AFCAT Admit Card 2021: AFCAT Admit Card 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to download the AFCAT 1 Call Letter 2021 PDF. Candidates who have applied and eagerly waiting for the admit card shall refer to the airforce official site and download the call letter pdf.
Air Force has released the notification for the engagement of Gazetted Officers in Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical). Usually, the exam is held twice a year in February and August/September, respectively to select the eligible candidates for the above-said post. A huge number of aspirants who are having a passion for getting into the defence sector have eagerly applied for this AFCAT notification. The AFCAT selection process is based on the Written Exam, Physical Tests, Interview & Medical Examination. The Indian Airforce selection board has scheduled the written examination for February 20, 2021, and February 21, 2021.
AFCAT 1/2021 Exam will be held in two shifts, from 9:45 pm to 11:45 pm and from 2:15 pm to 04:15 pm. As per the exam rules, candidates should report at the centre at 8 am and 12:30 pm respectively.
Download the AFCAT Admit Card 2021
AFCAT 01 Call Letter 2021 Details:
- Registration Number
- Roll Number
- Name & Date of Birth
- Photograph & Signature
- Date, Venue & Session
- General Instructions
AFCAT Exam Pattern:
- The AFCAT Online Exam consists of General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test
- The duration of the test is 02 hours
- The question paper comprises a total of 100 questions
- The maximum marks allotted to the test are 300
- The EKT exam will be conducted for 45 minutes. The test will carry questions from Electrical & Electronics, Computer Science & Mechanical.
- There will be a total of 50 questions
- The maximum marks allotted to the exam are 150
- All questions asked in the exam will be objective type having multiple options
- Questions will be in English only
AFCAT Exam Day Guidelines 2021
Items to permitted inside the exam centre
The following items are permitted inside the exam centre.
- Admit Card
- Candidate’s Aadhaar Card
- Ballpoint Pen (Blue or Black)
- Two passport-size colour photographs
- PAN card/ passport/ driving licence/ voter identity card/ college identity card
Items not permitted inside the exam centre
Candidates are not allowed to carry the following items:
- Textual material
- Calculators
- Slide rulers, log tables, electronic watches
- Mobile phones
- Blue tooth, pager
How to Download AFCAT Admit Card 2021:
- Visit the official site of IAF AFCAT.
- Click on the admit card link available on the home page.
- You will be redirected to the respective login page.
- Enter the login details and click on submit.
- Your admit card would be displayed on the screen.
- Check the admit card and download it.
- Take a printout for your future reference.