IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022 | Merit List Released | Link Activated

IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022 is out. Candidates all over India have attended the preliminary exam of IBPS PO 2022They have eagerly waited for the IBPS PO Result 2021-22. Now the IBPS PO prelims result in 2022 is officially out. Here is the link to check the IBPS PO Result 2021-2022 for the preliminary exam.

Here we have placed the link to check your IBPS PO prelims result in 2022. Use the link and check your IBPS PO prelims result status.

Check Here IBPS PO Preliminary Exam Result 2021

The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection has conducted the preliminary exam for the Probationary Officer (PO) vacancies. Till now 3500+ vacancies are announced for this recruitment. The candidates clearing this exam can attend the mains exam. Now the IBPS PO Prelims result in 2022 is out. Here is the direct link to check the IBPS PO prelims result. Also, we have added the steps to check the IBPS PO Result 2021-2022 for the preliminary exam.

IBPS PO Mains Mock Test

Steps to Check IBPS PO Prelims Result:

Here are the steps to check the IBPS PO prelims result. You can use the direct link here to check the IBPS PO Result 2021-22 for the preliminary exam. Alternatively, you can follow the steps here to check the IBPS PO prelims result.

  • Go to the official site of the Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS).
  • On the home page, select the IBPS PO tab.
  • There you can check the link for the IBPS PO prelims result in 2022.
  • Click that link to open the result page.
  • Enter your registration and date of birth.
  • Enter the captcha code that is available on the screen.
  • Press the login button to check your IBPS PO prelims result status.

So, candidates follow these steps to check their IBPS PO preliminary exam Result 2021-22. All the best to the candidates who cleared in the IBPS PO prelims result. Continue your preparation for the mains exam on the 4th of February 2022. Use IBPS PO mains mock test series for your practice.

Candidates can find the IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022 on the official website of IBPS by logging with the registration number and date of birth. Only the selected candidate’s list is displayed on the screen.

IBPS PO 2021 Online Application Re-opened

IBPS PO( CRP- PO/MT-X) Application Form have been Re-opened by IBPS for candidates how were not able fill their Online Application.

It has been decided by the competent authorities to hold an additional cycle of Online
Preliminary Examinations under CRP- PO/MT-X for the post of Probationary Officer/
Management Trainee by releasing this Supplementary Advertisement in continuation
to the detailed advertisement dated 04.08.2020. This process is only for the following
categories of applicants.

  1.  Who attained the eligibility in terms of educational qualifications by 11.11.2020.
  2. Who could not register successfully from 05.08.2020 to 26.08.2020.

IBPS PO Supplementary Notification 2020

Exam Event Tentative Dates
On-line registration including
Edit/Modification of Application & Payment
of Application Fees/Intimation Charges
28.10.2020 to 11.11.2020
Online Examination – Preliminary 05.01.2021 and 06.01.2021

Call Letter download will be made available about 10 days before exam date

All those who had applied successfully during the registration window for CRP PO/MT-X
from 05.08.2020 to 26.08.2020 and were called for the Online Preliminary Examination
during October 2020 should NOT apply for that post.


The last date of eligibility, in terms of educational qualifications is changed to 11.11.2020. For other terms and conditions, candidates are requested to refer the Detailed Advertisement of CRP PO/MT-X dated 04.08.2020. Revised Vacancies as received unto 26.10.2020 have been updated in the detailed advertisement on IBPS authorised website.

IBPS PO Vacancy 2021: Updated Vacancies

This year IBPS PO Vacancy released are 3517. Canara Bank is the latest Bank to increase Vacancies. The total vacancy of IBPS PO 2020-21 is now out and we have listed the bank-wise vacancy details for you below.  The number of vacancies plays a major role in the cut off declaration. Check the vacancy list in the table below. Here you can also know the category-wise vacancy for each bank.

  • Number of Vacancies for this year: 3517 (Updated)

    Participating Organization SC ST OBC EWS UR Total Out of Which (PWBD)
    Bank of Baroda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Bank of India 110 55 198 74 297 734 8 7 7 7
    Bank of Maharashtra 37 18 67 25 103 250 NR NR NR NR
    Canara Bank 315 157 567 210 851 2100 21 21 21 21
    Central Bank of India 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Indian Bank NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
    Indian Overseas Bank 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Punjab National Bank NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
    Punjab & Sind Bank 14 6 21 8 34 83 0 0 0 0
    UCO Bank 53 26 14 35 141 350 7 4 4 29
    Union Bank of India NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR
    Total 529 262 948 352 1426 3517 36 38 34

IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022 Dates:

Check below the IBPS PO 2022 Result dates:

IBPS PO Result Events IBPS PO Result Dates
Online Prelims exam 03-Oct-2020, 04-Oct-2020, 10-Oct-2020
On-line registration including
Edit/Modification of Application & Payment
of Application Fees/Intimation Charges
28.10.2020 to 11.11.2020
Online Examination – Preliminary 05.01.2021 and 06.01.2021
Declaration of prelims result November 2020
Last date to check the result status  November 2020
Release of scorecard November 2020
Mains exam 28-Nov-2020
Declaration of mains result January 2021
Release of mains scorecard January 2021
Release of mains scorecard for qualified candidates  March 2021
Conduct of Interview January/February 2021
Provisional allotment result May 2021

Steps to check IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022:

  • Enter into the official website of IBPS.
  • Tap the result link
  • Enter the registration number and password.
  • IBPS PO Results will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the IBPS PO result and take a printout of the result for future reference.

IBPS PO 2022 Score Card:

After the release of the result, the IBPS PO 2022 Scorecard will be released. Scorecards will hold the given below information.

Name of candidate Roll number
Registration number Exam date
Category Maximum score overall and section-wise
IBPS PO Cut off marks Obtained score in individual sections and overall

Aspirants can Check IBPS PO 2022 Cut off in the linked article.

Steps to download IBPS PO 2022 Scorecard:

  • Enter into the official website of IBPS 
  • Tap the scorecard link on the Main page
  • Enter the registration number and password.
  • Scorecards will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download it and take a printout of the same for future reference.

Stages of IBPS PO Result 2022:

Check below the stages in IBPS PO Result 2022:

IBPS PO Prelims Result 2022:

  • The prelims exam is conducted for 100 marks.
  • The prelims exam has three sections English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.
  • Candidates should secure minimum qualifying mark to attend the Mains round

IBPS PO Mains Result :

  • The Mains exam is conducted for 225 Marks.
  • There are four objective papers and one descriptive paper in the IBPS PO Mains exam and the objective paper consists of the following section: Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness, English Language and Data Analysis & Interpretation. There will be one essay writing and letter writing in the descriptive paper. 
  • Candidates satisfying the minimum qualifying marks will be allowed for the Interview process.

IBPS PO Interview:

  • The interview is conducted for the shortlisted candidates in the Mains examination for the total marks of 100.
  • The Interview result is released along with the final allotment.
  • The minimum qualifying marks for interview is 40% and 35% for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates. 

Provisional Allotment 2022:

  • After the IBPS PO Interview process, the final result is declared. 
  • The ratio of the final result is 80% (Mains Exam): 20 %( Interview)
  • Candidates should qualify in both the Mains Exam and Interview process to get shortlisted.
  • The bank allotment depends on the vacancies and merit list.

Practice with our IBPS PO Mock Tests to ace the upcoming IBPS PO 2022 Exam.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How to review the interview marks?

A: There is no provision to review the Interview marks.

Q: Mention the steps to download the scorecard?

A: Check below the steps to download the scorecard

  • Enter into the official website of IBPS 
  • Tap the scorecard link on the Main page
  • Enter the registration number and password.
  • Scorecards will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download it and take a printout of the same for future reference.

Q: What are the total marks for the prelims exam?

A: The total marks for Prelims Exam is 100.

Q: How can I get access to my answer sheet?

A: The Exam is conducted online, the candidates won’t get access to it.