How to prepare for SSC exams 2020 at home without coaching? is the most frequent question we receive from students preparing for various Staff Selection Commission exams. To help you find the right answer, we have provided you with the best preparation strategies at home to crack the SSC exams. So candidates follow all these tips and strategies on how to prepare for SSC exams at home.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) exams are one of the most focussed exams among the aspirants. Also, the competition for these exams is quite high. So the candidates have to prepare well, with the best strategies to crack these exams. There are various SSC exams such as,
- Combined Graduate Level Exam (SSC CGL)
- Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam (SSC CHSL)
- Central Police Organization Exam (SSC CPO)
- Junior Engineer Exam (SSC JE)
- General Duty Constable Exam (SSC GD)
These are some of the important SSC exams. Most of the candidates join the coaching centers to prepare for the SSC exams. Some candidates may opt for home preparation due to various reasons. But some aspirants will have no idea on how to prepare for SSC exams at home. We have given here some ideas, preparation strategies, and tips on home preparation for SSC exams.
How to Prepare for SSC Exams at Home?
Many candidates avoid coaching cases due to high fees, travel distance, and many other reasons. Is it possible to prepare for the SSC 2020 exams at home? The answer is ‘Yes’. The candidates can prepare well from home itself if they follow the tips and preparation strategies provided here. It is more than enough to crack the SSC exams. The only thing is that you should prepare with dedication without wasting time.
Take Note of Syllabus & Exam Pattern
The first thing is, you should follow the updated SSC exam pattern and syllabus. List all the subject topics of the exam syllabus. Also by knowing the pattern, you can set a good exam strategy. In practice, you can also optimize your exam strategy to score high marks.
Choose Good Study Materials
Many candidates ask how to prepare for SSC exam without coaching. But it is possible to prepare well from the home. As you prepare from home, you should choose the best study materials to study for the SSC exams 2020. You can opt for online videos, E-books, etc. These are very good sources for learning from home. Through online video learning, you can cover preparation for all the subjects.
Prepare Study Plan
Candidates prepare the SSC exam study plan. Then follow the study plan in the following manner. This will summarize the total solution for your doubt on how to prepare for SS exams 2020 at home.
- In the study plan, fill all the subject topics.
- In this daily schedule, you can set time limits for the preparation of each topic.
- Follow the study plan in a strict manner.
- Your study plan should be in a way such that first cover all the basics in each topic. Then prepare for the difficulty level.
- On completing each topic, do practice mock tests.
- Analyze the mistakes in the mock test and develop your performance.
Give Importance to Weak Zones
This is a very important step in your SSC preparation at home. After a few exams and mock test practice, surely will know the weak topics and sections. Dedicate more time for these weak topics and sections. If you don’t do this, you cannot improve your exam score by any cause. So gradually convert all your weak zones into stronger ones through the mock test practice.
Check SSC Previous Year Papers & Cut Offs
The next important preparation strategy s to check the previous year cut-offs and question papers. So that you can find the exact standard of the exam. With the help of this analysis, you can upgrade your preparation to match the exam standard. Also, solve the previous year question papers frequently. So that you can gain experience in solving more exam point of view questions. Also, you can be aware of the repeated questions and some new pattern questions. This is how you should prepare for the SSC exams at home without coaching.
Useful Preparation Strategies to Prepare for SSC Exams without Coaching
- Read daily newspapers and improve your vocabulary skills. This is the only way to improve your scores in the English section. Also improve your grammar skills to score easily in topics like error spotting fillers, etc.
- Practice more difficult puzzles and seating arrangements to develop your analytical and reasoning skills. This section will be the real test for the candidates as most of the questions will be in a difficult level. Practice more mock tests accordingly.
- For the quantitative aptitude section, learn more short cuts to solve the high-level word problems. Also, learn more rapid calculation methods which will assist you to finish the problems quickly.
- For the general awareness section read daily current affairs, static GK capsules, etc. This section is your key to score more marks. So make yourself strong in this section. Revise the capsule regularly before the exam.
Here we have added some important FAQs on how to prepare for SSC exams at home.
Q: What are the preparation methods at home for SSC exams?
A: To prepare for SSC exams at home you can opt for online video courses, E-books, mock test practice, and previous year question paper practice.
Q: Will SSC exam preparation at home is enough for success?
A: Yes, if you prepare a good study plan and follow it in a strict manner, it is more than enough to crack the SSC 2020 exams.