IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training – Check Admit Card, Training Dates & Centers

IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training

The Institute of Banking Personnel conducts IBPS PO Pre-Exam training every year for SC/ST and Minority communities. The main objective behind this training is to provide training facilities to enhance the abilities and improve the capabilities. This training is totally free of cost but other expenses such as travelling, accommodation; food etc. must be paid by the candidates themselves.

IBPS PO Pre-Exam training is especially conducted for those candidates who are not able to afford to go to coaching centers. So, during this training, the aspirants can learn about the exam pattern, expected questions, tips and techniques to solve problems, how to manage time and how to prepare for the exam. This training will be conduct 5 days prior to the start of Preliminary exam. The training will be from 01st to 07th October 2018 for IBPS PO exam as per schedule.

IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training Admit Card 2018 – Click Here

So, the aspirants who want to appear for Pre-Exam Training must select the relevant option at the time of Online Registration. The aspirants must download their call letter from the official web-page for Pre-Exam training. The candidates can visit the official website that is www.ibps.in. Then, log in by entering the user-id or roll no and password and download it.

The administrative body has full rights to cancel the training program at any center. This decision can be finalized depending upon the response and feasibility or addition of more centers or making alternate arrangements. Pre Exam Training for IBPS PO Exam is specially conducted for candidates who could not afford to take admission in private coaching institutes.

During the training, candidates will get to know the exam pattern, expected questions, tips & techniques to solve the problems, how to manage time during the IBPS exam and how to prepare for the Exam.

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IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training Centers
Agartala Coimbatore Karnal Patiala Thiruvananthapuram
Agra Dehradun Kavaratti Patna Vadodara
Ahmedabad Dhanbad Kochi Port Blair Varanasi
Allahabad Gorakhpur Kolkata Puducherry Vijayawada
Amritsar Gulbarga Lucknow Pune Vishakhapatnam
Aurangabad Guwahati Ludhiana Raipur Chennai
Belasore Hubli Madurai Rajkot Kanpur
Bareilly Hyderabad Mangalore Ranchi Panaji
Behrampur Indore Mumbai Rohtak Tiruchirapalli
Bangaluru Jabalpur Muzaffarpur Sambalpur
Bhopal Jaipur Mysore Shimla
Bhuwaneshwar Jammu Nagpur Shillong
Siliguri New Delhi Jodhpur Chandigarh

IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training FAQs

Here are the answers to the frequently asked questions about the pre-examination training for the IBPS Exams for PO/MT 2018. You will find answers about your eligibility and the training centers where it will be going to conduct.

Q1. Why Pre-Exam training is conducted?
Ans. IBPS PO pre-Exam training is especially conducted for those candidates who are not able to afford to go to coaching centers. So, during this training, the aspirants can learn about the exam pattern, expected questions, tips and techniques to solve problems, how to manage time and how to prepare for the exam.


Q2. Is it compulsory to attend pre-exam training?
Ans. No, candidates have the option of not going for the pre-exam training.

Q3. Who is eligible for the training?
Ans. This training is especially for schedule caste category, schedule tribe category and minority communities.

Q4. How can I apply for pre-exam training?
Ans. Candidates must do online registration in order to apply for this training. While you are filling the form, check for the box “Do you want to attend pre-exam training?” The candidates who wanted to attend should select this check-box.

Q5. Will I have to pay anything extra for the pre-exam training?
Ans. This training is totally free of cost. Other expenses such as travelling, accommodation; food etc. must be paid by the candidates themselves.

Q6. I did not apply for the pre-exam training in my form, is there any way to apply for it in the later stages?
Ans. No, to apply for pre-exam training for IBPS PO, the only way is to mention it in the application form.

Q7. Will I get the option to select the center for pre-exam training?
Ans. Yes, you have the option to select the center for training.

Recent Update – IBPS PO

IBPS PO Pre Exam Training Call Letter 2018 – Download Here

IBPS PO Pre Exam Training 2018 – The Institute of Banking Personnel has released Online Pre-Exam Admit Card for Probationary Officer post. The individuals applied for the IBPS PO Common Recruitment process can download the admit card for IBPS PO Pre-Exam Training 2018. Read More