SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off: Check State Wise and Category Wise Cut Off Marks

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off State wise, Category wise data for prelims and mains: Here we have provided the complete details regarding the SBI Clerk Previous Year Cutoff. The State Bank of India has released the SBI Clerk 2023 notification on its official website to fill the candidates for the post of Junior Associate. The SBI Clerk 2023 selection process will be done based on two phases which include prelims, and mains. Candidates who have successfully cleared the preliminary exam will be called for the main exam. To crack the prelims and mains exam candidates need to meet the required SBI Clerk cutoff decided by the conducting body. There is no sectional cut off in the SBI Clerk prelims and mains exam. Candidates who are going to apply for the exam are in search of SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off State wise and Category wise. The SBI Clerk previous year cut off has been decided after analyzing the vacancies, applicants, and difficulty level of the exam in each shift. The aspirants have to score more than the Prelims cut-off mark to be qualified for the Mains exam. Candidates interested in the upcoming SBI Clerk (Junior Associates) vacancies must have a look at the previous year’s cutoff marks to have an idea about the difficulty level of the exam and how much they have to prepare to get selected for the vacancies. So here we have listed the SBI Clerk previous year cut off statewise in a detailed manner. Candidates can utilize this article to know the complete data related to the SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off state wise and category wise.


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SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off

We have added the SBI Clerk Previous Year Cutoff for prelims and mains here for reference of the candidates. By analyzing the SBI Clerk previous year cutoff prelims and mains data, candidates can understand the exam level and cut off trend to set their target correctly. Candidates can check the SBI Clerk Previous Year Cutoff prelims and mains given below.


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SBI Clerk Topic Wise Weightage



SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2022 State Wise & Category Wise – Mains Exam

The SBI Clerk mains exam was finished on 15th January 2023, and the candidates are eager to check the SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2022 State wise and Category wise. Here you can check the SBI Clerk Mains Previous Year Cut Off for your reference.


Previous Year SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off 2022 State wise and Category wise
States/UT General OBC ST SC EWS
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh 70
Assam 72
Chhattisgarh 77.25 75.75
Goa 70
Gujarat 74.5 67.25 50 62.75 70
Haryana 85.5
Himachal Pradesh 85.75
Jammu & Kashmir 77
Karnataka 70.75 67
Madhya Pradesh 78.25 72.25
Maharashtra 76 70.25 52.25 68.5 70
Manipur 70
Odisha 78.75
Puducherry 72
Punjab 84.25
Rajasthan 80.5 75
Tamil Nadu 78 75.5
Telangana 78.25 74
Uttar Pradesh 82.75 73.5 77
Uttarakhand 83 69.75 56 60.25 72
West Bengal 80.5 68


SBI Clerk Vacancy



SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2022 State wise, Category wise

The SBI Clerk Prelims exam was held on 12th, 19th, 20th & 25th of November 2022. The candidates who cleared the SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2022 State wise and category wise will be called for the mains exam. The SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2022 State wise and Category wise is tabulated here below for your reference.


SBI Clerk Prelims Cut Off 2022 State wise and Category wise

States/UT General  OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar 
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 69.25
Chhattisgarh 72.75
Gujarat 72.25
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu 77 71.75
Karnataka 64.50
Kerala 68
Madhya Pradesh 74.75 74.75 66.5 57.5 74.75
Maharashtra 65.5
Odisha 77
Punjab 80.75
Rajasthan 75
Tamil Nadu 62.25
Telangana 69
Uttar Pradesh 77.5
Uttarakhand 78.75 74.5
West Bengal 78.50


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SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off State wise & Category wise

Here we have included the SBI Clerk previous year cut off year by year for your reference. Analyzing the exam difficulty over the previous years would be extremely beneficial. Check the SBI Clerk previous year cut off for prelims by state and category before registering for the preliminary test. Check the SBI Clerk Mains Cut Off Trend in Prior Years Before Appearing for the Main Exam. Knowing the level of competition will benefit you.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off State Wise & Category wise

Here we have posted the state wise SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off. Since the test is administered in different shifts, normalization will be used to determine the SBI clerk cut off for each category in 2021.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 Category wise & State wise – Prelims Exam

Refer to the category- and state-specific SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 in the table below. The dates of July 10, 11, 12, 13, and August 29, 2021, and August 29, 2021, respectively, saw the prelims exam. The prelims cutoff has now been released.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 (Prelims) Category wise & State wise – Out of 100

States/UT General  OBC SC ST EWS
Andaman & Nicobar  66.25
Arunachal Pradesh 69.25 69.25 69.25 55.75 69.25
Assam 68.50 67.75 67.50 60 67.25
Chhattisgarh 76.5 76.50 64 62.75 73
Delhi 83
Gujarat 64.5 64.5 63.50 49 64.50
Haryana 79.75  76
Himachal Pradesh 80.25
Jharkhand 69.25
Karnataka 64.25
Kerala 69
Madhya Pradesh 81.75
Maharashtra 66.25 66.25 56 66.25
Odisha 82
Punjab 75.5
Rajasthan 77.75
Sikkim 72.50
Tamil Nadu 61.75
Telangana 73.75
Uttar Pradesh 81.25 78 70 55.25 81.25
Uttarakhand 81.75 73 66.75 66.75 75.25
West Bengal 79.75 76 64.75 79.75 79.75

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 State wise & Category wise – Mains

The SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 by State & Category Wise for Mains exam can be seen in the table below. Both October 1 and October 17, 2021, saw the primary test. The cutoff for the main stage has officially been released. The deadline for the remaining states will shortly be updated.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2021 Mains Exam State wise & Category wise (Out of 200)

State/UT General OBC
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 86.25
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Assam 88 77.25
Bihar 85.5
Chhattisgarh 94.75
Delhi 99
Gujarat 87 78.25
Haryana 97 87
Himachal Pradesh 99.5 85.75
Jammu & Kashmir
Karnataka 86 80.25
Kerala 95 88.75
Madhya Pradesh 97.75
Maharashtra 88.25 81
Odisha 95.5
Punjab 94.5 77.75
Rajasthan 94.25
Tamil Nadu 90.50 87.5
Telangana 94 87.25
Uttar Pradesh 95.75
Uttarakhand 96.25
West Bengal 95.25

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off State wise 2020

For the year 2020, we have added the SBI clerk previous year cut off for prelims & mains stages category wise & state wise.


SBI Clerk Topic Wise Weightage


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off State wise 2020 – Prelims

Check the SBI clerk previous year prelims cut off 2020 state wise for the general category candidates.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off State wise 2020 for Prelims

State (General Category)
Uttar Pradesh 71
Punjab 77.50
Tami Nadu 62
Rajasthan 68.75
Delhi 76.25
Chandigarh 76
West Bengal 67.50
Odisha 68.75
Karnataka 58.75
Himachal Pradesh 66
Kerala 69.75
Haryana 72.75
Telangana 66
Maharashtra 59.50
Bihar 68.75
Chhattisgarh 68.75
Uttarakhand 69.75
Gujarat 56.75
Madhya Pradesh 68.75
Jharkhand 68.25
Andhra Pradesh 68
Assam 63

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2020 – Mains

SBI has released the Mains result for the post of  SBI Clerk (Junior Associate) 2020 along with its cut off. The SBI Clerk Mains 2020 result has released on December 24, 2020. The state-wise & category-wise cut-off for SBI Clerk 2020 Mains exam is mentioned below.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2020 – Mains

State/UT Name Gen OBC EWS SC ST
West Bengal 86.75 69.25 70.75 65.5 60
Gujarat 82.75 73 74.5 66 60
Maharashtra 84 77.5 76.5 75.5 60
Telangana 86.75 81.75 81.5 69.25 60.75
Uttar Pradesh 90.25 78 82.25 64.25 60
Himachal Pradesh 87.25 72 – – –
Andhra Pradesh 88.75 83.75 – – –
Uttarakhand 91 – – – –
Rajasthan 90.25 82.75 80.75 66.5 60
Tamil Nadu 92.75 89.75 72.25 74.75 60.75
Karnataka 80.5 75.25 74.25 64.25 60
Madhya Pradesh 89.25 – 81.5 – –
Delhi 98.75 83 87.5 73.5 62.25
Chandigarh 96.75 81.75 94.75 77.25 –
Punjab 96.25 78.75 88 69.25 –

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2019 – Prelims

Check the SBI Clerk previous year cut-off state wise and category wise for prelims and mains 2019 exam.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2019 – Prelims

Assam 57 29.75 55 56.50
Andaman & Nicobar 65.25
Andhra Pradesh 74.75 74.75 73.75 61.25 74 81.25
Arunachal Pradesh 56
Bihar 76.25
Chandigarh 77.25
Chhattisgarh 57.50 35.50 57.50 53.25 46 44 49.50 13
Daman & Diu 1
Delhi 71.25 51 62.50 44.25 54.50
Gujarat 65.50
Haryana 75.25
Himachal Pradesh 71.75 50 62 58.75 58.75
Jammu & Kashmir 81.50
Jharkhand 75
Karnataka 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 48.50 50.25 50.50
Kerala 78 78
Madhya Pradesh 73.50 61.50 73.50 63.25 50.50 58.50 66.50 16 28
Maharashtra 62.25 54.75 62.25 62.25 45.50
Meghalaya 66.75 66.75 66.75 46 66.75
Nagaland 52.75
Odisha 73.50 73.25 73.50 58.50 45.75 60 67 0 34
Punjab 76.25 66 59.50 76.25 49.50 44.50 29.25
Rajasthan 71 65.75 71 54 48 52.50 56.50 34.50
Tamil Nadu 61.25
Telangana 68.50
Uttar Pradesh 72.25 72.25 70.75 58.75 42 59.75 64 31.25 41.75
Uttarakhand 75.25 63.25  60.50 51.25 53.25 50 49.25 35.75
West Bengal 73.25

State-wise Overall SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2019 – Mains

The State-Wise SBI clerk previous year cut off for the mains exam 2019 was released. Check the mains SBI Clerk cut off below:


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2019 – Mains
States Gen Gen (Waiting List) EWS EWS (Waiting List) OBC OBC (Waiting List) SC SC (Waiting List) ST ST (Waiting List)
Andhra Pradesh 98.75 94.25 91.75 91.50 91.75 90.75 78 75.75 65.25 62.50
Chhattisgarh 87.75 73.50 81 70.50 60
Delhi 99.75 85.75 84.25 75 64.25
Gujarat 91.25 81 80.25 77.25 60.25
Haryana 103.25 93.50 84.25 68.75
Himachal Pradesh 100 84.50 78.50 70.75 74.50
Jharkhand 97.50 90.25 87.50 67 61.50
Karnataka 87.75 82.25 79 78.50 80 79 69.50 68.25 62 60.75
Madhya Pradesh 94.75 91.75 84.25 83.75 84.25 83.25 72 70 62.75 61.25
Maharashtra 89.75 85.75 77.75 76 82.50 81.50 80 78.25 61.50 60
Odisha 94.75 87 89.75 69.25 60
Punjab 102.75 77 83.25 71.50
Rajasthan 97 93.50 85 83.75 88.50 86.50 69 67 63.25 61
Tamil Nadu 98 80.50 94.50 79.50 61.50
Telangana 94.25 89.75 87.75 86.50 88.25 87.25 76.50 75 69.25 67
Uttar Pradesh 97.50 93.75 88.75 86.75 83.75 82.25 69.25 67.75 69.75
Goa 76.75 71 75.25 65.25 64.25

State-wise SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2018 – Prelims

Check the state-Wise SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off for prelims 2018 from the below table:


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2018 Prelims
Assam 51.25 50.25 46.25 46.75 17.75 5 0 0 0
Andhra Pradesh 71 71 64.75 57 67.25 66.5 31 45 1.5
Bihar 66.5 66.5 52.25 53.25 57 54.5 37 44 0
Chhattisgarh 67.25 67.25 52.25 45.5 53.75 37.75 5.25 37.5 3
Delhi 71.75 66.25 64.75 55.25 56.75 59.25 20 45.75 0
Gujarat 57.5 57.5 57.5 39.75 41.25 38.25 0 19.5 0
Haryana 70.5 67 55.75 70.5 52.25 43.75 16.75 49 0
Himachal Pradesh 68.75  58.5 55.25 56.5 48 4 4.5 34.5 2.25
Jharkhand 57.75 57.75 38.75 38.5  – 30.75  3
Karnataka 63.75 58 52.25 51.75 51.5 53.25 36.75 34.25 3.5
Kerala 69 66.25 51 46 53.25 52 12.25 46 0
Madhya Pradesh 66.25
Maharashtra 57 57 57 42.25 49.5 61.75 18.5 23 0
Meghalaya 50.75 50.75 50.75 46 0 47 6.75 9.5
Odisha 62.75 62.75 48.5 37.25 49 49.75 20 36.5 2.5
Punjab 71.5 65 58 71.5 54 45.75 0 42.5 3.25
Rajasthan 69
Tamil Nadu 60 60 59 53 51.25 58.75 18.5 32.25 0
Telangana 68 68 59.25 59.5 66 75 29.25 44 1
Uttar Pradesh 69.25 65.5 54.5 46.75 56.5 58.75 34.5 46.5  0
Uttarakhand 71  66.25 61 59.5 58.25 5 49.5 9.25
West Bengal 71.5 65 58 71.5 54 45.75  0  42.5  3.25

SBI Clerk
Previous Year Cut off 2018 – Mains

The State-wise SBI Clerk cut off for 2018 mains exam was released on the official website of the State Bank of India. Check the SBI Clerk Cut-Off for the mains exam of 2018 from the below table:


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2018 Mains
Uttar Pradesh 96.00 82.50 67.25 60.40
Haryana 99.00 87 44.25 44.25
Madhya Pradesh 92.60 82.8 63.8 60
Punjab 100.66 82.95
Rajasthan 96.75 86.45
Chhattisgarh 91.50
Maharashtra 85.65 78.6 77.55 60.3
Tamil Nadu 93.75 90.5 71.75 63.1
Karnataka 83.90 72.4 60.6 61.35
Himachal Pradesh 98.25
Delhi 104.80
Andhra Pradesh 93.75 86.45 73.45 64.6
Telangana 92.65 86.55 68.2 67.1

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off 2016 

Official SBI Clerk cut off for the prelims and mains exam can be seen separately below. Candidates can refer to these previous year cut offs to understand the increasing level of the competition in the SBI Clerk exam.


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2016
Subjects Total Marks General OBC/ST/SC/OH/VI/HI/DXS
Reasoning Ability 35 7.75 3.25
Numerical Ability 35 5.5 2
English Language 30 6.75 3.25

State-wise Cut Off for 2016 – Prelims

Category-wise cut off for the SBI Clerk exam 2016 of prelims can be seen from the below table


Candidate’s Category & Total Marks obtained in SBI Clerk 2016 exam out of 100
Madhya Pradesh 54.75 54.75 36.5 9 36 12.75 14.25 11.75 19
Rajasthan 64.5 64.5 53.5 25.5 41.25 15.75 20.5 10.5 14.25
Uttar Pradesh 59 56.25 42.75 31.5 47.25 10.75 11.75 9.5 11.75
Himachal Pradesh 57.5 57 42.75 48.25 22.75 17.25 22.25 9.25 36.25
West Bengal 51.25 35.25 32 20.75 11 14.25 11.25 11.5 18.5
Maharashtra 51.5 51.5 51.5 24.5 39.5 55.75 14 11.25 23.75
Delhi /Haryana 66.25 50.75 56 10
Bihar 51.5 51.5 33.5 57.25 37 14.25 12 10.75 25.5
Punjab 67.5 56.5 45 45
Chhattisgarh 22.5 22.5 9.5 9.25 13 15 2.5 1.25 28.5
Gujarat 42 42 42 28
Uttarakhand 59.25 48.25 37.5 45.25 36.25 25.25 13.5 10.75 33.75
Tamil Nadu 21.25 21.25 21.25 21 11.75 15 9.5 9.75 15.25
NAGALAND 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.75 N/A 24.5 25 26.5 19.5
Andhra Pradesh 39.25 39.25 39.25 10 45.25 34 12.25 9 27.5
Jharkhand 38.5 38.5 31.5 29.25 11.25 11.75 10.5 11.25 31.75

SBI Clerk Sectional Cut Off for Mains 2016

The Sectional cut off for all the four sections for the mains exam of 2016 is given below


SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut off 2016 Mains
General / Financial Awareness 50 13.5 9.5 3.25
General English 40 14.25 10.25 4.5
Quantitative Aptitude 50 14.5 11.25 6.5
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 60 24 19 11.25

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State-wise Cut Off for 2016 – Mains

Check the mains cut off for the 2016 exam which was released on the official website of SBI.


States State-wise Cut off (Out of 200)
Madhya Pradesh 100.75 76.25 122.75 130.25 60.00 100.75 96.50 63.00 –
Uttar Pradesh 103.00 81.50 120.50 132.25 86.25 107.50 111.25 69.00 61.25
West Bengal 105.50 86.75 110.75 131.00 86.75 87.75 65.75 73.75 65.75
Bihar 98.25 80.50 123.00 130.25 76.50 103.75 101.00 60.50 62.50
Uttarakhand 102.25 105.50 116.75 133.50 69.75 106.00 107.25 66.50 86.00
Haryana 106.25 119.50 137.00
Gujarat 112.00 122.50
Telangana 123.25
Punjab 138.50
Maharashtra 123.50
Andhra Pradesh 128.50
Jharkhand 127.00
Himachal Pradesh 133.50
Nagaland 115.75
Karnataka 117.00
Kerala 135.75
Rajasthan 136.00
Tamil Nadu 132.00
Assam 124.50
Chandigarh 121.75

SBI Clerk Previous Year Cut Off – FAQs


Q: How is the cut off marks for the SBI Clerk exam calculated?

A. The number of openings, the number of applicants, and the difficulty level of the test are some of the variables that affect the SBI Clerk cut off.


Q: What is the General Category cut off for the prelims exam 2020?

A: For the preliminary test, different states have different General Category cutoffs. The table on this page contains the cutoff information for candidates.


Q: Is the SBI clerk marks normalized?

A: Yes, SBI uses a normalisation method to balance out the difficulties of various adjustments.


Q: Is the cut off of SBI Clerk different for different states?

A: Yes, various states have distinct eligibility requirements for SBI Clerk. Candidates should review the minimum requirements for the states they have applied for.


Q: How do I check whether I have cleared the cut-off marks?

A: On the SBI website, candidates may view their results. Whether a candidate has qualified for the main test or not will be shown in the result.

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