialist Officer Syllabus
HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) Specialist Officer
Marketing Officer (Scale-I) IBPS SO

IBPS SO 2022 | Post Roles and Responsibilities

S.No Posts Roles
1 I.T Officer (Scale-I) To handle the software, server, database related issues in the bank
2 Agricultural Field Officer (Scale-I) To verify and check the agricultural fields of a person, before providing loans on agricultural fields whether he deserves it or not.
3 RajBhasha Adhikari (Scale-I) To translate the official documents into Rajbhasha
4 Law Officer (Scale-I) To handle the legal issues in the bank
5 HR/Personnel Officer (Scale-I) To play a vital role in staff recruitment, training, development, and welfare aspects.
6 Marketing Officer (Scale-I) To coordinate all business development activities such as marketing, advertising, social media, networking activities.


IBPS SO 2022 Selection Process:

The exam will be conducted in three phases:

  • Preliminary,
  • Mains and
  • Interview Process.
  • A candidate must appear for the Prelims first and the selected candidates can appear for the Mains Exam.
  • Now, The sectional timing is introduced for the preliminary exam.
  • Also, the Score of the Preliminary Exam will not be taken into consideration for the final allotment. The final selection will be based on the Mains Exam and Interview Process.

  • Only the Professional Knowledge question will be asked in the main examination.

IBPS SO Exam Pattern:

Know the latest updated Exam Pattern for the IBPS SO Examination for both prelims and mains examination and prepare accordingly to embrace success.

IBPS SO 2022 Prelims

  • Questions Type: Objective Test
  • No. of Questions: 150
  • Total Time Allocated: 2 Hours
  • Negative Mark: ¼ of the Mark will be reduced

IBPS SO Prelims Exam Pattern 2022:

IBPS SO 2022 Prelims Pattern For the Post of Law officer and Raj Bhasha Adhikari


Section No. Of Questions Total Marks


1 Reasoning 50 50 40 Minutes
2. English Language 50 25 40 Minutes
3. General Awareness with Special Reference to banking 50 50 40 Minutes
Total 150 125

IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Pattern for other Specialist Officers (Agriculture Field Officer, Marketing Officer (Scale I), HR/Personnel Officer, IT Officer Scale I)


Section No Of Questions Total Marks


1. Reasoning 50 50 40 Minutes
2. English Language 50 25 40 Minutes
3. Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 40 Minutes
Total 150 125

IBPS SO Mains Exam Pattern 2022

IBPS SO 2022 mains pattern for the Post of Law Officer, IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer

Name of the Test

No of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
Professional Knowledge 60 60 English & Hindi

45 Minutes


IBPS SO 2022 mains pattern for the Post of Rajbhasha Adhikari

Name of the Test

No of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam


Professional Knowledge(Objective) 45  

60 Marks

English & Hindi 30 Minutes
Professional Knowledge(Descriptive) 2 English & Hindi 30 Minutes

IBPS SO 2022 Interview Process

Candidates who qualified for the Mains Exam will be finally called for the Interview Process by IBPS. It is really important for candidates to Prepare well in the Interview Process as the final selection of a candidate is based on how he/she performed in this final round of the IBPS SO Recruitment Process.

IBPS SO Syllabus 2022: 

Here’s the updated IBPS SO Syllabus for both Prelims and Mains exams which is the key factor to achieve in your exams.

IBPS SO Syllabus 2022: Prelims 

 Reasoning Section

We can expect questions from the following topics:

  1. Inequalities
  2. Syllogism
  3. Input-Output
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. Blood Relations
  6. Ranking
  7. Alphanumeric Series
  8. Direction sense
  9. Statement & Argument
  10. Coding-decoding
  11. Decision Making
  12. Seating Arrangement
  13. Puzzle

 English Section

This section majorly contains grammar questions. We can expect questions from the following topics:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Idioms and Phrases
  3. Error Spotting
  4. Fill in the blanks
  5. Cloze test
  6. Para jumbles

 Quantitative Aptitude Section

This section majorly consists of two-part i.e. data interpretation and arithmetic.


Arithmetic Section contains

  1. Number System(Number Series and Simplification)
  2. Ratio & proportion
  3. Percentage
  4. Average
  5. Time and distance
  6. Time and work
  7. Partnership
  8. Profit & Loss
  9. Simple & Compound Interest
  10. Geometry
  11. Mensuration
  12. Probability


The Data Interpretation section contains

  1. Pie Chart
  2. Bar Graph
  3. Tabulation
  4. Line graph

General Awareness (For the post of Law officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari):

This section contains current affairs pertaining to banking awareness.

IBPS SO Mains Syllabus 2021:

This section has questions based on the post you are applying for. This section will have questions based on your graduation syllabus.

IBPS IT Officer Syllabus – IBPS SO IT Officer (Scale I) Syllabus

  1. Database Management System
  2. Data Communication and Networking
  3. Operating System
  4. Software Engineering
  5. Data Structure
  6. Compiler Design
  7. Object-Oriented Programming
  8. Computer Organization and Microprocessor
  9. Networking Security
  10. Data Mining

IBPS SO Specialist Officer – Agricultural Field Officer (Scale I)

  1. Basics of Crop production
  2. Horticulture
  3. Seed Science
  4. Agronomy and Irrigation
  5. Agricultural Economics
  6. Agricultural Practices
  7. Soil resources
  8. Animal Husbandry
  9. Agroforestry
  10. Ecology
  11. Government Schemes

IBPS SO Specialist Officer – Marketing Officer (Scale I)

  1. Basics of Marketing Management
  2. Brand Management
  3. Advertising
  4. PR
  5. Sales
  6. Retail
  7. Business Ethics
  8. Market Segmentation
  9. Market research and forecasting demand
  10. Product Life Cycle
  11. Corporate Social Responsibility
  12. Service Marketing
  13. Marketing Strategies

IBPS SO Syllabus – Law Officer (Scale I)

  1. Banking Regulations
  2. Compliance and Legal Aspects
  3. Relevant Law and Orders related to negotiable instruments, securities, foreign exchange
  4. Prevention of Money-laundering, Limitation Act
  5. Consumer Protection Act
  7. Banking Ombudsman Scheme
  8. Laws and Actions with the direct link to Banking Sector
  9. Bankers Book Evidence Act
  10. DRT Act

IBPS SO Specialist Officer – HR/Personnel Officer (Scale I)

  1. Human Resource Development
  2. Business policy and strategic analysis
  3. Transnational Analysis
  4. Training and Development
  5. Recruitment and Selection
  6. Rewards and Recognition
  7. Industrial Relations
  8. Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
  9. Grievance and Conflict Management
  10. Performance Management and Appraisal

IBPS SO IT Officer Syllabus 2022


UNIT-I – INTRODUCTION TO DBMS: File Systems Organization – Sequential, Pointer, Indexed, Direct – Purpose of Database System-Database System Terminologies-Database characteristics- Data models -Types of data models —Components of DBMS- Relational Algebra LOGICAL DATABASE DESIGN: Relational DBMS – Codd’s Rule – Entity-Relationship model – Extended ER Normalization — Functional Dependencies, Anomaly-1 NF to 5NF- Domain Key Normal Form — Denormalization.


UNIT-II –  SQL & QUERY OPTIMIZATION SQL: Standards – Data types – Database Objects- DDL-DML-DCL-TCL-Embedded SQL-Static Vs Dynamic SQL – QUERY OPTIMIZATION: Query Processing and Optimization – Heuristics and Cost Estimates in Query Optimization.


UNIT-III – TRANSACTION PROCESSING AND CONCURRENCY CONTROL: Introduction-Properties of Transaction- Serializability- Concurrency Control – Locking Mechanisms- Two-Phase Commit Protocol-Dead lock.


UNIT-IV – TRENDS IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY: Overview of Physical Storage Media – Magnetic Disks – RAID – Tertiary storage -File Organization – Organization of Records in Files – Indexing and Hashing – Ordered Indices – B+ tree Index Files – B tree Index Files – Static Hashing – Dynamic Hashing – Introduction to Distributed Databases- Client-server technology- Multidimensional and Parallel databases- Spatial and multimedia databases- Mobile and web databases- Data Warehouse-Mining- Data marts.


UNIT-V – ADVANCED TOPICS: DATABASE SECURITY: Data Classification-Threats and risks – Database access Control – Types of Privileges – Cryptography- Statistical Databases. – Distributed Databases-Architecture-Transaction Processing-Data Warehousing and Mining – Classification – Association – rules-Clustering-Information Retrieval Relevance ranking-Crawling Databases and Indexing the Web- Object Oriented Databases-XML Databases

  1. Data Communication: Components of data communication – Data flow: simplex – half duplex – full-duplex; Networks – Definition – Network criteria – Types of Connections: Point to point – multipoint; Topologies: Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh, Hybrid – Advantages and Disadvantages of each topology.
  2. Types of Networks: LAN – MAN – WAN – CAN – HAN – Internet – Intranet –Extranet, Client-Server, Peer To Peer Networks.
  3. Transmission Media: Classification of transmission media – Guided – Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics; Unguided – Radio waves – Infrared – LOS – VSAT – cabling and standards
  4. Network devices: Features and concepts of Switches – Routers(Wired and Wireless) – Gateways.
  5. Network Models: Protocol definition – standards – OSI Model – layered architecture – functions of all layers..
  6. Data Link Layer: Framing & its methods, Flow Control, Error Control. DLL Protocol, Piggybacking & Pipelining. MAC Sublayer, Media access control for LAN & WAN, collision, IEEE 802 standards for LAN & MAN & their comparison. Ethernet, Wireless LANs, Broadband Wireless, Bluetooth.
  7. Network Layer: Routing, Congestion Control Algorithms, IP protocol, IP Addresses, Comparative study of IPv4 & IPv6, Mobile IP.
  8. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)– User Datagram Protocol, Data Traffic, Congestion Control, and Quality of Service
  9. Network Security: Cryptography, Message Security, Digital Signature, User Authentication, Key Management, Security Protocols Internet, DNS, SMTP, FTP, HTTP, WWW, Virtual Terminal Protocol.
  1. Introduction to System: Programs & Operating Systems, Buffering & Spooling, Types of Operating System.
  2. File concepts, Access methods: Free space management, allocation methods, directory systems, protection, organization, sharing & implementation issues, etc.
  3. Process Concepts: Process Control Blocks (PCB), Scheduling criteria Preemptive & non Preemptive process scheduling, Scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation, multiple-processor scheduling, real-time scheduling, threads, critical section problem, semaphores, and classical problems of synchronization, etc.
  4. Memory Hierarchy: logical and physical address space, swapping, contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, Concepts of virtual memory, Cache Memory Organization, demand paging, page replacement algorithms, allocation of frames, thrashing, demand segmentation.
  5. Distributed operating system: Types, Design issues, File system, Remote file access, RPC, RMI, Distributed Shared Memory(DSM), Basic Concept of Parallel Processing & Concurrent Programming
  6. Security & threats protection: Security violation through Parameter, Computer Worms & Virus, Security Design Principle, Authentications, Protection Mechanisms.
  1. The Software Product and Software Process Models, Software Process customization, and improvement.
  2. Requirement Elicitation, Analysis, and Specification Functional and Non-functional requirements, Validation, Traceability.
  3. Software Design, Architectural Design, User Interface Design, Function-oriented Design, SA/SD Component-Based Design, Design Metrics.
  4. A Software Analysis and Testing, Software Test Process, Testing Levels, Test Criteria, Test Case Design, Test Oracles, Test Techniques, Black-Box Testing, etc.
  5. Software Maintenance &Software Project Measurement: Software Configuration Management (SCM), Re-engineering, Reverse Engineering. Project Management Concepts, Feasibility Analysis, Project and Process Planning, Resources Project Scheduling and Tracking, etc.
  1. Introduction: Basic Terminology, Data types, and classification, Array Definition, Representation and Analysis of Arrays, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, etc.
  2. Stack, Array Implementation of the stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Queue, Array, and linked implementation of queues, Circular queues, D-queues, and Priority Queues. Linked list, Generalized linked list.
  3. Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Complete Binary Tree, Extended Binary Trees, Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, etc.
  4. Internal and External sorting, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, selection sort Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Radix sort, Searching & Hashing: Sequential search, binary search, Hash Table, Hash Functions, etc.
  5. Graphs: Introduction, Sequential Representations of Graphs, Adjacency Matrices, Traversal, Connected Component, and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees.
  1. Introduction to Compiler, Phases and passes, Bootstrapping, Implementation of lexical analyzers, LEX: lexical analyzer generator, Input buffering, Recognition of tokens, Error handling.
  2. Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift reduce parsing, operator precedence parsing, top-down parsing, predictive parsers, LR parsers, an automatic parser generator
  3. Syntax directed definitions, L-attributed definitions, Syntax directed Translators, Intermediate code, etc.
  4. Symbol Tables, Run-Time Administration, simple stack allocation scheme, storage allocation in block-structured language, Code Optimization, and Code Generation
  5. Parsing control statements, syntax diagrams, Error Recovery, Interpreting control statements, parsing programs, procedures, and Functions.
  1. Computer System: Basic Computer Operation, Machine Instructions, Addressing Modes, DLX Architecture.
  2. Computer Configuration, Memory organization, Memory Architecture, and Interface, DMA, Synchronization, etc.
  3. Microprocessor As A CPU– types of Microprocessor, Microcomputers, Computer Languages, Flags, Program Counter (PC), Stack Pointer, OP Code Format, etc.
  4. Input-output System.
  1. General concept OOPS– Object, Classes, Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Methods and Messages, Dynamic Binding.
  2. Features, Advantages, and Applications of OOPS.
  3. Aggregation and Association, Generalization, Multiple Inheritance.
  1. Conventional Encryption, Data Encryption Standard(DES)
  2. Cryptanalysis(Block Cipher, P Box)
  3. The private key and Public-key Cryptography,
  4. Diffie and Hellman
  5. Rivest-Shamir-Adelman method(RSA), Intruders,
  6. IP security, Web security, Firewalls, Virus.
  1. Data mining
  2. Transaction(OLTP)
  3. Online Analytical Processing(OLAP)


NOTE: This is the complete syllabus of the Graduation Level. Don’t be panic by seeing this entire syllabus. Be confident and keep trust in the IBPS GUIDE TEAM.


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