Dear Readers, Exam Race for the Year 2019 has already started, To enrich your preparation here we are providing a new series of Practice Questions on English section for CWC/FCI Exam. Aspirants, practice these english questions on a regular basis to improve your score in the English section. Start your effective preparation from the right beginning to get success in the upcoming CWC/FCI Exam.
[WpProQuiz 5982]
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Directions (1-10): Replace the phrases given in bold in the following questions.
1) The so-called event horizon that envelops the black hole is the point of no return and any object transgressing this boundary is lost.
a) Misbehaving
b) altering
c) recuperating
d) alternating
e) disengaging
2) This experiment endorses the diversity of collaboration just as much as it does unrelenting patience and good faith in the power of science and reason.
a) mismanaging
b) manhaldling
c) disapproving
d) persisting
e) cautionary
3) A dissenting note by members of the India Negotiating Team, and notes that disclose unease in the Defense Ministry over parallel negotiations at the PMO’s instance undermining the official parleys are among them.
a) shattering
b) believing
c) opposing
d) supporting
e) bolstering
4) The decision on the admissibility of the documents has significance beyond the Rafale issue: it revivifies the rights of a free press and underscores the principle that it is public interest, and not the content of a document alone, that will decide whether disclosure is needed or not in a given case.
a) recovery
b) remuneration
c) degeneration
d) emigration
e) immigration
5) Had the government agreed to a parliamentary probe early on, it would not be suffering the sort of setback it has now faced in the Supreme Court.
a) preliminary
b) at the beginning
c) penultimate
d) intermediary
e) preface
6) To throw civilians out of gear — as they were on the first day of the highway ban, on April 7 — defies logic. It also positions the administration against the people, as has become clear from the political and legal challenges to the traffic restrictions.
a) hopeless
b) disarray
c) out of sense
d) orderly
e) attacking
7) It must, instead, be a doubling up of the security protocol to make life more secure and hassle-free for civilians and soldiers alike.
a) implicate
b) denial
c) allocate
d) inculpate
e) merging
8) Mr. Netanyahu ran a contentious, ultra-nationalist campaign to drum up support for Likud and its allies. He had publicly aligned with Jewish Power, a fringe party known for its racist, anti-Arab views.
a) to testify
b) to show up
c) to indulge
d) to revoke
e) to evoke
9) Indian mid-cap stocks, which suffered a deep rout last year, are now too attractive to ignore for many foreign investors.
a) attentive
b) profitable
c) cautionary
d) loss
e) productive
10) In the past couple of years, the doubts raised about EVMs by parties and the new constraints encountered in the electoral process due to hastened VVPAT implementation have bogged down the ECI and narrowed the discourse regarding electoral reforms.
a) flounder
b) experience
c) endangered
d) unscrupulous
e) imaginary
Answers :
Direction (1-10) :
1) Answer: a)
Transgressing means ‘going beyond the limits’. Here only option a) is suitable.
2) Answer: d)
Unrelenting means continuing to do something with determination.
3) Answer: c)
Dissent means to oppose or disagree.
4) Answer: a)
Revivifies means ‘recuperating or recovering’. Other options do not fit here.
5) Answer: b)
‘Early on’ is closest to the option b) out of given choices.
6) Answer: b)
‘Out of gear’ actually means ‘out of control or disorderly’. None of the other options will fit.
7) Answer: c)
Double up means to share or allocate something.
8) Answer: e)
‘Drum up’ means to evoke or to get support for something.
9) Answer: d)
The meaning of rout is closest to option d).
10) Answer: a)
‘Bogged down ‘ means to experience a complicated situation or difficulty.