Quantitative Aptitude Questions (Average) for SBI Clerk 2018 Day- 97

Dear Readers, SBI is conducting Online preliminary Examination for the recruitment of Clerical Cadre. preliminary Examination of SBI Clerk was scheduled from June 2018. To enrich your preparation here we have providing new series of Average – Quantitative Aptitude Questions. Candidates those who are appearing in SBI Clerk Prelims Exam can practice these Quantitative Aptitude average questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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1) The average of 9 persons age is 63. The average of 3 of them is 58, while the average of the other 3 is 60. What is the average of the remaining 3 numbers?

  1. 65
  2. 71
  3. 83
  4. 92
  5. None of these

2) A museum has an average of 820 viewers on Saturdays and 460 on other days. The average no. of viewers per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Saturday is.

  1. 520
  2. 450
  3. 640
  4. 760
  5. None of these

3) In Santhosh opinion, his weight is greater than 54kg but less than 63 kg. His brother does not agree with Santhosh and he thinks Santhosh’s weight is greater than 50kg but less than 60kg. His father’s view is that his weight cannot be greater than 57kg. If all of them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of different portable weights of Santhosh?

  1. 55kg
  2. 55.5kg
  3. 56kg
  4. 54.5kg
  5. None of these

4) The average age of 6 consecutive even numbers is 41. Find the largest of these numbers?

  1. 48
  2. 52
  3. 46
  4. 50
  5. None of these

5) If the average of 5 observations x, x+1, x+2, x+3 and x+4 is 24, then the average of last 2 observations is?

  1. 22
  2. 27.5
  3. 24
  4. 25.5
  5. None of these

6) 3 years ago the average age of Rajesh and Prasanth was 21 years. Then Gokul join with them, the average age becomes 27 years. How old is Gokul now?

  1. 33 years
  2. 25 years
  3. 48 years
  4. 54 years
  5. None of these

7) 8 candidates are to be divided into 2 groups P & Q of 5 & 3 candidates. The average percent mark obtained by the candidate of group P is 32 and the average percent marks of all the 8 candidate is 35. What is the average percentage of marks of candidate of group Q?

  1. 37
  2. 39
  3. 40
  4. 41
  5. None of these

8) In a certain camp, there are 30 girls whose average age is decreased by 6 months, when one girl aged 27 yrs is replaced by a new girl. Find the age of the new girl.

  1. 10 years
  2. 16 years
  3. 18 years
  4. 12 years
  5. None of these

9)  The average weight of males in an office is 63 kg and that of females is 52 kg. Find the average weight of all the person in an office.

  1. 55 kg
  2. 64 kg
  3. 58 kg
  4. Can’t be determined
  5. None of these

10) A batsman has completed 15 innings and his average is 22 runs. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to raise his average to 26?

  1. 42 runs
  2. 36 runs
  3. 86 runs
  4. 64 runs
  5. None of these


1) Answer: B

Sum of the remaining 3 numbers = [(9*63) – [(3*58)+(3*60)]]

=567 – (174+180)

=567 – 354


Required average = 213 / 3


2) Answer: A

Since the month begins with a Saturday,

So there will be 5 Saturday in the month.

Required average = ((820*5) + (460*25) / 30)

= (4100+11500)/30

=15600 / 30

= 520

The average no. of viewers per day in a month is 520

3) Answer: C

Let Santhosh’s weight be y kg

According to Santhosh 54<y<63

According to Santhosh brother 50<y<60

According to Santhosh father y<57

The value satisfying all the above conditions are 55, 56 and 57

Required average = 56 kg


4) Answer: C

Let the numbers be x, x+2, x+4, x+6, x+8 and x+10

Then, (x + x+2 + x+4 + x+6 + x+8 + x+10) / 6 = 41

6x + 30 = 246

6x = 246 – 30

6x = 216

X = 216 / 6

X= 36

Therefore largest number = x+10 = 36+10

Largest number = 46

5) Answer: D

We have (x+x+1+x+2+x+3+X+4) / 5 = 24

5x +10 = 24*5

5x +10 = 120

5x = 110

X = 110 / 5

X= 22

So the numbers are 22, 23, 24, 25 & 26

Required average = (25+26) /2



Therefore average of last 2 observations is 25.5

6) Answer: A

Present age of Rajesh & Prasanth = (21*2 + 3*2)


=48 yrs

Present age of Rajesh, Prasanth & Gokul = 27*3

=81 yrs

Gokul’s age = 81 – 48 = 33 yrs

7) Answer: C

Required average = [(35*8) – (32*5)]/ 3

= [280 – 160]/ 3

= 120/ 3

= 40

The average percent marks of candidates of group Q is 40.

8) Answer: D

Average age of new person= age of removed person – no of persons*decrease in age

Average age of new person =27 – 30*(6/12)

= 27 – 30(1/2)

= 27 – 15

= 12 years

Hence the age of the new girl is 12 years

9) Answer: D

The number of males or females is not mentioned in the question. The data is inadequate to answer the question. So it can’t be determined

10) Answer: C

Total runs of 15 innings = 22*15

=330 runs

Suppose he needs a score of x in 16th innings,

Then average in 16th innings = (330+x) /16

(330+x) /16 = 26

330+x = 16*26

330+x = 416

X = 416-330

X = 86

He needs a score of 86 runs in 16th innings

Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Quantitative Aptitude “20-20” 11.00 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
General Awareness “20-20” 1.00 PM
English Language “20-20” 2.00 PM
Reasoning Puzzles & Seating 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
Data Interpretation / Application Sums (Topic Wise) 6.00 PM
Reasoning Ability “20-20” 7.00 PM
English Language (New Pattern Questions) 8.00 PM

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