IBPS Clerk Mains Reasoning Questions 2019 (Day-17) High Level-New Pattern

Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Ability plays a crucial role in Banking and all other competitive exams. To enrich your preparation, here we have provided New Pattern Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains. Candidates those who are going to appear in IBPS Clerk Mains can practice these questions daily and make your preparation effective.

[WpProQuiz 4923]

(Directions 1–5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Fourteen person are sitting in two parallel lines facing each other on sixteen chairs eight in each row in such a way that A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are sitting in row 2 facing south and P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V are sitting in row 1 facing north. R and S sit adjacent to each other. Vacant places are not opposite to each other. B sits third to the right of G, who is facing the one who sits immediate left of V. Only one person sits between E and B. Either of B or V sits at end of the row. A sits third to the right of C, who faces U. Only three-person sits between U and P, who sits immediate left of Q. S neither  faces B nor  faces one who sits immediate neighbor of G. T sits second to the right of U, who doesn’t sit immediate neighbor of S. D sits second to the left of F, who is neither sit at the extreme end nor  faces P. Only two persons sits between V and R.C doesn’t sit at either end of the row.

1) How many person sits between T and vacant chair in row1?

a) Two

b) Four

c) One

d) None

e) Three

2) What is the position of A with respect to D?

a) Fourth to the left

b) Sixth to the right

c) Third to the right

d) Fifth to the left

e) Second to the left

3) How many person sits between S and one who faces G?

a) One

b) Four

c) Two

d) None

e) Three

4) If E and F interchange their position then, who sits second to right of E?

a) A

b) C

c) G

d) B

e) None of these

5) Which of the given statement is not true for G?

a) C sits second to right of G

b) Only three persons sit between G and one who sits facing Q

c) G sits third to left of one who sits facing R

d) G sits facing one who sits immediate left of V

e) All the given statements are true

(Directions 6–10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Twelve boxes namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, P, Q, R, S, T and U are kept one above other not necessary in same order. Box A is kept fourth from bottom. Box Q is kept at a gap of two boxes from A. Box P is kept at a gap of four boxes from box S, which is not kept adjacent to box F. Only three boxes are kept between box F and T, which is kept adjacent to box Q. Box C and P are kept together. Box D is kept at a gap of one box from box S. Box C is kept at a gap of one box from box B, which is kept at a gap of two boxes from box U. Only four boxes are kept above box E.

6) How many boxes are kept between box U and box T?


a) Seven

b) Four

c) Five

d) None

e) Three

7) If position box D and box S are interchanged then, which box is kept just above box S after rearrangement?

a) F

b) A

c) E

d) P

e) R

8) If box P is related to Q and box T is related to box D, which of the following box is related to box F?

a) E

b) B

c) R

d) A

e) None of these

9) Which of the following box is kept immediate below box U?

a) P

b) F

c) B

d) C

e) None of these

10) Which of the following statement is true?

a) Only five boxes are kept between box F and box Q

b) Box P is kept at a gap of two box above box Q

c) Box C is kept juts above box B

d) Box A is kept just above box S

e) All the above given statements are false


Direction (1-5):

We have:

  • B sits third to right of G, who sits facing one who sits immediate left of V and either of B or V sits at end of the row, which means we have two possibilities for B and V. In case (1) B sits at extreme right end of row 2 and in case (2) V sits at extreme right end of row 1.
  • A sits third to right of C, who sits facing U and Only three person sits between U and P, who sits immediate left of Q and C doesn’t sit at either end of the row, that means in case (1) A must sit immediate right of G and in case (2) we have two different possibility of A thus, in case (2a) A sits second to right of B and in case (2b) A sits immediate right of B.

Based on above given information we have:

Again, we have:

  • Only one person sits between E and B. D sits second to left of F, who neither sits at end nor sits facing P, that means case (1) is not valid, in case (2a) E must sits at extreme right end and vacant place is immediate left of A and case (2b) is not valid.

Based on above given information, we have:

Case (1) is not valid as no such place available for E to sit at a gap of one from B and case (2b) is not valid as no such place available for D to sits second to left of F.

 Again, we have:

  • R and S sits adjacent to each other. S neither sits facing B nor sits facing one who sits immediate neighbor of G, as Vacant place are neither adjacent nor facing to each other and Only two person sits between V and R, that means R must sits facing B.
  • T sits second to right of U, who doesn’t sit immediate neighbor of S, as S sits immediate neighbor of R, that means T sits immediate left of V.

Based on above given information, we have final arrangement as follow:

1) Answer: d)

Clearly, T sits immediate right of vacant chair, thus no person sits between T and vacant chair.

Hence, option (d) is correct.

2) Answer: b)

Clearly, A sits sixth to the right of D.

Hence, option (B) is correct choice.

3) Answer: c)

Clearly, only two persons sit between S and T.

Hence, option (C) is correct choice.

4) Answer: d)

Clearly, if E and F interchange their position then, B sits second to right of E after rearrangement.

Hence, option (d) is correct choice.

5) Answer: e)

Clearly, all the given statements are true.

Hence, option e is correct choice.

Direction (6-10):

We have:

  • Box A is kept fourth from bottom and only four boxes are above box E.
  • Box Q is kept at a gap of two box from A, that means we have two possibilities for box Q, thus in case (1) Q is kept just below box E and in case (2) box Q is kept at bottom.
  • Only three box are kept between box F and T, which is kept adjacent to box Q, that means in case (2) box T is kept just above box Q and we also have two different possibilities for box Q in case (1), thus in case (1a) box F is kept below box T and in case (1b) box F is kept above box T.

Based on above given information, we have:

Again, we have:

  • Box C and P are kept together and box P is kept at a gap of four boxes from box S, which is not kept adjacent to box F. Box D is kept at a gap of one box from box S, that means case (2) is not valid and in case (1a) box S is kept just below box T and case (1b) is not valid.
  • Box C is kept at a gap of at a gap of one box from box B, which is kept at a gap of two box from box U, that means box C must kept just above box P.

Based on above given information we have:

Case (1b) & case (2) is not valid as no such place available for P at a gap of four box from box S.

Thus, from above given information we have final arrangement as follow:

6) Answer: c)

Clearly, only five boxes are kept between box U and box T.

Hence, option c) is correct choice.

7) Answer: b)

Clearly, after rearrangement box A is kept just above box S.

Hence, option (b) is correct choice.

8) Answer: e)

Clearly, box P is kept at a gap of two boxes above box Q similarly, box T is kept at a gap of two box from box D. Thus, box S is kept at a gap of two boxes from box F.

Hence, option e is correct choice.

9) Answer: d)

Clearly, box C is kept just below box U.

Hence, option d is correct choice.

10) Answer: b)

Clearly, Box P is kept at a gap of two boxes above box Q.

Hence, option (b) is correct choice.

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