Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has released the notification regarding the recruitment of officers for 209 vacant posts including Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Services, Class-1 & Class-2 & Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2 Class-1 and Class-2 posts. Candidates should go through the notification properly and the eligible candidates can apply for the recruitment process and start their preparation process. Candidates who are willing to apply for the GPSC Civil Service Recruitment 2020 should apply on or before 1st of December, 2020.
There are two stages in the GPSC Civil Service Exam Recruitment process, one is the preliminary exam which is of Objective type and the second one is the Mains Exam which consists of Written test and Personal Interview. The below article deals with all the details regarding the recruitment process that is Experience needed, age limit, post wise Qualification and the steps on how to apply.
GPSC Civil Service Recruitment 2020: Important Dates:
Starting date to apply Online: 10th of November 2020
Last Date for Submission of Application: 01st of December 2020
Prelims Exam (Tentative Dates): 21 of March 2021
Prelim Exam Result ( Tentative Dates) : May 2021
Tentative Main Exam (Tentative Month): Not Applicable
Tentative Month of Interview: November 2021
GPSC Exam-Vacancy:
There are a total of 209 vacancies for the following posts Gujarat Administrative Service, Class-1, Gujarat Civil Services, Class-1 & Class-2 & Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2.
GPSC Civil Service Exam – Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
Graduate who appeared in the last year or last semester of any Graduate Exam.
Age Limit:
Candidates applying for the GPSC Civil Service Recruitment 2020 should be between the age 20-35.
GPSC Exam Pattern: Pattern
There are two stages in the Competitive exam
- Preliminary Exam : Preliminary exam will be of Objective type
- Mains Exam: Mains Exam consists of Written test and Interview
GPSC Recruitment 2020: Steps to apply
Candidates who are all willing to apply for GPSC Civil Service Exam should enter into the official website on or before 1st of December 2020