IBPS PO Mains Exam 2021 | All the Best & Few Tips for your Exams

Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO Mains: The IBPS PO mains 2021 exam is scheduled for 04th Feb 2021. Everyone has the dream to become a banker but only the aspirants with strong determination can achieve their dream. We hope with the strongest determination the candidates are ready to take up their dare to crack the IBPS RRB Examinations. Respond less to the negative thoughts and negative people. Once you are at peace of mind with positive thoughts achieving your dream will never seem hard. We IBPS Guide is happy to wish you all very Good Luck for the IBPS PO Examination.

The IBPS PO mains exam will have 4 sections and a descriptive test. The last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains 2021 are covered for all the sections. So it will be useful for you to do well in all the sections. The IBPS PO mains exam pattern is given here for your reference.


 S. No.  

Name of Tests


No. of Questions Maximum Marks Time allotted for each test
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 60 minutes
2. General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness 40 40 35 minutes
3. English Language 35 40 40 minutes
4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 45 minutes
Total 155 200 3 hours
5. English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) 2 25 30 minutes



Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO Mains 2021 – English Language:

For the English language section, follow the tips given here, which is more than enough.

  • Revise all the basics of grammar such as verb, tenses, parts of speech, etc.
  • Learn new words daily and know the synonyms and antonyms. so that your vocabulary will develop. Hence you can attend the exam with confidence.
  • In exam don’t do guess works. Mark the answer only if you are sure. Or else you will lose your marks due to penalty.
  • Attend the reading comprehension topic at last. Before that finish all the questions for which you know the accurate answer.

These are some general last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains 2021 English language section. Reading newspapers is the best way to score in this section.

Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO Mains 2021 – Data Interpretation & Analysis:

This is the section with more difficult questions. The questions will consume more time and will be more calculative. You should practice more to ace this section. Some general tips for this section are,

  • First, read the question fully and understand it clearly before solving it. Don’t miss any data from the question.
  • Attend the questions using the short cut methods to save more time.
  • Time management is very important for this section. Attend the simple questions at first.
  • In application, sums try to solve in a minimum possible time period. These sums will have a specific formula. Use the apt formula for each sum.
  • In the data interpretation topic, there will be a set of 5 questions. From that solve the 2 or 3 questions that look very simple and less calculative.

If you follow these last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains 2021 DI & analysis section, you can attend more questions.

Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO Mains 2021 – Reasoning & Computer Aptitude:

This may be a favorite section for candidates in the prelims exam. But in the mains exam, this section will test your patience. every seating arrangement will be in a complex manner. If you have practiced more IBPS PO mains mock test you can do well in this section. Other than the seating arrangement, all the questions will also be in high standards. Some general tips to tackle this section are,

  • Solve the miscellaneous questions at first. Syllogism, inequality, and blood relation section may have some moderate questions. Try to solve them with 100% accuracy.
  • Choose the puzzles wisely. If you select a puzzle at a moderate level you can solve it and fetch around 5 marks quickly.
  • While solving puzzles list out all the data from the question and solve them. If you miss any data then you will be in trouble.
  • There will be some 2 mark questions. If you are capable, target those questions.

Following these last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains 2021 reasoning section, you can attend maximum questions. If you attend more questions in this difficult section, then your probability of success will be high.

Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO mains 2021 – General Awareness:

This section is a big game-changer in IBPS PO mains exams. For this section, there is no different and unique strategy and all. You have to attend to more questions with very good accuracy. This should be your ultimate aim. For that, you have to work hard with the study materials, power capsules, and online quizzes. This is the section in which you can boost your overall score. Read newspapers in a regular manner. It will make you strong in current affairs. Also, give more importance to the banking awareness and the latest banking technologies. Study the static GK topics in the exam point of view. These are some useful last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains 2021 general awareness section.

IBPS PO Mains General Awareness Power capsule PDF

Last-Minute Tips For IBPS PO mains 2021 – Descriptive Test:

In this test, you have to type a letter-writing and an essay. Prepare more exam point of view essay and letter writing topics. Improve your typing skills before the exam. Because you have to type the contents quickly within thirty minutes. So concentrate on your typing speed.

General Tips For IBPS PO Mains Exam 2021:

As the exam is nearing candidates will be in the nervous mode. For them, some useful tips are given here.

  • Revision is an important part of your preparation. Without revision, you can not perform well in the exam. So give ample time for revising all the subjects.
  • Practice full-length mock tests as much as you can. After that analyze all your mistakes in the mock test.
  • Don’t study for a full night by ignoring your sleep. It will affect your health and further preparation. Take enough rest and prepare for the exam.
  • In the overall exam don’t attend questions in a fluke manner.
  • While solving puzzles and seating arrangements, keep your mind clear and cool. Don’t lose your cool at any situation.
  • If you feel that you are taking more time for a question, immediately skip it. Don’t waste more time for a single question.

Download IBPS PO Mains Admit card

So candidates follow all these last-minute tips for IBPS PO mains exam 2021. It will be useful for scoring good marks in all the sections.


Good Luck Guys 👍

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