IBPS PO Prelims Score Card 2021 | Check Marks Here

IBPS PO Prelims score card 2021 Releases on Late Evening Today. Candidates all over India have attended the preliminary exam of IBPS PO 2020. After the release of the result, they have eagerly waited for the IBPS PO prelims score card 2021. Now the IBPS PO score card 2020-2021 for the preliminary exam will get released in the late evening today. Here is the link to check the IBPS PO prelims scorecard 2021.

Here we have placed the link to check your IBPS PO prelims scorecard 2020-21. Use the link and check your IBPS PO prelims score card.

Check Here IBPS PO Prelims Scorecard 2021

The Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection has conducted the preliminary exam for the Probationary Officer (PO) vacancies. All over the country, many thousands of aspirants participated in this exam. Totally there are 3500+ vacancies. The candidates clearing this exam will attend the mains exam. Already the IBPS PO Prelims result 2021 is out. Now the much-awaited IBPS PO prelims score card 2021 is also out. Here is the direct link to check the IBPS PO prelims score card. Also, we have added the steps to check the IBPS PO prelims scorecard 2020-2021 for the preliminary exam. The candidates who clear the IBPS PO prelims cut off score (both sectional & overall) will attend the mains exam.

IBPS PO Mains Mock Test

Steps to Check IBPS PO Prelims Score Card:

Here are the steps to check the IBPS PO prelims score card. You can use the direct link here to check the IBPS PO score card 2020-21 for the preliminary exam. Alternatively, you can follow the steps here to check the IBPS PO prelims scorecard 2021.

  • Go to the official site of the Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS).
  • On the home page, select the IBPS PO tab.
  • There you can check the link for the IBPS PO prelims score card 2021.
  • Click that link to open the result page.
  • Enter your registration and date of birth.
  • Enter the captcha code that is available on the screen.
  • Press the login button to check your IBPS PO prelims scorecard 2021.

So, candidates follow these steps to check their IBPS PO prelims score card 2021. All the best to the candidates who cleared in the IBPS PO prelims examination. Continue your preparation for the mains exam on the 4th of February 2021. Use IBPS PO mains mock test series for your practice.

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