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IBPS Clerk vs LIC Assistant
IBPS Clerk vs LIC Assistant comparison is available here. The IBPS Clerk and LIC Assistant are the clerical level posts in the banking and insurance sectors respectively. Both of these exams invite a large number of applications every year. Clerical posts are entry-level posts in both the banking and insurance sectors. Since both of these posts have various similarities, aspirants tend to wonder about the difference between the two. In this blog, we will do a head to head comparison:- IBPS Clerk vs LIC Assistant.
- Examination Pattern
- Payscale (allowances and other benefits)
- Nature of work
- Promotion and Career advancement opportunities
Here we compare the LIC Assistant vs IBPS clerk exam patterns.
IBPS Clerk | LIC Assistant |
There are three sections namely English, Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Ability in the prelims exam. Each exam will be of 20 mins each.
There is a negative marking of .25 for every wrong attempt. There will be a sectional cut-off for each section. Candidates will need to qualify the sectional cut-offs as well as the overall cut-off.
There are three sections namely Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability & English/Hindi Language. Candidate can choose between the English and Hindi sections. English and Hindi section is just qualifying in nature, the score obtained in this section would not be considered for ranking or final selection.
There is no negative marking in the prelims round. Sectional Cut off for other sections has already been given in the Exam Pattern. |
IBPS Clerk | LIC Assistant |
The candidate will have to attempt a mains exam containing four subjects namely, General/ Financial Awareness, General English, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude, each of these tests have a separate timing summing up the total time of 160 minutes.
Section-wise allotted time-
The candidate will have to attempt a mains exam containing four subjects namely, General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, & Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude.
In addition to the above sections, Mains exams in North, West, Central, East Central, North Central Divisions, there will be a test of Hindi Language as well. Section-wise alloted time-Differs for East, South and South Central Divisions and North, West, Central, East Central, North Central Divisions Sectional Cut off will be already given in the Exam Pattern. |
Since both of them are clerical level exams, the difficulty level of both the exams is somewhat the same. Generally, the difficulty level of these exams is easy-moderate.
IBPS Clerk |
LIC Assistant |
Other Allowances
Perks & Allowances
NATURE OF WORK – IBPS Clerk Vs LIC Assistant
IBPS clerks need to take care of the regular duties such as receiving cheques, issuing drafts, payment of cash etc. The clerks often need to function as the Cashier, Single Window Operator (SWO), Universal Teller (UT), and Special Assistants in the banks which does not involve any passing or supervisory function of an officer of the bank.
Clerks have to hold the bank’s cash and keep an eye on the lockers also. Updating passbooks, issuing withdrawal forms, verifying customer account details, signatures, and explaining services offered by the bank to the customers, all of these works come under the purview of a bank clerk.
The main role of Assistants is to manage the cash counters, process, and sanction or disbursement of files. Duties of a LIC Assistant involves that of a Cashier, a Single Window Operator, and a Customer Service Executive. They also take care of back-office works and Account related work. And they are responsible for processing and reviewing insurance documentation and ensuring that all documents are complete as per the standard. They are required to Manage Sales documents & other documents related to policies, claims, and settlements, etc. LIC Assistants also deal with customer grievances if any.
Promotion and Career Advancement Opportunities
Here IBPS clerk 2020 vs LIC assistant 2020 comparison is done for promotion & career development topics.
The banks under the IBPS ensure to give a promotion to their employees based on their performance and experience. The IBPS Clerk employees promotion cycle is as follows-
IBPS Clerk Promotion Order |
Bank Clerk |
Officer/Assistant Manager |
Manager |
Senior Manager |
Chief Manager |
Asst. General Manager |
Deputy General Manager |
General Manager |
IBPS Clerk employees receive a good salary and great chances of career advancement. Their promotion depends on their performance. Although, an employee should have a minimum of 2 years of service to be eligible for a promotion. There are two processes according to which clerks get their promotions- normal and the merit-based process.
Normal Process: Candidates who get promoted through this process don’t require a JAIIB and CAIIB Diploma. They are promoted based on their experience, seniority, and a written exam is conducted internally. After the qualification of the written exam, IBPS Clerks become Trainee Officers and then finally Bank Probationary Officers (PO).
Merit-based process: The Merit-Based Process requires candidates to have JAIIB and CAIIB diploma from the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. Experience of working in a bank will give them good opportunities to prove themselves and provide promotion and help them to reach a senior post.
LIC assistants are transferred from one department to another internally depending upon the requirements as well as the interest of the employees. The LIC conducts departmental tests for promotion to higher posts. Employees get promotions based on their years of service, experience, and performance.
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