NIACL AO English Questions (Phrase Replacement) Day-08

Dear Readers, Bank Exam Race for the Year 2019 is already started, To enrich your preparation here we have providing new series of Practice Questions on English language – Section. Candidates those who are preparing for NIACL AO 2019 Exams can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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Directions (1-10) In each of the following sentences four words are given in bold. These words may or may not replace each other to form a contextually and grammatically meaningful sentence. Below each sentence four options are given for the replacements. You have to choose the correct replacement as your answer. If no replacement is required, choose no change required

1) India must keep in mind that the biggest (A), global picture is about U.S.-China trade (B) issues, and if a trade deal with the U.S. is reached, India could be the larger (C) beneficiary (D) of business deals lost by China.

A) B-C

b) A-C

c) A-B

d) B-D

e) no change required

2) India could lose a vital U.S. trade tariffs (A), under which it enjoys zero concession (B) on $5.6 billion of exports to the United States, amid a widening dispute (C) over its trade and investment policies (D).

A) A-C

b) C-D

c) B-D

d) A-B

e) no change required

3) These algorithms, when labelled (A) over time with greater amounts of correctly refined (B) data, will supposedly take over the functions of controlling (C) and driving a machine so that the functions are performed (D) by electronics instead of humans.

A) B-C

b) A-B

c) B-D

d) C-D

e) no change required

4) Today’s capacitors have low energy density (A) when compared to lithium-ion and are limited (B) so their use is expensive (C) to being deployed alongside lithium-ion batteries in a hybrid solution to manage peak (D) requirements.

A) A-D

b) B-D

c) C-D

d) B-C

e) no change required

5) The regulator released introduction (A) paper on Monday seeking market feedback on the proposals (B) regarding discussion (C) of either hard circuit limits or a combination (D) of dynamic and hard limits on such stocks.

A) B-C

b) A-C

c) B-D

d) C-D

e) no change required

6) The GSP was tied to the trade arrangement (A) and since that deal (B) had slipped further away, the U.S. was considering withdrawing or scaling back the preferential package (C), people familiar with the matter (D) said.

A) A-D

b) B-D

c) C-D

d) A-C

e) no change required

7) While an escalation of the Sino-American conflict would reassure (A) global growth, a continuation of the current truce would hamper (B) markets, even as the two countries’ geopolitical and technology rivalry continues (C) to build (D) over time.

A) B-C

b) A-B

c) A-D

d) B-D

e) no change required

8)  The other proposal (A) mooted by SEBI includes a combination (B) of limits with dynamic filters up to a certain threshold (C) limit post which hard limits (D) could come into effect

A) A-D

b) C-D

c) B-D

d) A-B

e) no change required

9) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has courted foreign campaign (A) as part (B) of his Make-in-India investment (C) to turn India into a manufacturing hub (D) and deliver jobs to the millions of youth.

A) B-C

b) A-C

c) B-D

d) C-D

e) no change required

10) While low oil concerns (A) are good for consumers, they tend to weaken US stocks and markets in oil-exporting economies (B), raising prices (C) about corporate defaults (D) in the energy and related sectors

A) A-D

b) A-B

c) C-D

d) A-C

e) no change required


1) Answer: b)

India must keep in mind that the larger global picture is about U.S.-China trade issues, and if a trade deal with the U.S. is reached, India could be the biggest beneficiary of business deals lost by China.

2) Answer : d)

India could lose a vital U.S. trade concession, under which it enjoys zero tariffs on $5.6 billion of exports to the United States, amid a widening dispute over its trade and investment policies.

3) Answer : b)

These algorithms, when refined over time with greater amounts of correctly labelled data, will supposedly take over the functions of controlling and driving a machine so that the functions are performed by electronics instead of humans.

4) Answer : d)

Today’s capacitors have low energy density when compared to lithium-ion and are expensive so their use is limited to being deployed alongside lithium-ion batteries in a hybrid solution to manage peak requirements.

5) Answer : b)

The regulator released a discussion paper on Monday seeking market feedback on the proposals regarding introduction of either hard circuit limits or a combination of dynamic and hard limits on such stocks.

6) Answer : d)

The GSP was tied to the trade package and since that deal had slipped further away, the U.S. was considering withdrawing or scaling back the preferential arrangement, people familiar with the matter said.

7) Answer : b)

While an escalation of the Sino-American conflict would hamper global growth, a continuation of the current truce would reassure markets, even as the two countries’ geopolitical and technology rivalry continues to build over time.

8) Answer : e)

The other proposal mooted by SEBI includes a combination of limits with dynamic filters up to a certain threshold limit post which hard limits could come into effect

9) Answer : b)

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has courted foreign investment as part of his Make-in-India campaign to turn India into a manufacturing hub and deliver jobs to the millions of youth

10) Answer : d)

While low oil prices are good for consumers, they tend to weaken US stocks and markets in oil-exporting economies, raising concerns about corporate defaults in the energy and related sectors

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