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LIC AAO General Awareness Questions Day – 161

Dear Aspirants, As we all know the importance of LIC AAO General Awareness section. Because it a a very easy scoring part only when you are updated on every day. So, IG team has taken majestic step to make you score more in the LIC AAO General Awareness Part. We amalgamated Banking awareness and Static Gk sections to make you score more. The Aspirants can make use of it, to improve score in LIC AAO General awareness part.

Start the Quiz to know your level in LIC AAO General Awareness Section. Validate and enhance your skill by practicing more.

[WpProQuiz 6298]

1) What does the charge on movable assets without possession to be created is charge mean?

a) Lien

b) Pledge

c) Hypothecation

d) Assignment

e) Mortgage

2) Which of the following is the Central Bank of USA?

a) Federation of Banks, USA

b) Citigroup, USA

c) Bank of America

d) Central Bank of USA

e) Federal Reserve

3) NPA is a loan or an advance where interest and/or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than how many days in respect of a term loan.

a) 100 days

b) 30 days

c) 90 days

d) 60 days

e) 120 days

4) RBI reviewed the Guidelines on STRIPS for government securities. What does R stands for in STRIPS?

a) Regulated

b) Reimbursed

c) Robust

d) Registered

e) None of these

5) Which section of RBI Act 1934 gives the Reserve bank of India the sole right to issue Bank notes of all denominations?

a) Section 18

b) Section 34

c) Section 28

d) Section 22

e) Section 24

6) Dollu Kunitha is a major popular drum dance of which of the following states?

a) Jharkhand

b) Jammu and Kashmir

c) Karnataka

d) Uttarakhand

e) Assam

7) What is the tagline of Dena Bank?

a) The Bank that begins with “U”

b) The name you can bank upon

c) Trusted Family Bank

d) A friend you can bank on

e) None of these

8) Bandipur National Park is located in the state of         

a) Kerala

b) Tamil Nadu

c) Andhra Pradesh

d) Telangana

e) Karnataka

9) Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant located at Sipat in which state?

a) Uttarakhand

b) Chhattisgarh

c) Himachal Pradesh

d) Arunachal Pradesh

e) Assam

10) National Sports Day is celebrated on August 29 which marks the birthday of Dhyan Chand. He was associated with which game?

a) Tennis

b) Cricket

c) Hockey

d) Chess

e) Kabaddi

Answers :

1) Answer: c)

Hypothecation is described as “a transaction whereby money is borrowed by the customer (owner of goods) on the security of the movable property without transferring either the property or the possession to the lender (Bank)”.

2) Answer: e)

The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act, after a series of financial panics (particularly the panic of 1907) led to the desire for central control of the monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises.

3) Answer: c)

A non performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an advance where interest and/or installment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of a term loan.

4) Answer: d)

STRIPS full form is Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities.

5) Answer: d)

Section 22 of RBI Act 1934 gives the Reserve bank of India the sole right to issue Bank notes of all denominations.

6) Answer: c)

Dollu Kunitha Kannada is a major popular drum dance of Karnataka. Accompanied by singing, it provides spectacular variety and complexity of skills

7) Answer: c)

Dena Bank:

Tagline: Trusted Family Bank

CEO: Shri Karnam Sekar

Headquarters: Mumbai

8) Answer: e)

Once the hunting reserve for the king of Mysore, Bandipur National Park was established as national park in the year 1978 and is located in the state of Karnataka.

9) Answer: b)

The 2980MW Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant located at Sipat in the Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh, ranks as the fifth largest thermal power station in India. It is a coal-based power plant owned and operated by NTPC.

10) Answer: c)

Dhyan Chand was associated with Hockey. National Sports Day is celebrated on 29th August in various educational institutes and sports academics. This day is marked by celebrations by organizing various kinds of sports events and other programs aimed at encouraging the popularity of sports in the country.


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This post was last modified on May 22, 2019 11:08 am