SBI Clerk/ IDBI and South Indian Bank Mains English Questions 2019 (Day-03)

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[WpProQuiz 6731]


Directions (1-5): In each question below, a paragraph is given, containing 3 blanks. Six words are given after the paragraph. Choose the correct combination of words from the options, which can fit in the blanks correctly.


1) After holding itself back on three occasions, the World Health Organization has _________________ the Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The ________________ in Congo, officially declared on August 1, 2018, has killed nearly 1,700 people and made more than 2,500 people ill. While cases in other areas are___________________ , Beni is the new hotspot. The announcement of the health emergency comes amid renewed concerns that the virus could spread to other countries.

  1. declared
  2. outbreak
  3. announce
  4. reducing
  5. proclaimed
  6. increasing

a) A, B and D

b) B, C and E

c) B, D and F

d) D, B and C

e) None of these

2) It is understood that _________________ the BCCI’s initiative to get rid of howlers, it will not be able to use the highly ________________ Hawk-Eye and UltraEdge, a must for DRS in international cricket. Karim ______________non-committal when asked if the technology will used for lbw decisions.

  1. despite
  2. expensive
  3. In spite
  4. remained
  5. attractive
  6. remains

a) A, B and D

b) B, C and E

c) B, D and F

d) D, B and C

e) None of these

3) There have been several challenges in ________________ the virus transmission cycle and containing the spread — reluctance in the community, attacks on health workers, delays in case-detection and isolation, and challenges in contact-tracing. But _________________ with the situation during 2014-2016, the availability of a candidate vaccine has greatly helped. Though the vaccine has not been licensed in any country, the ring vaccination strategy where people who come into contact with infected people, as well as the contacts of those contacts are immunised, has_____________.

  1. capturing
  2. interrupting
  3. comparing
  4. compared
  5. worked
  6. helped

a) A, B and D

b) B, C and E

c) B, D and F

d) D, B and C

e) None of these

4) A single imported case of Ebola in Goma, a city in Congo with two million people and with an international airport bordering Rwanda, served as a ____________ to finally declare a global emergency. Surprisingly, the spread to neighbouring Uganda last month did not seem to change the way the WHO _______________ the situation. Even when a handful of Ebola cases were confirmed in Uganda, all the infected people had travelled from Congo and there had been no local transmission or spread within Uganda — one of the criteria used by the WHO to assess if an outbreak is a global emergency. This is the fifth time that the WHO has __________________       a global emergency.

  1. catalyst
  2. trigger
  3. accessed
  4. assessed
  5. proclaimed
  6. declared

a) A, B and D

b) B, C and E

c) B, D and F

d) D, B and C

e) None of these

5) After being ____________________ criticized for howlers by the umpires in domestic cricket, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to ____________________ technological assistance for Ranji Trophy knock-outs this season.

“The idea is to ___________________ as many howlers as possible. If we can achieve that, then we can go ahead with it. That is why we are introducing it only for the knock-out stages for the coming season,” Saba Karim, BCCI general manager-cricket operations, told the media.

  1. severe
  2. severely
  3. enhance
  4. develop
  5. eradicate
  6. eliminated

a) A, B and D

b) B, C and E

c) B, D and F

d) D, B and C

e) None of these

Direction (6-10): Given bellow are six statements A, B, C, D, E and F, which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. The sentence marked as D is fixed and would fit in the fourth position. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, and then answer the questions bellow.

A) Quitting the current post before joining another party is a legal and moral obligation. Defection is condemnable, especially if it is to bring down one regime and form another.

B) But politicians cannot be tied down to parties against their will by not letting them leave even their legislative positions.

C) The Supreme Court’s decision to ask the parties to the political crisis in Karnataka to maintain the status quo until it examines the questions of law involved, is pragmatic and expedient. The Speaker has been asked not to decide the issue of MLAs’ resignation or disqualification.

D) It was argued in court that “the rebel MLAs are trying to avoid disqualification by tendering resignations.” This is astounding, as the penalty for defection is loss of legislative office.

E) It now transpires that legislators can be prevented from resigning by claiming that they have incurred disqualification.

F) An order has been passed when one of the questions to be decided is whether the court can give such a direction to the Speaker.

6) Which of the following will be last sentence after rearrangement?

a) D

b) A

c) B

d) E

e) None of these

7) Which of the following pairs form two consecutive statements after rearrangement?

a) A-D

b) B-C

c) A-E

d) C-D

e) None of these

8) Which of the following will be First sentence after rearrangement?

a) D

b) C

c) B

d) A

e) None of these

9) Which of the following will be Second sentence after rearrangement?

a) F

b) E

c) B

d) C

e) None of these

10) Which of the following will be Fifth sentence after rearrangement?

a) D

b) E

c) F

d) A

e) None of these

Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: a)

Option A represents the suitable combination of alternatives. ‘Announce’ cannot be suitable for the 1st blank since the sentence is in simple past. ‘Increasing’ is not suitable for the 3rd blank because then it would alter the meaning of the statement.

2) Answer: a)

Option A represents the suitable combination of alternatives. ‘In spite’ cannot be suitable for the 1st blank since it is always followed by the preposition ‘of’. ‘Remains’ is not suitable for the 3rd blank because the sentence is in simple past.

3) Answer: c)

Option C represents the suitable combination of alternatives. ‘Capturing’ makes no sense for the 1st blank. ‘Comparing’ is grammatically incorrect for the 2nd blank.

4) Answer: c)

Option C represents the suitable combination of alternatives. ‘Catalyst’ is something which aids in an event while ‘trigger’ is that which starts an event. Similarly ‘access’ means availability and ‘assess’ means to evaluate, ‘assessed’ is suitable for the 2nd blank.

5) Answer: b)

Option B represents the suitable combination of alternatives. ‘Severe’ is an adjective while ‘severely’ is an adverb, hence suitable for the 1st blank. ‘Eliminated’ is not suitable, instead ‘eliminate’ would have been appropriate for the 3rd blank with respect to the tense of the sentence.

Direction (6-10) :

The correct sequence of the paragraph should be CFEDAB

C) The Supreme Court’s decision to ask the parties to the political crisis in Karnataka to maintain the status quo until it examines the questions of law involved, is pragmatic and expedient. The Speaker has been asked not to decide the issue of MLAs’ resignation or disqualification.

F) An order has been passed when one of the questions to be decided is whether the court can give such a direction to the Speaker.

E) It now transpires that legislators can be prevented from resigning by claiming that they have incurred disqualification.

D) It was argued in court that “the rebel MLAs are trying to avoid disqualification by tendering resignations.” This is astounding, as the penalty for defection is loss of legislative office.

A) Quitting the current post before joining another party is a legal and moral obligation. Defection is condemnable, especially if it is to bring down one regime and form another.

B) But politicians cannot be tied down to parties against their will by not letting them leave even their legislative positions.

6) Answer: c)

7) Answer: e)

8) Answer: b)

9) Answer: a)

10) Answer: d)

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