IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1

IBPS RRB PO Mains English Language Questions 2019 (Day-16)

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[WpProQuiz 6810]


Directions (1-5): In the questions below, two statements are given which are grammatically and contextually correct and meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word as given in options below without changing the intended meaning. The connectors may or may not be at the start of the sentence.

1) I) The new student in our class whose name is Alice seems to be quite intelligent;

II) She often gets poor grades during mocks.

a) Nonetheless

b) Therefore

c) Since

d) As a matter of fact

e) None of these

2) I) This Salon at the end of the street has some of the best stylists in town.

II) The service of its employees is out of the world.

a) Moreover

b) As a result

c) Therefore

d) To begin with

e) None of these

3) I) Born and brought up in Brussels, I have never been to England.

II) I have friends and relatives there.

a) Also

b) Although

c) Besides

d) More importantly

e) None of these

4) I) Shannon is such an irresponsible fellow and a reckless driver;

II) She hasn’t had any accidents in the past two years so far.

a) Primarily

b) However

c) Moreover

d) Furthermore

e) None of these

5) I) My younger sister is a hardworking single mother who works three jobs in a day;

II) She doesn’t earn much money even after working 18 hours.

a) As a consequence

b) However

c) In other words

d) As a matter of fact

e) None of these

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, a paragraph with a blank is given. From the five choices given below, select the sentence which can go into the blank to make the paragraph logically coherent.

6) While a sound fiscal policy is highly desirable, the magnitude of the fiscal deficit is not always and everywhere — think here of the state of the economy — a good measure of soundness. First, the fiscal deficit reflects the overall imbalance in the Budget. Embedded in the accounts of the government is the revenue account which is a statement of current receipts and expenditure. A fiscal deficit may or may not contain within it a deficit on the revenue account, termed the “revenue deficit”. The possible embeddedness of a revenue deficit within a fiscal deficit muddies the waters somewhat. For movements in the overall, or _______________. Why should we worry, one might ask. We worry because it is the balance on the revenue deficit that indicates whether the government is saving out of its income or spending more than it receives as current revenue. A revenue deficit implies that the government is dissaving.

a) fiscal deficit by itself tell us nothing about what is happening to the revenue deficit

b) revenue deficit is to be frowned upon as it implies that at least some part of the borrowing is to finance current consumption

c) Budget for 2019-20, while the fiscal deficit projected is marginally lower than earlier, the revenue deficit is projected to rise

d) a rampant populism has taken over all political parties, reflected in revenue deficits accounting for over two thirds of the fiscal deficit such as the case today

e) None of these

7) In fulfilling the doctor’s request, President Mnangagwa handed over a consignment of the required medical equipment which included infant incubators and resuscitators for neonatal intensive care units, multi-parameter monitors for adults and paediatrics, operating theatre tables (electric and hydraulic), portable electroencephalography machine, respiratory aid ventilator, and video endoscopy, gastroscopy and colonoscopy sets. He also handed over intensive care unit ventilators for adults and paediatrics, mobile X-ray machines and anaesthetic machines. The equipment was bought under the accelerated purchase system, and is targeting to refurbish Parirenyatwa, Harare Central, Chitungwiza Central, Mpilo and United Bulawayo hospitals. _________________________ President Mnangagwa is on record as saying the health sector must be prioritised as it was important to promote the nation’s health.

a) But six of the seven jurisdictions that its report cites have not banned crypto currencies outright

b) Trading in China is now low but not non-existent

c) China, which India has taken a cue from, has gone for an outright ban

d) This is the first consignment, with more expected in the next two months.

e) None of these

8) New technologies have a curious history of finding their way into the crosshairs of international politics. ‘5G’ is no different. In many respects, the dilemma facing Prime Minister Narendra Modi — to embrace Huawei and other Chinese purveyors of 5G-enabled telecommunications infrastructure, or to salvage the political relationship with the United States — is similar to the one faced by Rajiv Gandhi in the 1980s. Then, India had sought for itself a “supercomputer” from, among others, Japan. ___________________. The lessons from that moment in history are instructive, and Indian policymakers would do well to heed them.

a) The late 1980s saw the waning of Cold War tensions on account of the Soviet Union’s inability to stand toe-to-toe with the military might of the U.S

b) Instead, it was dealt a bad hand by the U.S., and made to settle eventually for an American machine that belonged to an older, slower generation of computers

c) But U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s administration had already set its sights on a small nation making rapid advancements in computing: Japan

d) It reached a crescendo in 1987 when Reagan himself blocked the acquisition of Fairchild Semiconductors by Fujitsu Corporation

e) None of these

9) It took more than 10 years after Simla to group the subjects that India and Pakistan would sporadically talk about, and even then the two countries have been going around in circles. It is reasonable to assume that nowadays Pakistan talks more about India and Kashmir to the U.S. than to India. ____________________________, but the 2011 Mumbai blasts shattered that premise. Since then India has been talking about Pakistani terrorism not so much with Pakistan as with any country willing to listen. This is probably why U.S President Donald Trump revealed at the Oval Office on July 22 that he and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan would be “talking about India”. “I think maybe if we can help intercede and do whatever we have to do,” he said. “But I think it’s something that can be brought back together.”

a) It could even be dead though we keep referring to it as a guiding light and take shelter behind it

b) This is followed by a list of admirable, if ineffectual, exhortations. If these had been implemented effectively by New Delhi and Islamabad

c) Terrorism was one of the subjects that the two nations emphasised they would bilaterally discuss

d) Given the various breaches, the Simla Agreement could do with a makeover

e) None of these

10) The legislation allows surrogacy only through a close relative. However, the Bill doesn’t define ‘close relative’. Moreover, the surrogate, the Bill says, should be married, aged 25 to 35, and should have at least one child. This further brings down the number of eligible surrogate mothers. ____________________________, and foreigners abandon children born through surrogates. Such violations should be addressed with an iron fist. However, has there been a comparison between the number of cases of misuse and those cases where families have benefited from surrogacy? Other practices are misused too, but they are all not banned.

a) The intending couple should ensure financial enumeration

b) To impose a ban where better regulation may have sufficed will only take the entire process underground

c) That would also respect the woman’s choice about how she wants to bear a child

d) Votaries of the ban have argued that commercial surrogacy is used for trafficking

e) None of these

Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: a)

Option A is the suitable connector for the 2 statements. It refers to the comparison between two statements.

Option B is incorrect; ‘Therefore’ is used as a consequence of the previous part of the statement.

Option C is incorrect; ‘Since’ is used to depict cause; therefore it is not suitable.

Option D is incorrect; ‘As a matter of fact’ is used to denote emphasis.

2) Answer: a)

Option A is the suitable connector for the 2 statements; ‘Moreover’ is equivalent to: as a further matter; besides etc.

Option B is incorrect; ‘As a result’ is used as a consequence of the previous part of the statement.

Option C is incorrect; ‘Therefore’ is used as a consequence of the previous part of the statement.

Option D is incorrect; ‘To begin with’ is used to denote sequencing.

3) Answer: b)

Option B is the suitable connector for the 2 statements; shows two contradicting parts of a statement.

Option A is incorrect; ‘Also’ is used to show similarity between two statements.

Option C is incorrect; it is used to denote sequencing.

Option D is incorrect; it is used to denote order of importance.

4) Answer: b)

Option B is the suitable connector for the 2 statements; shows two contradicting parts of a statement which is not in line with the previous statement in that context.

Option A is incorrect; ‘Primarily’ is used to denote order of importance.

Option C is incorrect; it is used to denote sequencing just like ‘besides’.

Option D is incorrect; it is used to denote sequencing.

5) Answer: b)

Option B is the suitable connector for the 2 statements; shows the contrasting part of two statements.

Option A is incorrect; ‘as a consequence’ is used to denote result of the previous statement.

Option C is incorrect; ‘In other words’ is used to show explanation in the next part of the sentence.

Option D is incorrect; ‘As a matter of fact’ is used to denote emphasis.

Direction (6-10) :

6) Answer: a)

While a sound fiscal policy is highly desirable, the magnitude of the fiscal deficit is not always and everywhere — think here of the state of the economy — a good measure of soundness. First, the fiscal deficit reflects the overall imbalance in the Budget. Embedded in the accounts of the government is the revenue account which is a statement of current receipts and expenditure. A fiscal deficit may or may not contain within it a deficit on the revenue account, termed the “revenue deficit”. The possible embeddedness of a revenue deficit within a fiscal deficit muddies the waters somewhat. For movements in the overall, or fiscal, deficit by itself tell us nothing about what is happening to the revenue deficit. Why should we worry, one might ask. We worry because it is the balance on the revenue deficit that indicates whether the government is saving out of its income or spending more than it receives as current revenue. A revenue deficit implies that the government is dissaving.

7) Answer: d)

In fulfilling the doctor’s request, President Mnangagwa handed over a consignment of the required medical equipment which included infant incubators and resuscitators for neonatal intensive care units, multi-parameter monitors for adults and paediatrics, operating theatre tables (electric and hydraulic), portable electroencephalography machine, respiratory aid ventilator, and video endoscopy, gastroscopy and colonoscopy sets. He also handed over intensive care unit ventilators for adults and paediatrics, mobile X-ray machines and anaesthetic machines. The equipment was bought under the accelerated purchase system, and is targeting to refurbish Parirenyatwa, Harare Central, Chitungwiza Central, Mpilo and United Bulawayo hospitals. This is the first consignment, with more expected in the next two months. President Mnangagwa is on record as saying the health sector must be prioritised as it was important to promote the nation’s health.

8) Answer: b)

New technologies have a curious history of finding their way into the crosshairs of international politics. ‘5G’ is no different. In many respects, the dilemma facing Prime Minister Narendra Modi — to embrace Huawei and other Chinese purveyors of 5G-enabled telecommunications infrastructure, or to salvage the political relationship with the United States — is similar to the one faced by Rajiv Gandhi in the 1980s. Then, India had sought for itself a “supercomputer” from, among others, Japan. Instead, it was dealt a bad hand by the U.S., and made to settle eventually for an American machine that belonged to an older, slower generation of computers. The lessons from that moment in history are instructive, and Indian policymakers would do well to heed them.

9) Answer: c)

It took more than 10 years after Simla to group the subjects that India and Pakistan would sporadically talk about, and even then the two countries have been going around in circles. It is reasonable to assume that nowadays Pakistan talks more about India and Kashmir to the U.S. than to India. Terrorism was one of the subjects that the two nations emphasised they would bilaterally discuss, but the 2011 Mumbai blasts shattered that premise. Since then India has been talking about Pakistani terrorism not so much with Pakistan as with any country willing to listen. This is probably why U.S President Donald Trump revealed at the Oval Office on July 22 that he and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan would be “talking about India”. “I think maybe if we can help intercede and do whatever we have to do,” he said. “But I think it’s something that can be brought back together.”

10) Answer: d)

The legislation allows surrogacy only through a close relative. However, the Bill doesn’t define ‘close relative’. Moreover, the surrogate, the Bill says, should be married, aged 25 to 35, and should have at least one child. This further brings down the number of eligible surrogate mothers. Votaries of the ban have argued that commercial surrogacy is used for trafficking, and foreigners abandon children born through surrogates. Such violations should be addressed with an iron fist. However, has there been a comparison between the number of cases of misuse and those cases where families have benefited from surrogacy? Other practices are misused too, but they are all not banned.

This post was last modified on August 8, 2019 4:33 pm