IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Memory Based Paper 2023 PDF Available Here!!! IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims exam 2023 has been scheduled for 12th August 13th August and 19th August 2023. Several test sites are successfully administering the preliminary exam. All of the candidates who will take the exam in the forthcoming batches are highly interested in learning about the question kinds and their degrees of difficulty. With that information, students can change their practice strategy to emphasize the issues with the most weight. Using the IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Memory Based Paper 2023 PDF, you may gauge how difficult the next bank exams will be.
In this article, here we are come out with IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims memory based Paper 2023 PDF. Our professional experts have prepared these memory-based questions as per the Exam analysis of IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2023. In this question paper, the questions are from all three sections namely Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability & English Knowledge.
Download IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Memory Based Paper PDF – 12th August 2023 – Reasoning Ability
Questions Asked In IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2023: 12th August – 1st Shift
Candidates can check the memory based questions asked in the IBPS RRB Clerk prelims exam 2023 held on 12th August in shift 1.
Quantitative Aptitude Questions Asked In IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims 2023: 12th August – 1st Shift
Missing Number Series
1) 24 ? 33.25 41.25 42.50 51.50
a) 32
b) 31
c) 30
d) 29
e) 26
Answer: B
24 + 7 =31
31 + 2.25 = 33.25
33.25 + 8 = 41.25
41.25 + 1.25 = 42.50
42.50 + 9 = 51.50
2) 21 32 49 72 ? 136
a) 91
b) 95
c) 111
d) 101
e) 108
Answer: d
21 + 11 = 32
32 + (11 + 6 ) = 49
49 + (17 +6) = 72
72+ (23 + 6 ) = 101
101 + (29 + 6) = 136
3) 10 ? 30 66 130 230
a) 8
b) 14
c) 18
d) 12
e) 9
Answer: b
10 + 22 = 14
14 + 42 = 30
30 + 62 = 66
66 + 82 = 130
130 + 102 = 230
4) 6 8 18 56 ? 1132
a) 226
b) 223
c) 230
d) 420
e) 325
Answer: A
6 *1 + 2 = 8
8 * 2 + 2 = 18
18*3 + 2 = 56
56*4 + 2 =226
226 *5 + 2 = 1132
5) 41 60 83 112 ? 180
a) 140
b) 142
c) 130
d) 152
e) 143
Answer: E
41+ 19 = 60
60 + 23 = 83
83 + 29 = 112
112 + 31 = 143
143 + 37 = 180
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 2
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 3
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 4
Importance of Practicing IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Memory Based Paper 2023:
- Practicing memory-based paper can identify mistakes. From that, you can rectify them in the upcoming exams. With that, you can familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, and also you come to know how to solve the questions within a short time.
- We can be assured that you can improve your time management skill & Accuracy in a better way by practicing with these memory-based questions.
- Practice with this question paper will not only understand the level of the exam but will get you the chance of practicing with the latest exam pattern & syllabus questions.