IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Expected Cut Off 2021: Check Overall Cut Off

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Expected Cut Off 2021 – Experts Prediction – Check Here

Here are the IBPS RRB clerk mains expected cut-off 2021. Now the IBPS RRB Clerk 2021 Mains exam is over. A total of 5,076 vacancies were announced. Numerous candidates have applied and appeared for the examination. The selection process is based on the Prelims & Mains exam. As per the schedule, both the exams have finished successfully. Now the candidates are eager to know the IBPS RRB Clerk Mains expected cut-off 2021 category-wise & state-wise. Here we provide the IBPS RRB clerk mains expected cut-off 2021 for each section. Our experts have analyzed the various factors such as vacancy, Exam Level, previous year cut-off, and much more to predict the IBPS RRB office assistant mains expected cut-off 2021.

Get IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2021

The marks obtained from the mains exam will only be considered for the final selection. Based on the marks obtained from the mains exam the final provisional list has been prepared.  So candidates are very much eager to know the cut-off for the mains exam. Qualified candidates from the mains exam have to bring the original documents on a particular date which will be released after the release of the result. For analyzing the IBPS RRB Office Assistant mains expected cut-off 2021, we will look into multiple factors. Click the video link to know more details regarding the IBPS RRB office assistant mains expected cut-off 2021.

IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Expected Cut Off 2021:

For each shift, the exam level will vary. This will affect the performance level of candidates in each section. Also, the number of vacancies and the number of candidates that appeared for each shift will also influence the cut-off. So we have analyzed all these factors to derive the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains expected cut-off 2021. the exam consists of 5 sections. The total mark for the exam is 200. Here is the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains expected cut-off out of 200 marks.

  • IBPS RRB Clerk Mains expected cut off 2021 (overall)– 105 to 125

(The cut-off has been predicted based on the aspirant’s examination review. This might be varied a little bit more or less. Also, IBPS RRB clerk mains state-wise cut-off 2021 will vary as per the vacancy of each state. And the cut-off varies for each category.)

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Expected Cut Off 2021 (Section-wise):

For all the 5 sections we have, added the IBPS RRB office assistant mains expected sectional cut off 2021.

  • Reasoning – 22 to 23
  • General awareness – 7 to 8
  • Hindi – 7 to 8
  • English – 12 to 13
  • Quantitative Aptitude – 6 to 7
  • Computer Knowledge – 12 to 13

So, this is the expected cut-off for the Mains exam. The cut-off will vary for each category of candidates. We also give you the IBPS RRB office assistant Mains expected cut off 2021. Candidates who have cleared the mains examination will be provisionally allotted. The IBPS RRB Clerk Provisional Allotment List 2021 will be released in the month of April. It is based on the mains exam marks only.

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