English Language

“20-20” English Question | Crack SBI Clerk 2018 Day-90

Dear Friends, SBI Clerk 2018 Notification has been released we hope you all have started your preparation. Here we have started New Series of Practice Materials specially for SBI Clerk 2018. Aspirants those who are preparing for the exams can use this “20-20” English Questions. 

[WpProQuiz 2239]

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Direction (1-10): In a passage given below there are 10 blanks, each followed by a word given in bold. Every blank has four alternative words given in options (a), (b), (c) and (d). You have to choose which word will best suit to the respective blank. Mark (e) as your answer if the word given in the bold after the blank is your answer i.e. “No change requires”

Surrounded by _ (1) _ [twisting] shrubland, Wisdom Mababe’s farm in central Zambia seems incongruously neat. For most of its history, sub-Saharan Africa has been short of people, not land. In 2011 the World Bank estimated that the region had 200m hectares of suitable land that was not being used for crops almost half of the world’s total, and more than the cultivated area of America. That potential _ (2) _ [energized] many. Yet such aggregate figures may _ (3) _ [misleading]. In densely populated places, average farm sizes have shrunk by a third since the 1970s. In hotspots like central Nigeria, clashes between crop-growing farmers and herders have killed thousands. Doom-mongers see a larger crisis _ (4) _ [developed].Only a fifth of land in his district is being used, _ (5) _ [assume] the council chairman. The government is trying to lure other commercial outfits to designated farm blocks around a country but even here, land is scarcer than it seems. The western half of the district is a national park. Locals complain that heavy-handed rangers on private game ranches stop them fishing and picking mushrooms. Human Rights Watch says that poor people in other districts are being _ (6) _ [remove] by commercial farms.

Uncultivated land is used for grazing or foraging. In northern Uganda people returning home after being displaced by war found their empty fields had been _ (7) _ [transfer] out among generals, tycoons and conservationists. Many are not serious farmers. Those who own more than 20 hectares often leave most of it idle._ (8) _ [medium] farms now cover more of Zambia than small ones. Meanwhile squeezed smallholders farm their shrinking plots too intensively, degrading already poor soils. This presents a _ (9) _ [conundrum]. Better seeds and fertiliser, as well as niftier techniques, could send Africa’s farm yields soaring. But mechanised commercial farms do not provide as many jobs as subsistence agriculture. Most Africans still live in the countryside. That life there is so tough is why they are _ (10) _ [discard] it faster than people on any other continent.


a) Interlace

b) Tangled

c) Muddle

d) Unraveled

e) No change required


a) Agitate

b) Infuriated

c) Pacifies

d) Excites

e) No change required


a) Deceive

b) Circumvented

c) Swindles

d) Deluded

e) No change required


a) Impend

b) Loomed

c) Brewing

d) Circumscribing

e) No change required


a) Surmised

b) Reckons

c) Computed

d) Repudiates

e) No change required


a) Extrudes

b) Clenched

c) Sequester

d) Evicted

e) No change required


a) Dished

b) Allocate

c) Dispense

d) Capitulated

e) No change required


a) Passable

b) Exquisite

c) Middling

d) Deviating

e) No change required


a) Enigmas

b) Conundrum

c) Manifested

d) Avowed

e) No change required


a) Restraining

b) Abdicated

c) Renounce

d) Abandoning

e) No change required


Direction (11-15): In each of the following questions on phrase has been given and it has been followed by four sentences. You have to find out on which sentences phrase has been used properly according to its meaning and mark your answer from the options denoted a),b),c),d)Mark e) as your answer of you find that the phrase has been applied properly in all sentences.

11) Put through

  1. He could not work out why he could not put through a call.
  2. The company put the new employee through work immediately.
  3. I had to work two jobs to put my child through college.
  4. Several questions were put through me, and I couldn’t answer any of them

a) iii and iv

b) i and ii

c) ii and iv

d) i and iii

e) All are correct

12) Come into

  1. Kristi came into all of that money when her grandmother died.
  2. After some rearrangement, our plans came into good shape.
  3. Once the storm comes into, be ready to contend with much stronger winds.
  4. I gave that patient to Sally when she came into last night.

a) i and iv

b) iii and iv

c) i and ii

d) ii and iii

e) All are correct

13) Run past

  1. I was leading in the race, but then someone ran past me.
  2. He ran many ideas past us, but we disliked them all.
  3. He ran the car past the grass and washed it.
  4. A flock of wild turkeys ran past the barn.

a) i and ii

b) ii and iv

c) iii and iv

d) all except iii

e) All are correct

14) Come down with

  1. I feel like I’m coming down with a cold.
  2. Our goalie came down with the flu and missed the game.
  3. I didn’t go to work because I came down with the pox
  4. Susan came down with a bad fever and had to cancel her trip.

a) iii and iv

b) i and ii

c) ii and iv

d) all except i

e) All are correct

15) Think ahead

  1. You must learn to think ahead if you want to get ahead.
  2. I thought ahead and brought a snack in case I got hungry.
  3. The new year is a natural time to think ahead and make plans for the future.
  4. I thought ahead all the fine things we used to do.

a) i and iv

b) ii and iii

c) ii and iv

d) all except iv

e) All are correct

Direction (16-20): The sentences may contain multiple errors, find out which part of sentence has an error and mark the option given below as a),b),c),d). Choose e) as an option if you find out that sentence has no error.

16) The combined measures slammed the brakes over what was looking A)/like the start of an escalated crisis, Argentina’s peso B)/had fallen by a fifth against the dollar since the C)/beginning of the year, making it the worst-performing emerging-market currency D)/No Error E)/

a) B-C

b) A-D

c) A-B

d) C-D

e) No Error

17) The scandal over the targeting of Britons of Caribbean A)/ origin is the latest twist in Europe recent politics over B)/ immigration, denting the continent’s image C)/ as be open, liberal and tolerant D)/No Error E)/

a) A-D

b) B-C

c) A-C

d) B-D

e) No Error

18) While the rupee is not alone among BRICS currencies to have depreciated A)/ above the dollar this year, with both the Brazilian real and ruble losing value, it B)/remains particularly vulnerable to mount oil costs given C)/the economy’s extremely high dependence on crude imports to meet energy needs D)/No Error E)/

a) A-B

b) B-C

c) A-D

d) C-D

e) No Error

19) Populist parties in Britain fuelled public anger at A)/ the dynamics of closer integration to target EU migrants during the 2016 B)/referendum, the country’s two mainstream parties, although C)/committed to remains in the bloc, could hardly counter the trend D)/No Error E)/

a) A-D

b) C-D

c) B-C

d) A-C

e) No Error

20) Political decisions within Argentina exacerbated the external shock A)/, foreign investors become keener still to sell Argentine bonds and B)/buy dollars when the government brought in C)/a new capital-gains tax in order to appease their opponents D)/No Error E)/

a) C-D

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) A-C

e) No Error


Direction (1-10):

1. Correct Answer is: b) according to the sentence tangled will be used as it means twisted together untidily; matted.

2. Correct Answer is: d) according to the sentence excites will be used as it means cause someone to feel very enthusiastic and eager.

3. Correct Answer is: a) according to the sentence deceive will be used as it means cause someone to believe something that is not true especially for personal gain.

4. Correct Answer is: c) according to the sentence brewing will be used as it means an unwelcome event or situation begin to develop.

5. Correct Answer is: b) according to the sentence reckons will be used as it means to believe or be of the opinion.

6. Correct Answer is: d) according to the sentence evicted will be used as it means kick out someone from a property, especially with the support of the law.

7. Correct Answer is: a) according to the sentence dished will be used (dished out is a phrasal verb which means to distribute something)

8. Correct Answer is: c) according to the sentence middling will be used as it means moderate or average in size/amount or unremarkable

9. Correct Answer is: b) according to the sentence conundrum will be used as it means a confusing and difficult problem or question.

10. Correct Answer is: d) according to the sentence abandoning will be used as it means cease to support or to do away with

Direction (11-15):

11. Correct Answer is: d)

The meaning of “put through” is to cause someone or something to complete a process or to connect some telephone call and the phrase has been applied properly in i and iii sentences.

12. Correct Answer is: c)

The meaning of “come into” is to inherit or otherwise acquire something or to attain some state or condition and the phrase has been applied properly in i and ii sentences.

13. Correct Answer is: d)

The meaning of “run past” is to overtake someone or something by running, to run near or alongside someone or to demonstrate something and the phrase has been applied properly in i, ii and iv sentences.

14. Correct Answer is: e)

The meaning of “come down with” is to become or to be sick with some illness and the phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences

15. Correct Answer is: d)

The meaning of “think ahead” is to consider or think about the future; think proactively and the phrase has been applied properly in i, ii and iii sentences

Direction (16-20)

16. Correct Answer is: c)

In part a) it should be on instead of over and in part b) it should be escalating in place escalated

17. Correct Answer is: d)

In part b) it should be Europe’s instead of Europe and in part d) it should be being in place be

18. Correct Answer is: b)

In part b) it should be against instead of above and in part c) it should be mounting in place mount

19. Correct Answer is: a)

In part a) it should be over instead of at and in part d) it should be remaining in place remains

20. Correct Answer is: c)

In part b) it should be became instead of become and in part d) it should be its in place their

Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Logical Reasoning 10.00 AM
Quantitative Aptitude “20-20” 11.00 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
Static GK Quiz 1.00 PM
English Language “20-20” 2.00 PM
Banking Awareness Quiz 3.00 PM
Reasoning Puzzles & Seating 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
Data Interpretation / Application Sums (Topic Wise) 6.00 PM
Reasoning Ability “20-20” 7.00 PM
English Language (New Pattern Questions) 8.00 PM
General / Financial Awareness Quiz 9.00 PM

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This post was last modified on September 16, 2020 10:19 am