Assam Police SI Final Result 2021: Assam Police SI Final Result 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the Assam Police SI Final Merit List 2021 PDF. Candidates who have attended the Physical Test conducted on 01st February 2021 shall check the final result pdf on its official site.
State Level Police Recruitment Board has announced the notification for the engagement of Sub-Inspector post. A total of 597 vacancies were announced throughout the state. The recruitment board has conducted the selection process to select the eligible candidates. The selection process is based on the Written Exam, Physical Endurance Test/Physical Standard Test (PST). As per the schedule, the recruitment drive has been conducted successfully. Candidates who have cleared the physical test rounds are eagerly waiting for the result. For that now the officials have released the Assam Police SI Final Merit List 2021 on its official site. So candidates shall refer to the official site and check the respective result.
Assam Police SI Final Result | Male | Female |
How to check SLPRB Police SI Final Result 2021?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site of slprb.
- You will be getting into the official site.
- On the home page, there is a link regarding the Final selection list in order of merit (category wise) in connection with the recruitment of 597 posts of SI(UB) in Assam Police pursuant to advt. dated 11-04-2018 and addendum dated 20-10-2018 & 06-11-2019.
- Under that, the final result for Male & Female has been given separately.
- Check your result by roll number and name.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.