FCI Manager Exam Analysis 2019: FCI Manager Phase I Prelims Exam Analysis 2019 Released!!! Food Corporation of India has released recruitment notification for filling the Manager vacancies. Now, the FCI Manager Prelims Exam is going on and thousands of aspirants are qualified to appear for FCI Manager Exam. Now, the time ripens to check the FCI Manager Exam Analysis 2019. The FCI Manager Mains Exam is scheduled to be held on 14th November 2019. All the candidates who are appearing for the FCI Manager Phase I Exam can check the detailed exam analysis here. Through this candidates can get to know the difficulty of the exam for each section. To know further information about the FCI Manager Phase I Exam Analysis 2019, aspirants can check the details from the below link.
Shift 1 |
Shift 2 |
FCI Manager Phase I Exam Pattern 2019:
All the aspirants who are going to appear for FCI Manager Prelims Exam should have clear knowledge about the FCI Manager Prelims Exam Pattern. Here, the section-wise timing and total mark details are given in detail. Also, applicants will have a descriptive exam. Likewise, the descriptive paper of the aspirants will be corrected once the aspirants cleared the section-wise and overall cut off marks.
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Max Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | English | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 Minutes |
FCI Manager Shift 1 Exam Analysis 2019: (November 28, 2019)
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Difficulty Level | Attempts |
1 | Reasoning | 35 | Easy-Modetare | 24-27 |
2 | Numerical Aptitude | 35 | Moderate | 22-25 |
3 | English | 30 | Easy | 21-25 |
Total | 100 | Easy-Moderate | 70-77 |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Reasoning Ability
The Reasoning Ability section was easy to moderate. A total of 35 questions, out of which most of the questions came under the Puzzles & Sitting arrangements. Some of the important questions note down from this section are:
Questions Asked:
- One Box based puzzle was asked
- One puzzle with 8 people with their age and fruit
- One circular sitting arrangement
- One sitting arrangement with 12 people sitting in parallel rows facing towards North & other towards south
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Puzzles and Seating Arrangement (4) | 20 | Easy to Moderate |
2 | Syllogism | 5 | Easy |
3 | Inequality | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
4 | Miscellaneous | 4 | Moderate |
5 | Alphanumeric Series | 1 | Easy |
Total | 35 | Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Numerical Ability
The Quantitative Aptitude was Moderate to attempt. Candidates have to attempt maximum questions with accuracy in 20 minutes. So the overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate
Questions Asked:
- One bar graph DI with A & B call details on different days of the week
- 5 set of questions in which married and unmarried employees were given
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | DI (2) | 10 | Moderate |
2 | Number Series | 5 | Easy to moderate |
3 | Quadratic Equation | 5 | Easy |
4 | Ratio | 2 | Easy |
5 | Miscellaneous | 15 | Moderate |
Total | 35 | Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: English
The overall level of the English Language section was Easy. Candidates were easily able to attempt averagely 25 questions in 20 minutes.
Questions Asked:
- Reading Comprehension topic on the water crisis.
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Cloze test | 6 | Easy-Moderate |
2 | Word Exchange | 4 | Easy |
3 | Phrasal sentences | 3 | Easy |
4 | Sentence Correction | 3 | Moderate |
5 | Reading Comprehension(Story Based) | 09 | Easy-Moderate |
6 | Para Jumble | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
Total | 30 | Easy |
FCI Manager Shift 2 Exam Analysis 2019: (November 28, 2019)
S.No | Section | Good Attempts | Time |
1 | Quantitative Aptitude | 23-25 | Easy-Moderate |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 21-23 | Moderate |
3 | English Language | 24-26 | Easy |
Total | 69-75 | Easy-Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Reasoning Ability
The Reasoning Ability section was easy to moderate. A total of 35 questions, out of which most of the questions came under the Puzzles & Sitting arrangements. The reasoning section was difficult compared to Quantitative Aptitude. Some of the important questions note down from this section are:
4 puzzle + Seating arrangement was there in exam
- Puzzle on Days
- 2 rows puzzle- 6 members in each row
- Linear sittings – number of people was not mentioned
- Circular seating arrangement
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Puzzles and Seating Arrangement (4) | 20 | Moderate |
2 | Inequality | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
3 | Syllogism | 5 | Easy |
4 | Alphanumeric Series | 3 | Easy |
5 | Miscellaneous | 2 | Moderate |
Total | 35 | Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Quantitative Aptitude
The Quantitative Aptitude was Moderate to attempt. Candidates have to attempt maximum questions with accuracy in 20 minutes. So the overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate.
- 1st DI was of Bar Graph
- 2nd DI contains 5 sets of questions in which graduates and undergraduates employees were given.
- Caselet
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Attempts |
1 | Date Interpratation (3) | 15 | Moderate |
2 | Quadratic Equation | 5 | Easy |
3 | Number Series | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
4 | Miscellaneous | 10 | Moderate |
Total | 35 | Easy-Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: English
The overall level of the English Language section was Easy. Candidates were easily able to attempt averagely 25 questions in 20 minutes.
- RC Topic- Pollution related
- The tone of the author was asked in RC.
- English was of Bank PO pre-level.
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Attempts |
1 | Sentence Rearrangement | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
2 | Reading Comprehension | 10 | Easy-Moderate |
3 | Correct & Incorrect Statements | 5 | Easy |
4 | Fill ups | 4-5 | Easy-Moderate |
5 | Phrasal sentences | 4-5 | Easy |
Total | 30 | Easy |
FCI Manager Shift 3 Exam Analysis 2019: (November 28, 2019)
S.No | Section | Good Attempts | Time |
1 | Quantitative Aptitude | 24-26 | Easy |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 23-25 | Easy-Moderate |
3 | English Language | 23-27 | Easy |
Total | 72-76 | Easy-Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Reasoning Ability
The Reasoning Ability section was easy to moderate. A total of 35 questions, out of which most of the questions came under the Puzzles & Sitting arrangements. The reasoning section was difficult compared to Quantitative Aptitude. Some of the important questions note down from this section are:
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Puzzles and Seating Arrangement (4) | 15 | Moderate |
2 | Syllogism | 5 | Easy |
3 | Inequality | 3 | Easy |
4 | Odd one Out | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
5 | Miscellaneous | 10 | Moderate |
Total | 35 | Easy-Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: Numerical Ability
The Quantitative Aptitude was Moderate to attempt. Candidates have to attempt maximum questions with accuracy in 20 minutes. So the overall level of the Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate.
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Data Interpretation (2) | 10 | Moderate |
2 | Arithmetic | 12 | Easy |
3 | Quadratic Equation | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
4 | Missing Number Series | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
5 | Caselet | 5 | Moderate |
Total | 35 | Moderate |
FCI Manager Phase 1 Exam Analysis 2019: English
The overall level of the English Language section was Easy. Candidates were easily able to attempt averagely 25 questions in 20 minutes.
S.No | Questions | No of Questions | Level |
1 | Reading Comprehension (Story Based | 8 | Easy-Moderate |
2 | Sentence Correction | 5 | Easy |
3 | Phrasal Verbs | 5 | Moderate |
4 | Para jumble | 5 | Easy-Moderate |
5 | Fill in the Blanks | 4 | Easy-Moderate |
6 | Word Exchange | 3 | Easy |
Total | 30 | Easy-Moderate |