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[WpProQuiz 6766]
Directions (1-5): In the questions given bellow a sentence has been broken down into four fragments labeled (A) (B) (C) (D)and arranged and not necessarily in the same order. You have to find the correct order of the arrangement from the options given bellow. In case, the sentence is correct in its original form, please select (E) as your answer.
1) against China and to create a fair and stable international trading environment (A)/ to “correct the wrong practices” in the anti-subsidy investigation (B)/ the Ministry of Commerce urged the US to take immediate and concrete action (C)/ for companies from both countries (D)/
e) No arrangement required
2) in February by a whopping 0.9% of GDP(A)/ — fell short of the Interim Budget’s estimates (that the Modi government presented in its first tenure) (B)/ — as reported by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) (C)/ the Central government’s tax revenues for the financial year ending March-end 2019 (D)/
e) No arrangement required
3) although both the panel of experts and the appellate body in this case (A)/ have ruled that the US countervailing measures violate WTO rules (B)/ and asked the US to correct its action, the US didn’t comply with (C)/ the WTO ruling and continued to adopt trade remedy measures against Chinese products in recent years (D)/
e) No arrangement required
4) I expect because every time he said something we would force a smile, (A)/ was a shared point of bonding, and that we would wince every time he was in the building; (B)/ he was completely oblivious to the fact that our disgust towards him (C)/ entrenching his delusion that we actually enjoyed his behavior(D)/
e) No arrangement required
5) women feel to rebut a man’s unwanted advances (A)/ although Walsh’s experience is much more extreme and frightening than mine, (B)/ when he holds some sort of power – be it physical or economic (C)/ both examples reveal the reluctance (D)/
e) No arrangement required
Directions (6-10): You are provided with four sentences followed by 4 options. All four options suggest ways in which the given 4 sentences can be combined into a single sentence. Identify the option that suggests the best possible way, contextually and grammatically, to combine the sentences implying the same meaning.
6) Motley is their theatre group, it has completed 40 years, they are celebrating this with a theatre festival Motleyana; Motleyana spans four weeks and two venues.
a) Their theatre group, Motley, has completed 40 years and they are celebrating this with a theatre festival , Motleyana, spanning four weeks and two venues.
b) Motley, which is their theatre group, has completed 40 years they are celebrating this with a theatre festival, Motleyana which spans four weeks and two venues
c) Motley, which is their theatregroup, has completed 40 years they are celebrating this with a theatre festival , Motleyana which spanning four weeks and two venues
d) Both a) and b)
e) None can fit
7) A 20-minute conversation might flutter past in the flicker of an eye; volumes of oral history can be passed on; when Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak-Shah are in attendance.
a) A 20-minute conversation might flutter past in the flicker of an eye, but when Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak-Shah are in attendance, volumes of oral history can be passed on.
b) While a 20-minute conversation might flutter past in the flicker of an eye, volumes of oral history can be passed on when Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak-Shah are in attendance.
c) A 20-minute conversation might flutter past in the flicker of an eye whereas volumes of oral history can be passed on when Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak-Shah are in attendance.
d) Both b) and c)
e) All can fit
8) This anniversary fest features many plays in Hindustani; it was only in 2000 that the group made a shift away from creating work exclusively in English; it was with the path-breaking Ismat Apa Ke Naam, based on stories by Ismat Chughtai
a) This anniversary fest features many plays in Hindustani but it was only in 2000 that the group made a shift away from creating work exclusively in English, with the path-breaking Ismat Apa Ke Naam, based on stories by Ismat Chughtai
b) This anniversary fest features many plays in Hindustani but it will be only in 2000 that the group made a shift away from creating work exclusively in English, with the path-breaking Ismat Apa Ke Naam, based on stories by Ismat Chughtai
c) Since this anniversary fest features many plays in Hindustani it was only in 2000 that the group made a shift away from creating work exclusively in English, with the path-breaking Ismat Apa Ke Naam, based on stories by Ismat Chughtai
d) Both a) and b)
e) All can fit
9) The audience had no trouble hearing the dialogues or the songs; there were no mikes or sound systems.
a) There were no mikes or sound systems hence the audience had no trouble hearing the dialogues or the songs.
b) There were no mikes or sound systems but the audience had no trouble hearing the dialogues or the songs.
c) Both b) and d)
d) The audience had no trouble hearing the dialogues or the songs although there were no mikes or sound systems.
e) All can fit
10) This sophisticated middle-of-the-road sensibility had once challenged the tyranny of the proscenium, it sought out intimate forms of engagement with audiences, it seems almost trapped in its timelessness now.
a) This sophisticated middle-of-the-road sensibility, that had once challenged the tyranny of the proscenium, seeking out intimate forms of engagement with audiences, now seems almost trapped in its timelessness.
b) This sophisticated middle-of-the-road sensibility that sought out intimate forms of engagement with audiences and had once challenged the tyranny of the proscenium, now seems almost trapped in its timelessness.
c) This sophisticated middle-of-the-road sensibility, which had once challenged the tyranny of the proscenium and sought out intimate forms of engagement with audiences, now seems almost trapped in its timelessness.
d) Both a) and c)
e) All can fit
Answers :
1) Answer: b)
The Ministry of Commerce urged the US to take immediate and concrete action (C)/ to “correct the wrong practices” in the anti-subsidy investigation (B)/ against China and to create a fair and stable international trading environment (A)/ for companies from both countries (D)
2) Answer: a)
The Central government’s tax revenues for the financial year ending March-end 2019 (D)/ — as reported by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) (C)/ — fell short of the Interim Budget’s estimates (that the Modi government presented in its first tenure) (B)/ in February by a whopping 0.9% of GDP(A)
3) Answer: e)
Although both the panel of experts and the appellate body in this case (A)/ have ruled that the US countervailing measures violate WTO rules (B)/ and asked the US to correct its action, the US didn’t comply with (C)/ the WTO ruling and continued to adopt trade remedy measures against Chinese products in recent years(D)
4) Answer: b)
He was completely oblivious to the fact that our disgust towards him (C)/ was a shared point of bonding, and that we would wince every time he was in the building; (B)/ I expect because every time he said something we would force a smile, (A)/ entrenching his delusion that we actually enjoyed his behavior(D)
5) Answer: d)
Although Walsh’s experience is much more extreme and frightening than mine, (B)/ both examples reveal the reluctance (D)/ women feel to rebut a man’s unwanted advances (A)/ when he holds some sort of power – be it physical or economic(C)
Direction (6-10) :
6) Answer: d)
Option D is correct. Both the choices correctly depict the meaning of the given sentence and combine them into a grammatically correct sentence.
Option C is incorrect. The sentence is grammatically wrong, since ‘which spanning…’ is incorrect, ‘which’ should be followed by a helping verb ‘is’.
7) Answer: e)
All the choices correctly depict the meaning of the given sentence and combine them into a grammatically correct sentence.
8) Answer: a)
Option A is correct. Both the choices correctly depict the meaning of the given sentence and combine them into a grammatically correct sentence.
Option B is incorrect. The use of ‘will be’ makes the sentence grammatically incorrect, as the sentence is in simple past.
Option C is incorrect as the use of ‘since’ alters the meaning of statement.
9) Answer: c)
Option C is correct. Both the choices correctly depict the meaning of the given sentence and combine them into a grammatically correct sentence.
Option A is incorrect. The use of ‘hence’ alters the meaning of statement.
10) Answer: e)
Option E is correct. All the choices correctly depict the meaning of the given sentence and combine them into a grammatically correct sentence.