Here we have added the tips on how to clear JK bank exam 2020 in first attempt. Now the candidates will appear for the JK bank PO recruitment. Refer the tips given here on how to clear JK bank exam 2020 in first attempt.
For JK bank PO recruitment 2020, totally 1500 vacancies have been announced. Till 20.6.2020, candidates can apply for this recruitment. After the lock down this is a big opportunity for the candidates to secure a job. So eligible candidates will apply for this exam in a large number. If you want to crack this exam first focus on the prelims exam. in prelims exam, you might face a tough competition. We have given here important preparation tips to crack the prelims exam in the first attempt.
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JK Bank PO Prelims Exam Pattern:
The prelims exam consists of 3 sections namely, English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. For each section, separate timing is available. So you have to manage the time in an efficient manner to attend more questions. Only then you can clear the exam cut off in this tough competition.
Section | Number of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Duration |
English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 mins |
Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 mins |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 mins |
Total | 100 | 100 | 1 hour |
Preparation Tips – English Language:
For English language section, follow the tips given here,
- Read newspapers regularly. So that automatically your reading skill and vocabulary will get improve.
- Learn new words daily. For that read magazines and story books. keep a dictionary and find meaning for the unknown words.
- Give utmost importance to grammar. with grammar you can score im most of the areas of this section.
- Attend mock test and analyse your mistakes. In this process itself you can improvise your grammar knowledge.
Preparation Tips – Quantitative Aptitude:
For the quantitative aptitude section, follow the preparation tips here.
- In quantitative aptitude, you have to deal with numbers and calculation. So first, make yourself strong in problem solving techniques.
- Also learn more fast calculation maths tricks.
- For each topic give importance and find your weak zones.
- Mock test practice will help you to improve speed and accuracy in problem solving.
- Don’t ignore application sums. Try hard and find short cut methods. also learn to apply those short cut methods in the problems.
Preparation Tips – Reasoning Ability:
The reasoning ability is the favourite section for most of the candidates. So maintain your form to get lead in the competition. Follow the tips given here to ace this section.
- Short cuts are very important for this section to save timing.
- Practice much on the puzzles and seating arrangements. Only then you can complete them in a minimum possible time.
- Don’t ignore the easy topics like syllogism, inequality, etc. Give importance for them too, by attending topic tests.
Common Exam Tips:
In exam don’t spend much time on a single question. Also dont give fluke answers. if you follow these two tips in a correct manner, you can easily manage the time efficiently. So that you can get a solution on how to clear the JK bank PO prelims exam in the first attempt itself.