Double Fillers Questions For Bank Clerk Prelims Exam

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of English Questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.


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Directions (1-5): Each question below has two blanks, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the most suitable option indicating the words that can be used to fill up the blanks in the sentences to make them meaningfully complete.

1) Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal said that peace and harmony have been the ________________ of the present BJP led State government as the government has plunged itself in transforming Assam into one of the five top performing States of the country using the _______________ coexistence of all sections of the people of the state.

a) Tragedy, combining

b) Stimulation, ambitious

c) Hallmark, harmonious

d) Trajectory, power

e) None of the above

2) While a full strength Indian men’s team is taking part in Manila, the second string women’s team ________________ of stars like PV Sindhu and Saina Nehwal was withdrawn by the Badminton Association of India due to _______________ related to the corona virus outbreak.

a) Devoid, fears

b) Without, virus

c) Presence, demand

d) Confidence, Increase.

e) None of the above

3) Mamata Banerjee starts dharna at the probe agency’s office for six hours as her party supporters’_______________ the premises and _________________ in violent protests in several parts of the state.

a) Extended, involved

b) Surrounding, acting

c) Encompassing, ended up

d) Besieged, indulged

e) None of the above

4) The Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has directed to start oxygen production plants in our state as a permanent solution to ________________ the oxygen shortage which is _______________ for the patients suffering from corona infection in Tamil Nadu.

a) Increase, necessity

b) Alleviate, essential

c) Reduce, ambitious

d) Mitigate, wise

e) None of the above

5) Chow Hang Tung, vice-chairwoman of the group responsible for organising a __________candle lit vigil in Hong Kong last year to ____________________ the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, was arrested on Friday.

a) Permissible, abandon

b) famous, Consider

c) Notorious, Mercy

d) Banned, commemorate

e) None of the above

Directions (6-10): Each question below has two blanks, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the most suitable option indicating the words that can be used to fill up the blank in the sentence to make it meaningfully complete.

6) The Covid-19 pandemic has _________________ the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual ranking of most liveable cities, __________________ Auckland to first place, replacing Vienna, which crashed out of the top 10 as the island nations of New Zealand, Australia and Japan fared best

a) Published, Pushing

b) Shaken up, Propelling.

c) Encouraged, Facing

d) Trusted, Succeeding

e) None of the above

7) Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken up the challenge of ______________ single-use plastic in this country because we have blindly _______________ the developed nations, which are responsible for the mounting waste of various kinds, based on the growing demand for material goods and products.

a) Avoiding, banned

b) Promoting, promoted

c) Reducing, emulated

d) Escalating, trusted

e) None of the above

8) To _______________villages to give up vaccine _______________ , Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Tuesday announced a special development grant of Rs.10 lakh to every village that achieves 100% vaccination target under the state government’s “Corona Mukt Pind Abhiyan’.

a) Offer, decrease

b) Discourage, delay

c) Promote, speed up

d) Incentivise, hesitancy

e)None of the above

9) Adding to the growing _______________ for lowering of Trai recommended rates, industry body COAI on Tuesday said its member companies have indicated _______________ in picking up 5G spectrum in the upcoming government-organised sale of radio waves, concerned over high prices and less-than-adequate quantum

a) Chorus, reluctance

b) Disagreement, connection

c) Participation, pleasure

d) voice, Joy

e) None of the above

10) In yet another success in its _____________________ against smuggling activities, Serchhip Battalion of 23 Sector Assam Rifles, under the ___________________ of Headquarters Inspector General Assam Rifles (East), recovered 100 bags of Areca Nuts in Tyao River near Sesih IMB area in Mizoram on Thursday.

a) Adventure, leader

b) Journey, Relationship

c) Crusade, aegis

d) Venture, Establishment

e) None of the above


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Answers :

1) Answer: C

Hallmark (distinguishing characteristic) and harmonious (peaceful) is the correct pair of words

2) Answer: A

Devoid (absence of), fears is the correct pair of words

3) Answer: D

Besieged (surround), indulged (involved) is the correct pair of words, the conjunction ‘and’ takes similar parts of speech on both sides, all other options are incorrect.

4) Answer: B

Alleviate (reduce), essential is the correct pair of words.

5) Answer: D

Banned (restricted), commemorate (to honor the memory of someone) is the correct pair of words

6) Answer: B

shaken up(feeling shocked and surprised), Propelling(pushing forward) are the correct pair of words to be filled in the blank.

7) Answer: C

Reducing, emulated(to copy or imitate) are the correct pair of words to be filled in the blank.

8) Answer: D

Incentivise(something that motivates or encourages), hesitancy(fear or uncertainty about the outcome) are the correct pair of words to be filled in the blank.

9) Answer: A

Chorus(simultaneous utterance of something by many people), reluctance(unwillingness) are the correct pair of words to be filled in the blank.

10) Answer: C

Crusade(lead or take part in a vigorous campaign for social or political change), aegis(under the protection or backing of a particular person) is the correct answer option.


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Direction (11-14): Each sentence given below has two blanks. You have to choose a pair of words from the options suitable for the blanks to make a meaningful sentence.

11) It is an event that has faded from public memory but on that __________day, two bombs went off, injuring a few and a third was found, which was immediately __________

A.Propitious, Aggravated

B.Auspicious, Alleviated

C.Baleful, Exacerbated

D.Ominous, Defused

E.None of the above

12) To find a window in a packed international cricket schedule will be ____________ even if the last word on the IPL’s _____________ resumption is yet to be spoken

A.Rudimentary, Retained

B.Paltry, Fragile

C.Arduous, Tenuous

D.Onerous, Plausible

E.None of the above

13) In a decision that will be quite _____________to mainstream parties, the Court has not only found no merit in the Maratha claim to backwardness but also said the community is __________represented in public services

A.Redound, abundantly

B.Unpalatable, adequately

C.Repugnant, Perfunctorily

D.Savoury, Congenial

E.None of the above

14) Several MPs had ___________that the Amendment would ___________the States of their power, but the Centre had assured them that it was not so.

A.Argued, denude

B.Contravened, conceal

C.Abnegated, bestow

D.Augur, exemplify

E.None of the above

Direction (15-17): In the questions given below, a sentence/ paragraph has two blanks in it. You have to find out the suitable pair of words from the options to fill the blanks.

15) However, as the daily infection numbers and death toll have acquired ______________levels, the constitutional courts felt ___________ to take it upon themselves to protect the right to life and good health of the population.

A.Petrifying, ignorant

B.Frightening, Obliged

C.Compassionate, Faltering

D.Releasing, trivial

E.None of the above

16) The Left Front has _________power in Kerala by ________more than two thirds of the seats to the Legislative Assembly.

A.Abandoned, Forfeiting

B.gregarious, losing

C.Retained, winning

D.Perpetuated, Failing

E.None of the above

17) The amendments to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) ___________last year that among others made it compulsory for NGOs to open a bank account in Delhi has _____________the work of many organizations that are unable to receive foreign funds.

A.Announced, Strapping

B.Refused, Frivolous

C.Initiated, Sturdy

D.Enacted, Crippled

E.None of the above

Direction (18-20): A sentence given below having two blanks followed by a set of words. You have to choose a pair of words from the options to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

18) As the second COVID­19 wave continues to ________the country, it is now clear that universal and swift vaccination is the only way out to ______________the effects of the pandemic.





e) Exacerbate



19) Bharat Biotech have promised an __________in production capacity, the dependence on them till other vaccines, including those from abroad, are made available over the long term, will remain a _________in the pace of vaccination and expose much of the population to the possibility of infection.



c) Revoke


e) Anticipation


20) The COVID­19 pandemic has __________millions of livelihoods and led to a sudden and large increase in poverty and a massive ___________of the labour market in India.





e) Organisation


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Answers :

11) Answer: D

Ominous – baleful, menacing, dark

Defused – lessened, alleviated, diminished

Auspicious, Propitious – promising, favourable, fortunate

It is an event that has faded from public memory but on that ominous day, two bombs went off, injuring a few and a third was found, which was immediately defused.

12) Answer: C

Arduous – difficult, onerous, grueling

Tenuous – delicate, fragile, fine

Rudimentary – elementary, basic, primary

To find a window in a packed international cricket schedule will be arduous even if the last word on the IPL’s tenuous resumption is yet to be spoken.

13) Answer: B

Unpalatable – repugnant, hateful, offensive

Adequately – suitably, enough, abundantly

Redound – recoil, rebound, backfire

In a decision that will be quite unpalatable to mainstream parties, the Court has not only found no merit in the Maratha claim to backwardness but also said the community is adequately represented in public services.

14) Answer: A

Denude – void, empty, clear

Contravened, Abnegated – surrender, renounce

Augur – prophet, visionary

Exemplify – depict, show, represent

Several MPs had argued that the Amendment would denude the States of their power, but the Centre had assured them that it was not so.

15) Answer: B

Frightening – scaring, terrifying, petrifying

Obliged – forced, compelled, bound

16) Answer: C

Retained – maintain, keep, Perpetuate

Gregarious – cordial, friendly, outgoing

17) Answer: D

Enacted – Initiated, formed, created

Crippled – debilitated, damaged, disabled

Frivolous – sensible, serious, earnest

18) Answer: D

The sentence implies that covid-19 wave destroys the country and vaccination is the only way to reduce its effects. So the correct pair of words which suits are ravage and mitigate. Other options do not fit for the blanks.

Hence option D is answer.

Ravage – to destroy something, ruin

Mitigate – to make something less serious, unpleasant

19) Answer: C

The sentence implies that Bharat Biotech will increase its production till other vaccines are available and vaccines are limited among the public which leads to infection. Here augmentation and constraint fit the blanks.

Hence option C is answer.

Augmentation â€“ becoming greater in size or amount

Constraint â€“ something that limits you

Other word meanings:

Contempt –feeling that somebody does not deserve any respect, disdain

Revoke – to officially cancel something

20) Answer: B

The sentence implies that covid-19 damaged millions of lives and led to poverty in India. Here Destroyed and Disruption fit the blanks perfectly.

Hence option B is answer.

Disruption â€“ disturbance, interference

Destroyed â€“ damage something

Other word meanings:

Tranquility â€“ calm, repose

Acquainted â€“ knowing somebody, but usually not very closely


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Directions (21-25): In the question given below there are two statements, each statement consists of two blanks. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct.


I) Nature must not be ______ as merely abstract limit to the infinite striving of spirit that _____ the knowledge you gain over time.

II) The soul is ______ to be a facsimile of the body, sometimes no less material, that ____ the understanding between you and the universe.

A.Perceived, lightens

B.conceived, deepens

C.Born, jokes

D.Conceptualized, satire

E.None of the above


I) He made friends with and _______ the acquaintance of only those above him in position and who could therefore be of use to him as it was clear that he was ______ behind his peers.

II) Her breathing quickened, and she ______ to break the entrancing spell before she began ____ in her breath.

A.Sought, lagging

B.Sort, moving

C.Wanted, crawling

D.Required, running

E.None of the above


I) The real advantage of this lens is that each area blends _______ into the other, and even better, building an ______ set that binds the lens and other parts of the telescope.

II) To determine your bridal style, first consider your wedding theme, as your overall hairstyle should mesh easily and _______ with your vision giving rise to an _________ appearance that takes the surrounding along with your desire.

A.Suddenly, exclusive

B.Smooth, excluded

C.Brokenly, included

D.Seamlessly, inclusive

E.None of the above


I) His eyes seemed to have _____ all the fire of the world, and his tone was _________ , his features being calm.

II) After his blood was ______ we concluded that stimulants and strychnine may be given, but they should be avoided until it is certain the bleeding has been properly _________, as they tend to increase it.

A.Taken, owned

B.Withdrawn, vague

C.Collected, controlled

D.Get, constricted

E.None of the above


I) The power of imposing conditions on testamentary manumissions was restricted, and these conditions interpreted in the sense most ______ to freedom which could not be achieved earlier due to utter _____ of the commanders.

II) Since Faraday’s time his laws have been confirmed by modern research, and in _______ cases have been shown to hold good with an accuracy of at least one part in a thousand which further proves the absence of ______ and flaws in the modern research.

A.Bad, enthusiasm

B.good, energy

C.Habitual, shame

D.Favourable, negligence

E.None of the above

Directions (26-30): In each of the questions below, two sentences are given with two blanks each. Identify the correct pair of words that fit in both the sentences to make it grammatically and contextually correct.


(A) The ‘Pathalgadi’ movement in Jharkhand is being ___________ in such a way that it__________like forest fire.

(B) India’s poultry industry is in dire need of cash after prices slumped earlier this year on speculation __________ by social media that chickens could ___________ the coronavirus.

A.Discouraged, Unroll

B.Fanned, Spread

C.Encouraged, Fold up

D.Vexed, Proliferate

E.None of these


(A) Alphabet’s Google will start paying select media outlets to display ____________ content on its news app in a concession to the industry which has accused the search engine and other tech giants of unfairly using _________ for years

(B) The code rolled out Friday evening and likely to be implemented over the next 60 days, is applicable to players who make ___________ content available and not to those working with user-generated ____________.

A.Curated, Content

B.Unorganized, Content

C.Selected, Platform

D.Presented, Site

E.None of these


(A) Deepak was lauded for __________ handling India’s trade talks with RCEP, the China-led body that India didn’t ____________________ join.

(B)Saif Ali Khan and Alaya F ______ play unwilling dad and persistent daughter, though Nitin Kakkar’s film ______________ runs out of gas.

A.Doubtfully, Lastly

B.Unskillfully, Finally

C.Deftly, Eventually

D.Nimbly, immediately

E.None of these


(A) A major fire gutted a leading textile showroom in Chennai, with fire and rescue services ____________ struggling to __________ the blaze in an operation extending for over 10 hours.

(B) Lake Marshals and Sarjapur fire __________ reached the spot to ___________ the blaze. Officials brought the fire under control with the help of three fire engines.

A.Security, dry

B.Private, start

C.Personal, dehydrate

D.Personnel, douse

E.None of these


(A) Maintaining the status quo on tax rates also sends a strong signal to the ____________ that the government is committed to a long-term stable and predictable tax policy, despite the current fiscal _____________.

(B) With institutional clients to worry about, the pros duly cut positions across the board while retail ____________ , who are free from such ____________, charged on.

A.Importers, Freedom

B.Financers, Liberty

C.Exporters, Allowance

D.Investors, Constraints

E.None of these


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Answers :

21) Answer: B

In the first blank, the only options that fit in are option B and D- conceived and conceptualized. However, satire meaning spoof does not make sense in either of the statements as the second blank. Deepens on the other hand is a perfect fit.

Hence, option B is the best fit here.

22) Answer: A

The correct word is sought which means something in demand. The only option that fits in here is option A. Also, the second word also fits in well here and conveys the correct meaning.

Hence, option A is correct.

23) Answer: D

Option A: Suddenly does not fit in both while exclusive does not fit in the second statement. Option B: Both words are incorrect. Option C: Brokenly is the opposite of what is needed. Option D is correct with both words fitting in well. Hence, option D is correct.

24) Answer: C

Option A: Taken does not fit in the second statement. Owned also does not fit in the second statement. Option B: Neither of the words fit in the second statement. Option D: Get is grammatically incorrect. Option C is correct with both words fitting in well. Hence, option C is correct.

25) Answer: D

Option A: Both the words are opposite of what is needed the respective blanks. Option B: energy does not fit in both the statements. Option C: Both the words are irrelevant to the context and incorrect. Option D: Both the words are correct contextually and grammatically. Hence, option D is correct.

26) Answer: B

Fanned, Spread

Unroll: – to open (something) from a rolled position

Fanned: – Encourage, incite

Vexed: – causing difficulty, worry, and a lot of discussion

Proliferate: – to increase quickly in number

(A) The ‘Pathalgadi’ movement in Jharkhand is being fanned in such a way that it could spread like forest fire

(B) India’s poultry industry is in dire need of cash after prices slumped earlier this year on speculation fanned by social media that chickens could spread the coronavirus.

27) Answer:

Curated, Content

Curated: – (of online content, merchandise, information, etc.) selected, organized, and presented using professional or expert knowledge.

(A) Alphabet’s Google will start paying select media outlets to display curated content on its news app in a concession to the industry which has accused the search engine and other tech giants of unfairly using content for years

(B) The code rolled out Friday evening and likely to be implemented over the next 60 days, is applicable to players who make curated content available and not to those working with user-generated content.

28) Answer: C

Deftly, Eventually

Deftly: – Quickly, skillfully

Eventually: – in the end; finally

(A) Deepak was lauded for deftly handling India’s trade talks with RCEP, the China-led body that India didn’t eventually join.

(B)Saif Ali Khan and Alaya F deftly play unwilling dad and persistent daughter, though Nitin Kakkar’s film eventually runs out of gas.

29) Answer: D

Personnel, douse

Personnel: – the people who work for a large organization or one of the armed forces.

Douse: – to stop a fire from burning by pouring liquid over it.

(A) A major fire gutted a leading textile showroom in Chennai, with fire and rescue services personnel struggling to douse the blaze in an operation extending for over 10 hours.

(B) Lake Marshals and Sarjapur fire personnel reached the spot to douse the blaze. Officials brought the fire under control with the help of three fire engines.

30) Answer: D

Investors, Constraints

Liberty: – the freedom to go where you want, do what you want, etc.

Constraints: – something that limits you

(A)Maintaining the status quo on tax rates also sends a strong signal to the investors that the government is committed to a long-term stable and predictable tax policy, despite the current fiscal constraints.

(B) With institutional clients to worry about, the pros duly cut positions across the board while retail investors, who are free from such constraints, charged on.

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