BOI Officer Exam pattern 2020: Bank of India Recruitment has released with 214 vacancies for officers in various fields. The online application will start from 16th September 2020 and will continue till 30th September 2020. Let’s have a quick look at the BOI Officer Exam pattern and the important dates to remember.
Page Contents
BOI Recruitment Exam – IMPORTANT DATES
Event | Date |
Commencement of submission of online application: | 16 September 2020 |
Last date for submission of online application | 30 September 2020 |
Tentative Date of On-line Examination | To be notified |
BOI Officer Result Date | To be notified |
BOI Officer Exam Pattern – The Selection Procedure
Selection will be through an online test and/or GD and/or personal interview, depending on the number of eligible applicants. Bank reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its authorised website.
I. BOI Officer exam pattern for Online Examination –
Sr. No | Name of the Tests | Maximum marks |
1) | English Language | 50 |
2) | Professional Knowledge | 75 |
3) | General Awareness with special reference to
Banking industry |
50 |
A composite time of 150 mins will be given to complete the exam.
The above tests of Professional Knowledge, General Awareness with special reference to Banking industry will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi. Also, the test of English Language will be of qualifying nature which means that marks obtained in the English Language will not be added while preparing the final merit list.
Penalty for Wrong Answers :
In an online examination, candidates will be penalised for every wrong answer given by them. ¼th or 0.25 of the marks assigned to the question will be deducted in the case of wrong attempts. There will be no penalty in the case of unattended questions.
II. BOI Officer Exam Pattern – INTERVIEW :
The second stage of the BOI Officer Exam Pattern is the Interview round.
Merit list of the candidates shall be prepared based on the marks obtained by them in the online examination. Candidates securing the minimum qualifying marks stipulated for Online Tests and ranking sufficiently high in the order of merit shall be called for Personal interview and/or GD.
The Bank may conduct the selection process only on the basis of Interview/GD without holding an online test as per the suitability. In that case, an adequate number of candidates as decided by the Bank will be shortlisted for the interview based on their qualification, past experience, and overall suitability for the post. The total marks allotted for Interview are 100.
Minimum qualifying marks | Out of 100 |
For the General/EWS category candidates | 40% |
For SC/ST/OBC/PWD | 35% |
- The candidates called for the interview will be at the ratio of 3:1 to the number of vacancies. However, the Bank may increase the said ratio at per its discretion.
BOI Officer Exam Pattern – Selection:
If both Online Examination and Interview is conducted
Selection will be through online test and/or personal interview/GD as per suitability. In case an online test is conducted, the weightage (ratio) of Online Examination and interview will be 80:20. The combined final scores of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of total scores obtained by the candidates in Online Examination (excluding English) and the Interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of this merit list up to the number of vacancies.
If Online Examination is not conducted :
As per the BOI Offier Exam pattern, if the online examination is not conducted, the final selection will be made through a personal interview. In such case, merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in Personal Interview. The final selection will be made on the basis of this merit list depending upon the number of vacancies.
If both Group Discussion and Interview is conducted :
Group Discussion will comprise of Maximum 30 Marks. Minimum qualifying marks will be 40% for General and 35% for SC/ST/OBC category (out of 30 marks). Candidates qualifying the group discussion shall be called for Personal Interview. Group Discussion will be of qualifying nature only i.e. Marks obtained in Group Discussions will not be added while preparing the final merit list.
BOI Officer Exam Syllabus – full list of topics
For detailed information, you can refer to the official notification – click here
To read about the steps to fill the BOI online application
Bank of India Recruitment 2020: FAQs
Q. When was the BOI Recruitment Notification for Officers Released?
Ans. The BOI Officers Recruitment Notification 2020 was released on 1st September 2020. The online application will start from 16 September and will end on 30 September 2020.
Q. What are the number of vacancies for the BOI Recruitment Notification 2020?
Ans. BOI Recruitment Notification 2020 is for 214 Officers for various scale projects.
Q. Will there be an online test for BOI Officer Recruitment?
Ans. It depends on the suitability and also on the number of candidates applying for the post. BOI may or may not take the online exam.
Q. AS per BOI Officer Exam pattern, how many stages are their in the selection process?
A. There would be 2 stages of selection – Online Examination & Interview round.