IBPS Clerk Mains Reasoning (Day-01)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Direction sense

Direction (1 – 3): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions: (All numbers are represented in meters)  

A @ B means A is to the North of B

A $ B means A is to the South of B

A % B means A is to the East of B

A & B means A is to the West of B

Note: A 15 % B means A is 15m East of B

There are 3 men travelling from A to D.

Man 1: G 18 % A, E 17 % H, D 12 @ E, H 16 @ I, I 24 & F, F 10 $ G

Man 2: T 29 % A, U 6 @ T, U 7 & V, W 10 @ V, X 25 & W, D 2 @ X

Man 3: M 6 & A, L 19 @ M, N 7 & L, O 3 @ N, P 45 % O, Q 4 $ P, D 21 & Q

1) What is the distance between G and O?






2) What is the direction of point L with respect to point W?

A.South – West



D.North – West

E.South – East

3) Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to form a group, which one of the following doesn’t belongs to the group?

A.H and P

B.D and W

C.M and V

D.A and U

E.N and P

Data sufficiency

Direction (4 – 5): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question:

a)If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

b)If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

c)If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

e)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

4) Seven persons K, L, M, N, O, P, Q were born in seven different years viz. 1990, 1985, 1965, 1993, 1963, 1998, 2004. (All the ages of the given persons have been calculated on base year 2020). What is the difference between the ages of K and O?

I) The sum of ages of O and K is equal to the age of L. The age of N and P is an even number.

II) The difference between the ages of Q and K is the age of 8 but Q born before K.

5) Five kids A, B, C, D and E were born in the same week starting from Monday to Friday, one on each day. In which day B was born?

I) One kid was born between D and E. Two kids were born between A and B. B was born after E.

II) C was older than atleast three kids. B was born immediately after C. Two kids were born between B and A.

Circular seating

Direction (6 – 10): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions:

Eight persons Arun, Abinaya, Anu, Deepak, Dhanasingh, Jeeva, Santhosh and Suresh are sitting around a circular table facing center. All the persons are sitting along the circumference of the circle at an equal distance between them. The radius(r) of the circle is 56m and the circumference of the circle is 2 r. Each of them works in different IT companies CTS, HCL, IBM, Infosys, Mindtree, TCS, Wipro and ZOHO but not necessarily in the same order.

Santhosh sits 88m away from the left of one who works in Infosys. The one who works in Infosys doesn’t sits immediate left of one who works in Wipro. There are two person sits between one who works in Infosys and one who works in IBM. Abinaya doesn’t works in IBM and Infosys. The one who works in HCL sits 132m away from the right of IBM. One person sits between the one who works in HCL and Suresh. Dhanasingh sits 132m away from Suresh. Dhanasingh doesn’t works in ZOHO. Deepak is an immediate neighbour of IBM. One who works in Wipro sits 132m away from the left of Deepak. Abinaya is not an immediate neighbour of Suresh and Santhosh. Abinaya sits 44m away from Jeeva. Arun sits 176m away from Jeeva. Jeeva sits 88m away from the right of one who works in Mindtree. The one who works in Zoho is an immediate neighbour of the one who works in CTS.

6) Which of the following company does Abinaya works?






7) Which of the following statement is true?

I) Abinaya who works in CTS.

II) The one who works in TCS sits 88m away from the right of the one who works in ZOHO.

III) The one who works in TCS is Dhanasingh.

A.Only I

B.Only II

C.Only I and II

D.None of these statements is true

E.Only II and III

8) Who sits 88m away from Santhosh?





E.Cannot be determined

9) Who sits second to the left of the one who works in Infosys?

A.The one who works in HCL


C.The one who wroks in Mindtree

D.the one who works in Wipro

E.None of these

10) Who sits opposite to Dhanasingh?






Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

From the given statements, the following inferences were made.

1) Answer: B

a2 + b= c -> √ [(18+6+7)+ (6+13+3)2] = Distance between D and G

√ (31+ 222) = Distance between D and G -> 17√5m

2) Answer: D

3) Answer: B

4) Answer: E

From I:

We have:

The sum of ages of O and K is equal to the age of L. The age of N and P is an even number. Based on above given information we have:

From the above information, we cannot find the difference between the ages of K and O.

Thus, statement I is not sufficient alone.

From II:

We have:

Based on above given information we have:

The difference between the ages of Q and K is the age of 8 but Q born before K.

From the above information, we cannot find the difference between the ages of K and O.

Thus, statement II is not sufficient alone.

From I & From II:

After combining above statements we have:

From the above information, we can find the difference between the ages of K and O is 3.

Thus, statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

5) Answer: B

From I:

We have:

One kid was born between D and E. Two kids were born between A and B. B was born after E.

Based on above given information we have:

One kid was born between D and E.

Two kids were born between A and B. B was born after E.

From the above information, we cannot find how many of them are older than B.

Thus, statement I is not sufficient alone.

From II:

We have:

C was older than atleast three kids. B was born immediately after C. Two kids born between B and A.

Based on above given information we have:

C is older than atleast three kids.

B was born immediately after C.

Two kids were born between B and A.

From Case 2, clearly, we can determine one kid is older than B. B was born in Tuesday.

So, the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

Directions (6-10):

All the persons are sitting along the circumference of the circle at equal distance between them. The radius(r) of the circle is 56m and the circumference of the circle is 2Ï€r. Hence the circumference the circle is 352m and therefore distance between successive people is 44m.

Santhosh sits 88m away from the left of one who works in Infosys. There are two person sits between one who works in Infosys and one who works in IBM.

The one who works in HCL sits 132m away from the right of IBM.

One person sits between the one who works in HCL and Suresh.

Dhanasingh sits 132m away from Suresh.

Deepak is an immediate neighbour of IBM. The one who works in Infosys doesn’t sits immediate left of one who works in Wipro. One who works in Wipro sits 132m away from the left of Deepak.

Abinaya doesn’t works in IBM and Infosys. Abinaya is not an immediate neighbour of Suresh and Santhosh. Abinaya sits 44m away from Jeeva.

Arun sits 176m away from Jeeva.

Jeeva sits 88m away from the right of one who works in Mindtree.

The one who works in Zoho is an immediate neighbour of the one who works in CTS. Dhanasingh doesn’t works in ZOHO.

6) Answer: C

7) Answer: D

8) Answer: D

9) Answer: A

10) Answer: B

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