EPFO SSA Exam Date 2020: EPFO SSA Phase 3 Exam Date 2020 Released!!! Details regarding the EPFO SSA Skill Test Exam Date 2020 Announced on its official site. Candidates who have qualified from the phase 2 exam conducted on 14-11-2019 shall check here your upcoming skill test date.
Employee Provident Fund Organization has recently announced the notification for the engagement of Social Security Assistant posts with a vacancy of 2189. This is a national level recruitment drive conducted throughout various exam centers. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the recruitment drive. The selection process is based on Phase I, II, III & document verification round. As per the schedule, the board has conducted the phase 2 exam on 14-11-2019. The result for the phase 2 exam was released on 10-02-2020. Candidates who have qualified from the phase 2 exam will be called for the Phase 3 skill test round.
But due to the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic throughout India, the date for conducting the Phase-III exam could not be finalized. But now the officials have released the fixed date to conduct the skill test for the qualified candidates. So candidates who have qualified from the phase 2 exam and eagerly waiting for the phase 2 – Computer Data Entry Skill Test shall check here the respective date. The EPFO Phase 3 Skill Test 2020 will be scheduled for 25-12-2020.
Check Here the EPFO SSA Phase 3 Exam Date 2020
How to check the EPFO SSA Skill Test Exam Date 2020?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site.
- You will get into the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a link regarding the recruitments.
- Click on that you will get into the respective page.
- In that find the exact link regarding the EPFO SSA Phase 3 Exam Date 2020.
- Click on that you will get the official notice PDF.
- Kindly check the latest updates
EPFO SSA Phase 3 Skill Test Details:
Phase III – Computer Skill Test (Computer Data Entry Test)
Candidates will be required to appear for the Skill Test to assess speed and accuracy for Data Entry Work. The minimum requirement is 5000 key depressions per hour. Candidates short-listed for the Skill Test will have to appear for a Skill Test.
1. Computer Skill Test will be qualifying in nature. Marks obtained will not be reckoned
for merit ranking.
Qualifying Marks: Qualifying Marks in Phase-I (Preliminary Examination) and Phase–II (Main Examination) will be decided as per the discretion of EPFO.
Process for Arriving at Scores – If the examination is held in more than one session, the
process of moderation will follow to ensure fairness (More than one session is required if the nodes capacity is less or some technical disruption takes place at any center or for any candidate.).
Note: Cut-offs are applied in two stages:
a. on scores in individual tests
b. on Total Score
Q. When will be the EPFO SSA Phase 3 Exam conducted?
A. The EPFO SSA Phase 3 Exam Date 2020 has been scheduled for 25-12-2020.
Q. What is the selection process for the EPFO Social Security Assistant(SSA) Post?
A. The selection process for the post of SSA is based on
(i) Phase-I
(ii) Phase-II
(iii) Phase-III
(iv) Document Verification
Q. How many vacancies have been announced for EPFO SSA 2019-20?
A. This year a total of 2189 vacancies have been announced for the EPFO SSA post.
Q. Is it necessary to get qualified from the EPFO SSA phase 3 skill test?
A. Yes, It is necessary to get qualified from the EPFO SSA Phase 3 Computer Data Entry Skill Test.
Q. What is the salary for an EPFO SSA post?
A. Level- 4 of Pay Matrix (Civilian employees) (Gr. ’C’) with Entry Pay Rs 25,500/- under 7th Pay Commission).
Check SSC CHSL 2020 Notification