IBPS PO Study Plan 2022 PDF Download: IBPS PO exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection every year. As the exam is nearing candidates should have started their preparation with the best study materials to crack this exam. This year the IBPS PO Notification is yet to release. It will open the gates for the many ambitious people who want to join the banking sector. Our IBPS PO study plan 2022 pdf will guide you until your final day of preparation. The study plan prepared by our experts is in such a way that no topic is left in your preparation. Also, this IBPS PO study plan 2022 gives ample time for the revision of all the topics. As a result, your preparation will be a more effective one.
Page Contents
Grand Bundle PDF Course for IBPS PO:
Here we provide a grand bundle pdf course for IBPS PO prelims and mains preparation.
- The bundle pdf course has a whopping 40,000+ questions at the exact exam level.
- Answer key is available with the video solution.
- The grand bundle pdf course follows the schedule same as that of the IBPS PO study plan 2022.
- The questions are available in both Hindi and English languages.
So, prepare with the grand bundle pdf course as per the IBPS PO study plan 2022 for prelims and mains exams. Surely you can be able to score more marks in the exams.
IBPS PO Online Mock Test Series
IBPS PO Study Plan 2022
Here we provide the 50 days IBPS PO study plan 2022 pdf for both prelims and mains stages.
IBPS PO 50 Days Study Plan for Prelims 2022
For the IBPS PO prelims exam, our experts have prepared an excellent fifty days study Plan 2022. It will be useful for the preparation purpose of banking aspirants. Following this study plan will make your chances of entering the banking industry brighter. In this fifty days schedule, ample time duration is given for difficult topics such as seating arrangements, harder puzzles, miscellaneous word problems, etc. You can also make changes to this study plan according to your convenience. If you extend the time for your weak topic, then finish your stronger topic quickly. This will compensate for the total time taken. So that you can finish your preparation without any delay and start your revision, mock test practice, and so on. Following a proper IBPS PO prelims study plan 2022 in a very strict manner will surely help you to finish your preparation well before the exam. Also, you can cover the full syllabus without missing any single topic.
Day | Reasoning
Ability |
Aptitude |
English |
Day-1 | 1. Linear arrangement(2 variable) – 5Q
2. Inequality – 5Q 3. Year based puzzle – 5Q 4. Designation based puzzle – 5Q |
1. Pie chart ( Percentage of books sold by five different booksellers) – 5Q based on IBPS PO Prelims 2020
2. Profit and loss, probability, number system, mixture and allegation, SI and CI– 5Q based on IBPS PO Prelims 2020 3. Quantity based sums – 5Q based on IBPS PO Prelims 2020 Speed Test: Simplification & Approximation, Number series , Quadratic Equation – 30Q |
1. Word usage ( Finding inappropriate word, Synonym and antonym based) – 5Q 2. Sentence improvement(combination of words highlighted) – 5Q 3. Coherent paragraph(new pattern) – 5Q 4. Starters(Two sentences given) – 5Q |
Download Full 50 Days IBPS PO Prelims Study Plan 2022 PDF |
Get More – IBPS PO Exam Pattern
IBPS PO 50 Days Study Plan for Mains 2022
Here you can check the IBPS PO mains study plan 2022 for 50 days.
Day | ReasoningAbility | QuantitativeAptitude | English | Current Affairs |
Day-1 | 1. Parallel row with conditions based on SBI PO Mains 2021 – 5Q2. Project based puzzle based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q
3. Data Sufficiency new pattern based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q 4. Circular arrangement with age based on RRB PO Mains 2021 – 5Q |
1. Missing Tabular DI based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q2. Unknown variable boys + girls caselet based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q
3. Double pie chart (First pie chart split into total percentage of A, B, C, D, E, second pie chart shows the total percentage of chocolate cake)Total= (Chocolate + butter) cake based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q 4. New pattern number series based on IBPS PO Mains 2021 – 5Q |
1. Choosing odd sentence(Based on word usage) – 5Q2. Match the column(grammatically and contextually) – 5Q
3. Choosing similar sentence(simple, compound, complex) – 5Q 4. Sentence improvement(Phrase replacement) – 5Q |
January 1-5(75+ Ques) |
Download Full 50 Days IBPS PO Mains Study Plan 2022 PDF |
Importance of Study Plan:
- Our study plan prepares a daily schedule to study and practice. So that it will urge the students to complete the plan on time. So candidates will not have the intent of wasting time.
- You can cover all parts of the IBPS PO syllabus topics easily.
- The study plan gives enough time for each topic based on the difficulty level. So that you can learn the concepts in a clear manner without any hurry.
- All the topics from every section are scheduled in the plan. So that student following this plan in a strict manner will not have the mentality to skip any topic. As a result, your preparation will be in the high standards to clear any tough papers.
- Following our study plan will help you to finish your preparation well before the exam. So that you will have a lot of time to practice mock tests, online quizzes, etc. As a result, you can attend the exams with more confidence.
So students follow our study plan in a very strict manner and practice more mock tests as possible. This is the trick to crack any tougher exams.