APPSC ASO Result 2020: Mains Exam Result & Merit List 2020 Released

APPSC ASO Result 2020: APPSC ASO Mains Result 2020 Released!!! Direct link available here to check APPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Result & Merit List 2020 PDF. Candidates who have applied and appeared for the recruitment drive conducted on 01-08-2019 shallcheckyour respective results.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has recently announced the notification for the engagement of Assistant Statistical Officer(ASO) Post.Consequently,every year they had announced and recruited a lot of candidates for various posts. Similarly, this year too they had announced a lot of vacancies. Forthat a lot of candidates have applied and appeared forthe selection process. The selection process is based on the Prelims, Mains & Document Verification. As of nowthe commission has releasedthe APPSC ASO Mains Merit List 2020 PDF in the official site. So candidates who have applied and appeared for the mainsexam which was conducted on 01-08-2019 shall check your respective results. Here we have given the direct link to check your respective merit list.

The candidates with the following Registered Numbers have been provisionally admitted for the Certificate verification on Merit basis in the Ratio of 1:2 as per the terms conditions of Notification. The verification of certificates will be held from 24/06/2020 to 26/06/2020.

O/o A.P.P.S.C., New HODs Building,
2nd Floor, M.G. Road,
Opp. Indira Gandhi Municipal stadium,
Andhra Pradesh 520010.

Click here to check APPSC ASO Mains Result 2020

How to check APPSC Assistant Statistical Officer Mains Merit List 2020?

Candidates kindly visit the official site

You will get into the officialsite.

In the homepage, there will be a link regarding the results.

Click on that you will get into the respective page.

In that find the exact link regarding the ASO mains result.

Click on that you will get the official result pdf.

Kindly check your results.

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