BSSC Stenographer Skill Test Result 2021: BSSC Stenographer Skill Test Result 2021 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the skill test merit list, cut off & other details. Candidates who have attended the skill test round shall check here the respective result for the post of Stenographer.
Bihar Govt Jobs Latest Updates
Bihar Staff Selection Commission has conducted the recruitment drive for the post of Stenographer. A total of 326 vacancies were announced through advertisement no. 20010116. The recruitment drive has been conducted at the state level to select the eligible candidates. The selection process is based on the written exam & skill test round. Candidates who have qualified the written exam have attended the steno test. Steno test is mandatory for the candidates then only they will be provisionally allotted. A total of 183 candidates have been selected for recruitment to the post of Stenographer. The remaining 843 candidates have been disqualified. The list of the selected candidates has been uploaded on the official website. Candidates shall refer to the official site and check the respective result.
Qualified candidates are advised to appear for the counseling session on the scheduled date.
Check BSSC Stenographer Skill Test Result 2021
How to check BSSC Steno Skill Test Result 2021?
- Candidates have to visit the official site of BSSC.
- On the home page, find the exact link regarding the skill test result for the post of stenographer advertisement no. 20010116.
- Click on that the result will get appear on your screen.
- Check the result pdf.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.