Global Parents Day 2021 Theme: History and Significance

Global Parents Day 2021 Theme: Every year the Global Parents Day is celebrated on 1st June 2021 to appreciate the superheroes out there in all the homes. Global Parents Day 2021 Theme is celebrated to express gratitude to our parents for the efforts they put in to shape our futures. The day celebrates the unique relationship between children and parents and it also provides us with an opportunity to appreciate our parents for the sacrifices they make for us.  Parents play a crucial role in our lives for our career, social, financial, and mental development.

Global Parents Day 2021 Theme

  • The theme for Global Parents Day 2021 is ‘appreciate all parents throughout the world’.
  • The theme stresses the struggles, sacrifices, and efforts made by parents for their children worldwide.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents took all responsibilities of their children and took care of them even when they were burdened with their own tasks.
  • This year the theme has been kept in accordance with the efforts and hard work done by parents across the globe during the pandemic for their children.

Important Days

History of Global Parents Day 2021 Theme

  • In its resolution 47/237 of 1993, the United Nations General Assembly decided that May 15 will be observed as the International Day of Families.
  • It was further realized that parents play an important role in families and hence in 2012, it was proclaimed that 1 June would be celebrated as Global Parents Day worldwide. Now, it is celebrated every year every fourth Sunday of July.

Significance of Global Parents Day 2021 Theme

  • Parenting is a never-ending skill. Once you sign for it there’s no looking back.
  • You will have to take charge and make the most of your time.
  • Parenting and child development are in a symbiotic relationship.
  • The proper role of the parent is to provide encouragement, support, and access to activities that enable the child to master key developmental tasks.
  • A child’s learning and socialization are most influenced by their family since the family is the child’s primary social group.
  • Happy parents raise happy children.
  • Education is one of the landmarks in a child’s development.
  • A good education will hand over a rewarding career to the person and thereby they can serve society and return its bounties.


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Q.What is the meaning of the global day of parents?

day to appreciate parents across the worldGlobal Parents Day or Parents Day, is an excellent opportunity for children and parents to celebrate the unique bond. Supporting children starts with supporting parents.

Q.What parents wish for their child?
  • Kindness. Above all else.
  • Understanding. Of yourself and others.
  • Integrity. Do the right thing, even when it’s hard.
  • Love. Yourself, others, our World.
  • Health. Physical, mental, emotional.
  • Wisdom.
  • Creativity, etc.,
Q.How do you express gratitude to your parents?
  • Learn From Their Lessons. Your parents are more experienced than you are as they have already lived a longer life than you.
  • Appreciate Their Help.
  • Remember About The holidays.
  • Listen To Their Words Attentively.
  • Spend More Time Together.
  • Talk To Them.
  • Ask Them For Advice.
  • Surprise Them.

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