IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023: Candidates should be ready for the preparation of IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2023. It is one of the important exams conducted by IBPS. In order to make the preparation easier our professionals have given you the IBPS Clerk Mock Test Series 2023 based on the new syllabus and pattern. So Students should make use of the IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 series for exam preparation. Our website provides complete material for preparing for IBPS Clerk 2023 exams. Only Preparation will not be enough for clearing IBPS Clerk 2023 exams. We need to do continuous practicing. For Practicing We have given IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 series on our website. We have given a link to this page. Students by using the link can attend IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 series and make the preparation stronger.
IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 Series
IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 contains questions completely related to the real exam scenario. IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 questions will be completely related to the Syllabus. It is a real-time application of our preparation. We will compile hundreds of questions in the IBPS PO Mock Test 2023 so that students can understand the difference between Syllabus preparation and actual exam point of view application.
Analyze the solutions within the same day so that it is easy to remember. Free IBPS Clerk Mock Test PDF 2023 is provided for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability & English Language sections. Make your sectional scores stronger by frequently practicing these mocks provided. Try to complete the mocks within the time specified. Proceed through this article and practice the IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 pdf provided here.
IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023
The salient features of the IBPS Clerk 2023 mock test package are given below.
- There are 10 full-length online mock tests for the IBPS Clerk mains exam (One free test).
- Also, 21 IBPS Clerk prelims mock tests are available (two free tests).
- 15 sectional mock test series.
- The online test series is prepared in a bilingual manner. So candidates can take tests either in English or Hindi languages.
- Candidates can access the test through the website or the mobile app.
- The IBPS Clerk test series is based on the updated IBPS clerk exam pattern and syllabus.
- The mock test series contains new pattern questions.
Practice IBPS PO Mock Test 2023 Free
IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 Free Series will help you position yourself at the top of the preparation table. Our Guidely experts prepared a complete IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 module by completely analyzing the IBPS Clerk 2023 Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Exam Trend, difficulty level, and latest updates introduced in the paper.
So Crack the IBPS Clerk 2023 exam through IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 series available in Guidely.
IBPS Clerk Mock Test Series
IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam
The IBPS Clerk selection process has 2 rounds. They are,
- Prelims
- Mains
The candidates have to clear both rounds to get the provisional allotment order.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern
- The prelims exam will have 3 sections namely English, Reasoning, and quantitative aptitude.
- There is a sectional time of 20 minutes for each section.
- The negative mark for each wrong answer is 0.25.
The exam scheme of the prelims exam is available in the table. In the prelims exam, speed is very important. Our IBPS clerk 2023 prelims mock tests are based on this updated exam pattern.
S.no. | Name of Test | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Total duration |
1. | English language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2. | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3. | Quantitative Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 1 hour |
IBPS Clerk Mains Pattern
- The IBPS clerk mains exam will also have a sectional time limit as mentioned in the table.
- The negative marks for each wrong answer are 1/4th of the marks assigned to the question.
In this mains exam, you have to attend 4 sections within the given sectional time. So you have to practice well with our IBPS clerk 2023 mains mock test series. So that you can get the ability to attend to more difficult questions with ease.
S.no. | Name of Test | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Total duration |
1. | General/Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | 35 minutes |
2. | English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
3. | Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude | 50 | 60 | 45 minutes |
4. | Quantitative Ability | 50 | 50 | 45 minutes |
Total | 190 | 200 | 160 minutes |
So candidates attend more IBPS Clerk 2023 online mock test series. This will help you to convert all your weak topics into stronger topics. So that you can easily improve your exam marks.
IBPS Clerk Mock Test 2023 FAQs
Q: What are the online modes to purchase the IBPS Clerk 2023 mock test series?
A: credit card, debit card, mobile wallets, net banking, etc.
Q: Can I cancel my purchase of the IBPS Clerk mock test and get back a refund of the money?
A: No. once you paid the fees, it is impossible to cancel the purchase and get a refund.
Q: Can I get the PDF format of the IBPS clerk mock test series?
A: No, you cannot download the test series in PDF format.
Q: whether IBPS Clerk Mock test series available in Hindi?
A: Yes, the IBPS Clerk Mock Test series is available in a bilingual manner. Candidates can take tests in English as well as in Hindi.
Q: What are the online modes to attend the IBPS Clerk Mock test series?
A: Aspirants can attend the test by visiting our website or through a mobile app.