LIC ADO General Awareness Questions Day – 191

Dear Aspirants, As we all know the importance of LIC ADO General Awareness section. Because it a a very easy scoring part only when you are updated on every day. So, IG team has taken majestic step to make you score more in the LIC ADO General Awareness Part. We amalgamated Banking awareness and Static Gk sections to make you score more. The Aspirants can make use of it, to improve score in LIC ADO General awareness part. Start the Quiz to know your level in LIC ADO General Awareness Section. Validate and enhance your skill by practicing more.

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1) The full form of e-SBTR is which among the following?

a) Electronic State Basic Training Roster

b) Electronic Secured Bank Treasury Receipt

c) Electronic Stamp Bank Treasury Receipt

d) Electronic State Base Training Report

e) Other than those given in options

2) Which among the following is / are features of e-stamping?

a) Easy accessibility

b) User friendly

c) Cost saving

d) Both (a) and (c)

e) All the above

3) It is the aggregate of the gross balances of primary incomes of all resident institutional units.

a) Net national Income

b) Gross National Income

c) Gross National Disposable income

d) Private Income

e) None of these

4)  What are the ATMs set up, owned and operated by non-banks called?

a) Green Label ATMS

b) Orange Label ATMs

c) White Label ATMs

d) Pink Label ATMs

e) None of these

5) The headquarter of SHCIL is located in which among the following places in India?

a) New Delhi

b) Hyderabad

c) Bengaluru

d) Kolkata

e) Mumbai

6) Which of the following thermal power station is situated in Gujarat?

a) Ukai Thermal Power Station

b) Satpura Thermal Power Station

c) Khaperkheda Thermal Power Station

d) Anpara Thermal Power Station

e) None of the above

7) Baglihar dam is build on which river?

a) Jhelum

b) Ravi

c) Chenab

d) Beas

e) Indus

8) ‘Soccer City’ is an important stadium from which country?

a) Spain

b) Dubai

c) United States

d) Ireland

e) South Africa

9) Aranmula International Airport is situated in which state?

a) Odisha

b) Kerala

c) Karnataka

d) Tamil Nadu

e) Andhra Pradesh

10) Which of the following Temple complex is prominent in the state of Bihar?

a) Sanchi Stupa

b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex

c) Kailasa Temple Complex

d) Taxila

e) Kailasha temple

Answers :

1) Answer: b)

The full form of e-SBTR is Electronic Secured Bank Treasury Receipt and it is mainly related to the electronic payment of stamp duty by public. This is generally issued by an officer of the participating bank, on a secured government document, only after verifying the receipt of virtual payment of stamp duty online by the individual

2) Answer: e)

E-Stamps have been introduced in India in order to help the general public access stamps from the government in an easy and accessible way without much hassle. This service is very much cost effective for both the government and the user and at the same; accessibility of stamps has also increased because of the introduction of e-stamps

3) Answer: b)

Net national income (NNI) is net national product (NNP) minus indirect taxes. Gross National Income is the aggregate of the gross balances of primary incomes of all resident institutional units. Gross national income (GNI) is GDP less net taxes on production and imports, less compensation of employees and property income payable to the rest of the world plus the corresponding items receivable from the rest of the world. Private income is the total of factor incomes and transfer incomes received from all sources by private sector (private enterprise and households) within and outside the country.

4) Answer: c)

ATMs set up, owned and operated by non-banks are called White Label ATMs. ATMs provided for Agricultural Transactions are called Green Label ATMs. ATMs provided for Share Transactions are called Orange Label ATMs. ATMs used for Women Banking are called Pink Label ATMs.

5) Answer: e)

Stock Holding Corporation of India is considered the largest depository of securities and stocks in the Indian financial market and it is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It acts as the depository participant in the Indian securities market

6) Answer: a)

Ukai Thermal Power Station- Gujarat — Satpura Thermal Power Station-Madhya Pradesh, — Khaperkheda Thermal Power Station- Maharashtra, — Anpara Thermal Power Station- Uttar Pradesh.

7) Answer: c)

Baglihar Dam, also known as Baglihar Hydroelectric Power Project, is a run-of-the-river power project on the Chenab River in the southern Doda district of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.

8) Answer: e)

First National Bank Stadium or simply FNB Stadium, also known as Soccer City and The Calabash, is a stadium located in Nasrec, bordering the Soweto area of Johannesburg, South Africa.

9) Answer: b)

Aranmula International Airport was an airport project planned to be built at Aranmula, Kerala in India, at a cost of Rs. 20 billion.

10) Answer: b)

The Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya lies 115 km south of the capital city of Patna in the state of Bihar. It is one of the four holy sites related to the life of the Lord Buddha, and particularly to the attainment of Enlightenment. The property encompasses the greatest remains of the 5th-6th century A.D in the Indian sub-continent belonging to this period of antiquity. The first temple was built by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century B.C.

This post was last modified on July 5, 2019 1:33 pm