NIACL AO English Questions (Phrase Replacement) Day-49

Dear Readers, Bank Exam Race for the Year 2019 is already started, To enrich your preparation here we have providing new series of Practice Questions on English language – Section. Candidates those who are preparing for NIACL AO 2019 Exams can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.

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Directions (1-10): In each of the following questions one phrase has been given and it has been followed by four sentences. You have to find out in which of these sentences phrase has been used properly according to its meaning and mark your answer from the options denoted by a), b), c) and d). Mark e) as your answer if you find that phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

1) Go down

i) Now I can purchase this i-phone as its price has gone down.

ii) This path goes down to the secret underground vault of the king.

iii) We will work until the sun goes down.

iv) He has applied for the home loan as the interest rate on home loan has gone down.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

2) Put in

i) The company has put in a lot of hard work and time to achieve this reputation.

ii) I have put in a request for my transfer to my home town.

iii) He is planning to put all his savings in to his new business.

iv) I have put in the fruit basket in the refrigerator.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

3) Sum up

i) We asked him to sum up the situation properly so that we can make arrangement according to it.

ii) This article sums up the problem of unemployment in the state.

iii) He summed up all the amounts but the total did not match with the amount in balance sheet.

iv) I submitted the report which summed up the problems which are being faced by different departments.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

4) Turn up

i) I am not able to turn up the brightness of my computer, can you help me?

ii) He was very happy as his lost documents turned up in the cupboard of his old cabin.

iii) Many visitors turned up to see her painting exhibition.

iv) I was turning up the magazines to find that article.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii & iii

d) all except iv

e)all are correct

5) Look over

i) Why did you not look over the building before purchasing that?

ii) She looked over the menu and ordered two cheese pizzas.

iii) The teacher looked over my calculation and marked two errors.

iv) The boss looked over the proposal and rejected it.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

6) Pick up

i) I think we should stop playing now as wind is picking up.

ii) When I called up there in the morning, somebody picked up the phone and told me that today’s conference has been canceled.

iii) “I will pick you up from the school in the afternoon” mom said to me.

iv) I picked up the revision of questions & answers where I left off yesterday.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

7) Scale down

i) If we had got the financial support from anywhere we would not have scaled down the events and dramas in our theater.

ii) Why did you scale down the production without the consent of production manager?

iii) In order to write the exact measurement, please scale down the image properly.

iv) “The school administration has right to scale down the salaries of the teachers if they do not perform well,” said the principal in meeting with teachers.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii & iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

8) Carve out

i) After completing my one year diploma in computer application, I carved out my career as software developer.

ii) It was not easy for him to carve out a place for himself in one of the leading TV channels.

iii) Her father is working as senior editor in one of the leading Newspapers so it will not be difficult for her to carve out a successful career in media and publishing industry.

iv) He has enrolled in one of the Law courses as he wants to carve a reputation for himself as high powered criminal lawyer.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

9) Lash out

i) Last year, he lashed out rupees seventy thousand on his sister’s birthday celebration.

ii) I was lashing out at novel for completing the story.

iii)Alex’s younger brother was pestering him and suddenly he lashed out and hit him on his shoulder.

iv) She got scolded by Mom as she lashed out huge amount of money on lunch party with friends.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only i,iii &iv

d) all except iv

e) all are correct

10) Prop up

i) I had to prop up the wall lamp with aluminum angle.

ii) As per reports, RBI has adjusted the interest rates in an attempt to prop up the liquidity in the market.

iii)The government has decide to prop up the Ahmadabad Cotton Industry and as per reports the funds will be sanctioned soon for its betterment.

iv) When you click on the icon the menu props up, select the option number 3 and then you will be able upload the document.

a) only i & ii

b) only i, ii& iv

c) only ii&iii

d) all except iv

e) all are correct


Directions (1-10):

1) Answer: e)

The phrase “go down” has more than one meaning. These are  “when the sun or moon goes down, it disappears below the horizon / if the price of something, the temperature, value, amount, quality, level or size etc. goes down, it becomes lower / move down to a lower level or place” and phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

2) Answer: d)

The phrase “put in” has more than one meaning. These are “to spend a particular amount time/ effort in order to do something / to make an official request, claim, offer etc / Invest money or resources in” and phrase has been applied properly in i, ii and iii sentences.

3) Answer: b)

The phrase “sum up” has more than one meaning. These are  “to form or express an opinion of somebody/something / to describe or show the most typical characteristics of somebody/something,” and phrase has been applied properly in i. ii and iv sentences.

4) Answer: d)

The phrase “turn up” has more than one meaning. These are “to increase the sound, heat, etc. of a piece of equipment / to be found, especially by accident, after being lost or not known about / (of a person) to arrive” and phrase has been applied properly in i, ii and iii sentences.

5) Answer: e)

The phrase “look over” has more than one meaning. These are “to examine something, usually quickly / to visit a place in order to examine it” and the phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

6) Answer: e)

The phrase “pick up” has more than one meaning. These are “to get better, stronger, etc.; to improve / to answer a phone / to go somewhere in your car and collect somebody who is waiting for you / to start again; to continue” and phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

7) Answer: b)

The meaning of the phrase “scale down” is “to make something smaller in size, amount etc than it used to be” and it has been applied properly in i, ii and iv sentences.

8) Answer: e)

The meaning of phrase “carve out” is “to develop a career or position for yourself by working hard” and phrase has been applied properly in all the sentences.

9) Answer: c)

The phrase “lash out” has more than one meaning. These are “to criticize someone or something angrily / Spend money extravagantly” and phrase has been applied properly in i, iii and iv.

10) Answer: d)

The phrase “prop up” has more than one meaning. These are “to stop something from falling by putting something under it or against it /  help a government, system, organization etc to continue to exist, especially by providing financial or military support” and phrase has been applied properly in i, ii and iii sentences.

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Daily Practice Test Schedule | Good Luck

Topic Daily Publishing Time
Daily News Papers & Editorials 8.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz 9.00 AM
Current Affairs Quiz (Hindi) 9.30 AM
NIACL AO Prelims – Reasoning 10.00 AM
NIACL AO Prelims – Reasoning (Hindi) 10.30 AM
NIACL AO Prelims – Quantitative Aptitude 11.00 AM
NIACL AO Prelims – Quantitative Aptitude (Hindi) 11.30 AM
Vocabulary (Based on The Hindu) 12.00 PM
NIACL AO Prelims – English Language 1.00 PM
SSC Practice Questions (Reasoning/Quantitative aptitude) 2.00 PM
IBPS Clerk – GK Questions 3.00 PM
SSC Practice Questions (English/General Knowledge) 4.00 PM
Daily Current Affairs Updates 5.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – Reasoning 6.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – Quantitative Aptitude 7.00 PM
SBI PO/IBPS Clerk Mains – English Language 8.00 PM

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