BIG Suprise to Get a Chance to Talk With Your Favorite Guidely Faculty

Big Surprise!!!

Dear Aspirants, a lot of competitive exams have been going on as per the schedule. Among that one of the most important banking notifications is IBPS PO 2020. A huge number of candidates have applied and appeared for the recruitment process. This has been conducted throughout various examination centers throughout India. The IBPS PO Prelims exam has been scheduled for 03, 10, 11th October 2020. Today on 03rd October the 1st-day exam getting over. So 1/3rd of the applied candidates have appeared and finished the examination round. Consequently, for the purpose of examiners, we have updated the shift wise analysis instantly. It has explained the detailed analysis of each and every section and also the questions asked in the shifts. This must be very very useful for the candidates who are going to attend the upcoming shifts.

Along with that this time, a big surprise has been introduced to you. This is about to Share Your IBPS PO Pre Exam 2020 Details with us and gets a chance to Talk Live with your Favorite Guidely Faculty. There will be a separate faculty for each section. So you will have a beautiful conversation with your most favorite faculty and share your exam experience. So don’t miss this wonderful chance. Start to fill the details such as examination center, shift, etc in the online form given here under the youtube description.

Hurry!!! Hurry!!!

This post was last modified on June 15, 2021 2:36 pm