Dear Aspirants, you all know the direction is a part of the Reasoning section. For most of the competitive exams, candidates must come across direction sense questions. Direction & Distance is important and familiar topic in the Reasoning Section. Direction questions involve two basic things that you should know. Candidates should be crystal clear in sensing the directions as the name indicates. The basic directions that one should know are North, South, East, West, North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West. Mostly the competitive exams deal with the mentioned directions. Forming the perfect diagram based on the instructions given is very important. The key point is if starting direction is not given, then we will always assume that the person is facing north. Practice these questions regularly so that they can be solved with good speed and accuracy in the examination. Candidates can learn all the basic concepts in the direction sense in the tricks and tips pdf provided below in this article.
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The common questions asked are What is the direction of one point with respect to another or What is the distance between two points. Solving direction sense questions involves finding the shortest distance between two points. It is one of the most asked questions. To answer this question, you have to apply a formula of the Pythagoras theorem. It states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides in a right-angle triangle. The directions will be given as turn left or right otherwise the same may be mentioned as turn in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction. So candidates must be aware of all these specifications to solve direction sense questions. Practice mock tests for all the exams by clicking the link provided below. The standard and quality mocks are provided by Guidely.
Guidely Online Mock Test Series
For the prelims examination, the above-mentioned questions will be asked and the difficulty level will be easy-moderate. For the main examination, candidates can expect questions from coded directions. Candidates should find the directions based on the codes given. Here we have added the new pattern direction reasoning questions and answers pdf for both prelims and mains examination. Candidates can utilize these direction reasoning questions and answers pdf for effective preparation in this topic. Along with practice questions, we have provided tips, tricks & Shortcuts for solving direction sense questions. Try Reasoning Questions Quiz – Practice Mock Test provided with standard questions.
Aspirants can expect 0-3 direction sense questions in the prelims examination. For the mains examination, 0-5 questions might be asked. Directions questions and answers pdf are provided here with detailed explanations. Candidates should definitely solve these questions to improve their speed and accuracy in solving directions questions and answers provided. Guidely provides you with exam-oriented study materials for practice. Make use of these pdfs provided below with practice questions and ace the direction topic. Get standard study materials for all the sections by clicking the link provided below.