General Awareness Quiz

NIACL Mains 2019 – General Awareness Day – 99

Dear Aspirants, As we all know the importance of General Awareness section to appear for all the competitive exams. So, IG team has taken majestic step to make you score more in the General Awareness Part. We amalgamated Banking awareness and Static Gk sections to make you score more. The Aspirants can make use of it, to improve score in General awareness part.

[WpProQuiz 5353]


1) Which of the following is covered by IBBI?

a) Companies

b) Limited Liability Partnerships

c) Partnership firms

d) Individuals

e) All of these

2) The Central Government has constituted National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under ______ of the Companies Act, 2013.

a) Section 108

b) Section 408

c) Section 308

d) Section 208

e) None of these

3) In FFMC, “M” stands for ___

a) Mortgage

b) Maturity

c) Money

d) All of these

e) None of these

4) _______ refers to the system in which two are more banks are brought under common control by a device other than the holding company?

a) Chain Banking

b) Group Banking

c) Mixed Banking

d) Branch Banking

e) None of the Above

5) A negotiable instrument delivered to a person conditionally or for safe custody, but not for the purpose of negotiation is called _________

a) Protest

b) Escrow

c) Nothing

d) All of the Above

e) None of the Above

6) Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park located in which state?

a) Karnataka

b) Nagaland

c) Maharashtra

d) Assam

e) Arunachal Pradesh

7) ChaudharyCharan Singh International Airport located in which State/UT?

a) Assam

b) Gujarat

c) Andaman & Nicobar

d) Maharashtra

e) Uttar Pradesh

8) March 22 observed as _____

a) World Consumer Rights Day

b) World Sparrow Day

c) International Day of Forests

d) World Water Day

e) World Theatre Day

9) The Headquarters of International Organization for Standardization is located in which city?

a) Vienna

b) Geneva

c) Berne

d) Rome

e) None of these

10) What is the capital of Egypt?

a) Kigali

b) Tirane

c) Luanda

d) Havana

e) Cairo

Answers :

1) Answer: e)

It covers Individuals, Companies, Limited Liability Partnerships and Partnership firms.

2) Answer: b)

The Central Government has constituted National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under section 408 of the Companies Act, 2013

3) Answer: c)

Full-Fledged Money Changers – FFMC

4) Answer: a)

Chain Banking refers to the system in which two are more banks are brought under common control by a device other than the holding company.

5) Answer: b)

An escrow account is a temporary pass through account held by a third party during the process of a transaction between two parties.

6) Answer: d)

Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park located in Assam

7) Answer: e)

ChaudharyCharan Singh International Airport located in Uttar Pradesh

8) Answer: d)

March 22 observed as World Water Day

9) Answer: b)

The Headquarters of International Organization for Standardization is located in Geneva

10) Answer: e)

Cairo is the capital city of Egypt

This post was last modified on February 28, 2019 2:02 pm