Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
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[WpProQuiz 7438]Ensure Your Ability Before of Exam – Take IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock test
Triple Fillers
Direction (1-5): Each question below contains a statement with three blanks followed by four options. Choose the option that can fill the three blanks and mark it as your answer.
1) Recognise that your human _______to look good and feel needed makes you constantly try to display your _______. Unfortunately, this reduces your _______.
A) palpable, ambiguous, prudence
B) bias, importance, prudence
C) bias, importance, impact
D) palpable, ambiguous, impact
E) None of these
2) Demanding respect on account of your position, expertise or experience _______communication and self-expression of others and thus ultimately _______. If you want the support of others, begin with respecting their ideas and contributions even when they disagree with you. Now you are likely to get _______respect from them.
A) sagacity, slapdash, immense
B) squelches, backfires, immense
C) sagacity, slapdash, reciprocal
D) squelches, backfires, reciprocal
E) None of these
3) As human beings we are limited _______what we experience physically, through our senses — what we see, hear, taste, smell and touch. Similarly, spiritually too, we _______from different levels of consciousness and with differences in culture and understanding with other people, there is room for _______.
A) in, operate, conflict
B) to, hawkish, dovish
C) in, operate, dovish
D) to, hawkish, conflict
E) None of these
4) _______Faculty is present not only in each and every figure but without a _______also. It is not only _______; it is also all-covering. That is why it is known as Vishnu.
A) Cognitive, bestow on, hapless
B) malfeasance, bestow on, hapless
C) malfeasance, container, all-pervading
D) Cognitive, container, all-pervading
E) None of these
5) Let’s take a _______to avoid crackers and injuries and let’s not give ourselves and these people a chance to _______pain on such a beautiful festival. Not only Diwali, but all the festival must be celebrated with their true essence. The upcoming new year must not be a day of _______driving and road accidents.
A) fortuitous, scramble, yield
B) pledge, confer, rash
C) fortuitous, scramble, rash
D) pledge, confer, yield
E) None of these
Incorrect Sentences
Direction (6-10): From the options given below, select the option which states the correct combination of incorrect/correct sentences.
a) Take this to the workplace and you can assign a lot of meaning to the money you earn and link it to your confidence, social status and personal judgments of good and bad.
b) Do you have a persistence need to appear smart, intelligent, powerful or important at work?
c) Recognise that people respond better to supportive behaviour than authoritative and they connect better through authenticity and vulnerability than through the mask of importance.
d) Firstly, redefine who you are—where your skill (and not your job) are merely a part of your self-image.
A) both a and d are correct
B) both a and c are incorrect
C) all sentences are correct
D) both b and d are incorrect
E) both a and b are incorrect
a) Energy remains and maintain the structural solidarity of each and every entity by taking the form of its container, according to the structural solidarity of different entities.
b) Nobody can ever see energy and nobody can directly feel the presence of any energy, but everybody feels the presence of energy through its operation.
c) When there are no expressions from your corporal structure, you are described as been dead and gone.
d) Similarly, the same Cognitive Faculty functioning through different entities works as the subjective counterpart of their existences.
A) both a and d are correct
B) both a and c are incorrect
C) all sentences are correct
D) both b and d are incorrect
E) both a and b are incorrect
a) Only when there is a problem or an obstruction, then we realize, like if there is difficulty in breathing, we can understand that Kapha has increased in the chest.
b) During childhood, when the body needs to be hold together, for physical growth, the human body, needs a greater effect of Kapha to acquire shape, needs water and earth elements, only then will it grow successfully.
c) So either shaking or tremors in some part of the body nor else stiffness and lack of movement are both indications of Vata imbalance.
d) The ones who look after us and work day and night selflessly in dangerous situations and put their life at risks at any hour for our betterment and safety; the policeman, the Indian defence services, and the disaster management crew.
A) both a and d are correct
B) both a and c are incorrect
C) all sentences are correct
D) both b and d are incorrect
E) both a and b are incorrect
a) While we are at our homes, there are people on the border guarding us, there are people sitting at the fire stations and hospitals who are ready to serve we when emergency hits.
b) Every year, many unfortunate accident occur but thanks to the fire department, the medical department of India and the emergency crew for handling everything.
c) While we pay our gratitude to these selfless good humans of society, we must ensure that we do not give them any extra work this year.
d) Also, take a moment to wish these fellow humans who have given their precious time through endless hours of service year after year without failing even once.
A) both a and d are correct
B) both a and c are incorrect
C) all sentences are correct
D) both b and d are incorrect
E) both a and b are incorrect
a) Western psychology has called the mental condition of staying away from the world in a state of inaction and indolence in the darkness of loneliness — as the disease of depression.
b) When a mentally evolved human finds the world meaningless, in other words, when the true face of the world becomes visible to an emotional and sensitive person, this state of plateau or ‘camp’ is created.
c) A human who does some soul searching, meditation and contemplation rises from this plateau or base camp due to his own will power (soul power) and gets a new lease of life, new energy.
d) The span of the intervals between the states of depression becomes less and less, and the dependency on medicines or outer means increases.
A) both a and d are correct
B) both a and c are incorrect
C) all sentences are correct
D) both b and d are incorrect
E) both a and b are incorrect
Directions (1-5):
1) Answer: (c)
In the given sentence, only ‘bias, importance, impact’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.
Option A): is incorrect because palpable means (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible which does not fit here.
Option B): is incorrect as ‘prudence’ means the quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘bias, importance, impact’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.
Option D): is incorrect as ‘ambiguous’ does not fit here contextually
2) Answer: (d)
In the given sentence, only ‘squelches, backfires, reciprocal’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.
Option A): is incorrect because ‘sagacity’ does not fit here.
Option B): is incorrect as ‘immense’ does not make any sense here.
Option C): is incorrect as ‘slapdash’ means done too hurriedly and carelessly which does not fit here.
Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘squelches, backfires, reciprocal’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.
3) Answer: (a)
In the given sentence, only ‘in, operate, conflict’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.
Option A): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘in, operate, conflict’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.
Option B): is incorrect as ‘to’ preposition does not make any sense here.
Option C): is incorrect as dovish means the tone of language used to describe a situation and the associated implications for actions which does not make any sense here.
Option D): is incorrect as ‘hawkish’ does not fit here contextually
4) Answer: (d)
In the given sentence, only ‘Cognitive, container, all-pervading’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.
Option A): is incorrect because ‘bestow on’ does not fit here.
Option B): is incorrect as hapless means (especially of a person) unfortunate which does not make any sense here.
Option C): is incorrect as malfeasance means wrongdoing, especially (US) by a public official which does not fit here.
Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘Cognitive, container, all-pervading’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.
5) Answer: (b)
In the given sentence, only ‘pledge, confer, rash’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.
Option A): is incorrect as ‘fortuitous’ does not make any sense here.
Option B): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘pledge, confer, rash’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.
Option C): is incorrect as ‘scramble’ does not fit here.
Option D): is incorrect as ‘yield’ does not make any sense here.
Directions (6-10):
6) Answer: (d)
Statement b: is incorrect as ‘persistence’ should be replaced with ‘persistent’.
Statement d: is incorrect as ‘skill’ should be replaced with ‘skills’.
7) Answer: (b)
Statement a: is incorrect as ‘maintain’ should be replaced with ‘maintains’.
Statement c: is incorrect as ‘been’ should be replaced with ‘being’.
8) Answer: (a)
Statement b: is incorrect as ‘hold’ should be replaced with ‘held’.
Statement c: is incorrect as ‘nor’ should be replaced with ‘or’.
9) Answer: (e)
Statement a: is incorrect as ‘serve we’ should be replaced with ‘serve us’.
Statement b: is incorrect as ‘accident’ should be replaced with ‘accidents’.
10) Answer: (c)
All sentences are correct.