Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains 2021 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
Alpha numeric series- conditions based
Directions (1-4): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
T 6 R E & W 1 £ Q S D F G H Y ! 3 U % J K I 9 & L A 5 X Z C V B N O 8 + M
STEP I- The numbers which are immediately preceded by the letter and immediately followed by the Symbol are arranged between Y and ! in the increasing order.
STEP II- The vowels which are immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a symbol are arranged at the end of the series in the alphabetical order. (They are arranged just after M)
STEP III- The numbers which are immediately followed by letter are interchanged its position with respect to the element just after it.
(STEP II is applied after STEP I and STEP III is applied after STEP II)
1) How many numbers which is immediately preceded by a vowel and immediately followed by a letter in step I?
E. None of these
2) How many numbers are immediately followed by a symbol and immediately preceded by a vowel in step III?
A. None
E. None of these
3) Which of the following element is fifth to the left of the element which is seventieth from the right end in step II?
C. l
E. None of these
4) What is the sum of the sixteenth element from the left end in step I and the eleventh element from the right end in step III?
E.None of these
Critical reasoning
Directions (5): The critical reasoning question is based on a short argument, a set of statements, or a plan of action. For each question, select the best answer of the choices given and explain why the chosen answer is the right fit. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts.
5) Statements: The workers not only quit their jobs but also came together for a strike against their employer’s inappropriate demeanour towards a fellow worker. The employer was compelled to eat his words and publically repent his conduct.
Which of the following assertions can definitely be drawn from the above statements?
A. The workers’ unified strike forced the employer to publicly apologize for his actions.
B. The employer is a bad person and the workers are good people.
C. The workers quit their jobs to put up a strike against the employer.
D. The employer’s improper behaviour forced him to regret his actions later.
E. The workers came together for a strike because the employer made them quit their jobs.
Coding decoding
Directions (6-10): In each of these questions a group of letters is given and is followed by combinations of numbers and symbols. Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditions are given below.
Letters except vowels to be coded from 2 to 8 as per the English alphabetical order.
For e.g.
B-2, C-3,D-4…J-8,K-2..R-8 and So on.
So the code for the word SCHOOL is @3^7^@, BEAT is #@%@ and TIME is +3#4.
i) If the first and last letter of the word is a consonant, both are to be coded as ‘@’.
ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, the codes are to be interchanged.
iii) If a consonant followed by a vowel, then code for both has to be interchanged.
iv) If no vowel is present in a word, then second and third letter code has to be interchanged.
Note: More than one condition can apply for the same word. Conditions are applied in the same manner from i to iv.
E.None of these
A.5+#8 ^33#336
B.+58# ^33#336
C.+5#8 ^33#3#6
D.+5#8 ^33#363
E.None of these
A.#5%45#68 @8@
B.85%45##6 @8@
C.85%45#6# 783
D.85%45#6# 387
E.None of these
E.None of these
E.None of these
Answers :
Directions (1-4):
T 6 R E & W 1 £ Q S D F G H Y ! 3 U % J K I 9 & L A 5 X Z C V B N O 8 +M
Step I: T 6 R E & W £ Q S D F G H Y 1 8 9 ! 3 U % J K I & L A 5 X Z C V B N O + M
Step II: T 6 R & W £ Q S D F G H Y 1 8 9 ! 3 U % J K & L A 5 X Z C V B N + M E I O
Step III: T R 6 & W £ Q S D F G H Y 1 8 9 ! U 3 % J K & L A X 5 Z C V B N + M E I O
1) Answer: A
2) Answer: B
3) Answer: D
17+5=22 from the right end is 9
4) Answer: C
5) Answer: A
The workers quit their jobs and put up a strike against the employer because the employer behaved inappropriately with one of the workers. Therefore, options c and e are incorrect. The strike forced the employer to publicly apologize for his behaviour. Hence, option a is correct. Option b is out of context. The statement does not say anything about the employer’s thoughts, so option d is eliminated.
Directions (6-10) :
6) Answer: D
A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.
Condition (i) and (iii) applies
7) Answer: C
A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.
–>COLLEGE-Condition (iii) applies
–>FIRE-Condition (iii) applies
8) Answer: E
A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.
–>ENDANGER-Condition (ii) and (iii) applies
->TRY-Condition (i)and (iv)applies
9) Answer: D
A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.
–> CRYPT – Condition (i) and (iv) applies
10) Answer: B
A-%, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-#, F-5, G-6, H-7, I-+, J-8, K-2, L-3, M-4, N-5, O-^, P-6, Q-7, R-8, S-2, T-3, V-4, W-5, X-6, Y-7, Z-8.
–>EMERGENCY -Condition (ii) and (iii) applies