Dear Aspirants, Quantitative Aptitude plays a crucial role in Banking and all other competitive exams. To enrich your preparation, here we have provided New Pattern Aptitude Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains. Candidates those who are going to appear in IBPS Clerk Mains can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.
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Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
The number of students who appears the exam of two different institutes (XYZ and ABCD) over the years,
2014: The number of students who appear in the exam from XYZ institute is 300 and the 60% of the students pass the examination. 30% of the students passed in the exam from ABCD institute.
2015: The number of students who appear in the exam from XYZ institute is 400 and 45% of the students pass the exam. 45% of the students pass the exam from ABCD institute.
2016: The number of students who appear in the exam from ABCD institute is 280 and 60% of the students pass the exam. 50% of the students pass the exam from XYZ institute.
2017: The number of students who appear the exam from XYZ institute and ABCD institute is 380 and 400 respectively.
1) What is the average number of passed students over the years from XYZ institute?
Statement I: If in the year 2017 the total number of students who passed from XYZ institute is 40% and the total number of students who passed from XYZ institute in 2016 is 150.
Statement II: If the ratio of the number of students passed from XYZ institute in 2017 and 2016 is 4:5.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Either I or II sufficient
d) All I and II necessary to the answer the question
e) The question can’t be answered even with all I and II
2) Quantity I: If the number of students who appear the exam from ABCD in 2014 is 20% less than that of the number of students who appear the exam from XYZ institute in 2015, then what is the average number of passed students from ABCD institute in the year 2014 and 2016 together?
Quantity II: What is the difference between the total number of students who failed in the year 2015 from XYZ and the total number of students failed in the year 2016 from ABCD institute?
a) Quantity I > Quantity II
b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
c) Quantity II > Quantity I
d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
3) If the number of students who appeared in the exam from XYZ institute in the year 2018 decreased by 20% from that of students appeared in the year 2015 and 30% students failed, then what is the number of passed students from XYZ institute in 2018 is approximately what percent more than that of the number of students passed from ABCD institute in 2016?
a) 33%
b) 37%
c) 39%
d) 31%
e) 36%
4) If the number of students who appears the exam from ABCD institute in the year 2014 is 20% more than that of the number of students who appears the exam from ABCD institute in 2017 and the number of students who appears the exam from ABCD institute in 2015 is 360. 30% of the number of students failed from ABCD institute in 2017, then find the total number of students who failed from ABCD institute in the given year?
a) 766
b) 824
c) 785
d) 815
e) None of these
5) If the number of students passed the exam from XYZ institute in 2016 is 180, the number of students who appears the exam from XYZ institute in 2016 is approximately what percent of the number of students who appears the exam from ABCD institute from 2017?
a) 90%
b) 80%
c) 92%
d) 88%
e) None of these
Directions (6 – 10): A number is given in each question with three series I, II and III. Find the series which exactly replaces the question mark with the number and choose the options accordingly.
6) 96
I. 152, 148, 132, (?), 32
II. 16, 32, (?), 384
III. 18.5, 17.5, 33, (?), 380
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only III
d) Both I and II
e) All I, II and III
7) 52
18, 25, (?), 128, 386
16, 20, 26, 36, (?), 76
III. 6, 14, 24, 36, (?), 66
a) Only III
b) None
c) Both I and II
d) Only II
e) All I, II and III
8) 139
I. 11178, 3726, 1242, 414, (?), 46
II. 15.5, 33, 68, (?), 278
III. 39, 41, 47, 59, 79, (?), 151
a) Only I
b) None
c) Both II and III
d) Both I and III
e) Both I and II
9) 1369
I. 1319, 1329, 1344, (?), 1404, 1459
II. 1194, 1315, 1171, 1340, 1144, (?)
III. 593, 780, 968, 1160, (?), 1640
a) Both I and II
b) Only I
c) Only III
d) None
e) All I, II and III
10) 64
I. 1, 8, 27, (?), 125, 216
II. 30, 31, (?), 195, 784
III. 32, (?), 256, 1536, 12288
a) None
b) Both I and II
c) Both II and III
d) All I, II and III
e) Neither I nor II
Click Below for Video Solutions for these Questions
1) Answer: a)
From Statement I,
Number of students passed from XYZ in 2017=40/100*380=152
Number of students passed from XYZ in 2016=150
Number of students passed from XYZ in 2014=300*60/100=180
Number of students passed from XYZ in 2015=400*45/100=180
Average= (152+150+180+180)/4 = 662/4
So, Statement I alone is sufficient to the answer the question.
From Statement II,
If the ratio of the number of students passed from XYZ institute in 2017 and 2016 is 4:5.
So, Statement II alone is not sufficient to the answer the question.
2) Answer: a)
From quantity I,
Number of students appeared from ABCD in 2014=400*80/100=320
Number of students passed from ABCD in 2014=320*30/100=96
Number of students passed from ABCD 2016=280*60/100=168
Average= (96+168)/2=132
From quantity II,
Number of students failed from XYZ 2015=400*55/100=220
Number of students failed from ABCD 2016=280*40/100=112
Quantity I > Quantity II
3) Answer: a)
Number of students appeared from XYZ institute in 2018=400*80/100=320
Number of students passed from XYZ in 2018=320*70/100=224
Number of students passed from ABCD in 2016=280*60/100=168
Required percentage = [(224 – 168)/168]*100 = 33.33%
4) Answer: a)
ABCD in 2014=400*120/100=480
ABCD in 2015=360
Number of students failed from ABCD in 2014=480*70/100=336
Number of students failed from ABCD in 2015=360*55/100=198
Number of students failed from ABCD in 2016=280*40/100=112
Number of students failed from ABCD in 2017=400*30/100=120
Required total= (336+198+112+120) = 766
5) Answer: a)
Number of students passed the exam from XYZ institute in 2016=180*100/50=360
Number of students passed the exam from ABCD institute in 2017=400
Required percentage = 360*(100/400) = 90%
Directions (6-10):
6) Answer: e)
I – series pattern:
II – series pattern:
16 * 2 = 32
32 * 3 = 96
96* 4 = 384
III – series pattern:
18.5 * 1 – 1 = 17.5
17.5 * 2 – 2 = 33
33 * 3 – 3 = 96
96*4 – 4 = 380
All the three given series exactly replaces the same number in the question mark.
7) Answer: c)
I – series pattern:
18 * 1.5 – 2 = 25
25 * 2 + 2 = 52
52 * 2.5 – 2 = 128
128 * 3 + 2 = 386
II – series pattern:
III – series pattern:
In all the given series, only I and II exactly replaces the same number in the question mark.
8) Answer: b)
I – series pattern:
11178/3 = 3726
3726/3 = 1242
1242/3 = 414
414/3 = 138
138/3 = 46
II – series pattern:
15.5 * 2 + 2 = 33
33 * 2 + 2 = 68
68 * 2 + 2 = 138
138 * 2 + 2 = 278
III – series pattern:
39 + (1*2) = 41
41 + (2*3) = 47
47 + (3*4) = 59
59 + (4*5) = 79
79 + (5*6) = 109
109 + (6*7) = 151
In all the given series, no one exactly replaces the same number in the question mark.
9) Answer: a)
I – series pattern:
1319 + (5*2) = 1329
1329 + (5*3) = 1344
1344 + (5*5) = 1369
1369 + (5*7) = 1404
1404 + (5*11) = 1459
II – series pattern:
1194 + 121 = 1315
1315 – 144 = 1171
1171 + 169 = 1340
1340 – 196 = 1144
1144 + 225 = 1369
III – series pattern:
In all the given series, only I and II exactly replaces the same number in the question mark.
10) Answer: d)
I – series pattern:
13 = 1
23 = 8
33 = 27
43 = 64
53 = 125
63 = 216
II – series pattern:
(30 + 1)* 1 = 31
(31+1)*2 = 64
(64+1)*3 = 195
(195+1)*4 = 784
III – series pattern:
32 * 2 = 64
64 * 4 = 256
256 * 6 = 1536
1536 * 8 = 12288
All the three given series exactly replaces the same number in the question mark.