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[WpProQuiz 6798]
Directions (1-5): In the questions given below a sentence has been broken down into four fragments labeled (A), (B), (C), (D) and arranged and not necessarily in the same order. You have to find the correct order of the arrangement from the options given below. In case, the sentence is correct in its original form, please select (E) as your answer.
1) as well as emotional needs of the family (A)/ in economic activity for poorer households and so support the economic (B)/ son preference remains high, children lend a helping hand (C)/ the poor tend to have more children because child survival is low, (D)/
e) No arrangement required
2) asserted that this was a benevolent and minor mechanism of rule-making (A)/ introducing the Bill in the Lok Sabha, (B)/ rather than a basic amendment to the RTI law (C)/ the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Jitendra Singh, (D)/
e) No arrangement required
3) it engages in excessive deference to the ‘will’ of the state (A)/ and does not enter into any judicial analysis of whether the death penalty in these circumstances (B)/ and whether any other lesser form of punishment would have sufficed (C)/ was at all justified under the doctrine of proportionality, (D)/
e) No arrangement required
4) with prestige projects like a manned lunar mission, and strategic considerations (A)/ like the launch vehicle industry, must vie for funds (B)/ at some point, initiatives of immediate practical value, (C)/ would have to be carefully calibrated (D)/
e) No arrangement required
5) this reveals the depth of the connections between health, education and inequality, (A)/ with those having little access to health and education (B)/ that state control on number of children could impose on the weakest (C)/ being caught in a cycle of poverty, leading to more and more children, and the burden (D)/
e) No arrangement required
Directions (6-10): In each of the sentences below, there are 4 words highlighted in bold which may be exchanged to form a meaningful and coherent sentence. Choose the options for the same. If no exchange is required, choose option E) as your answer.
6) Congress and JD(S) leaders ran into an (1) unusual roadblock when the two parties and the Speaker (2) took the view that they were (3) defecting only with the intent of (4) quitting to the BJP.
a) 1-2, 3-4
b) 2-3
c) 3-4
d) 1-4, 2-3
e) No exchange required
7) The police came to (1) know of the coins after Mr. Nabi and the labourers (2) returned among themselves over (3) sharing the coins after they (4) quarrelled to the Mundhapandey area of Moradabad district, Mr. Singh said.
a) 1-2, 3-4
b) 2-4
c) 3-1
d) 1-4, 2-3
e) No exchange required
8) In an atmosphere in which political (1) disentangled swing like a pendulum, constitutional functionaries appear to be (2) founding to give self-serving interpretations to the (3) inclined law and let the web of confusion be (4) loyalties by the judiciary.
a) 1-2, 3-4
b) 2-4
c) 3-1
d) 1-4, 2-3
e) No exchange required
9) A DSP-rank officer from Moradabad Lallan Singh, the circle office of Highway area, said the coins were (1) digging by a Moradabad-based contractor (2) named Ghulam Nabi while he was (3) found at a (4) location in Shimla with three-four labourers.
a) 1-2, 3-4
b) 2-4
c) 3-1
d) 1-4, 2-3
e) No exchange required
10) Speaker K.R. Ramesh Kumar (1) asserted them that they could be (2) voluntary, rather than be allowed to resign. He (3) reminded that he was empowered to examine whether their resignations were (4) disqualified or induced.
a) 1-3, 2-4
b) 2-4
c) 3-1
d) 1-4, 2-3
e) No exchange required
Answers :
Direction (1-5) :
1) Answer: a)
The poor tend to have more children because child survival is low, (D)/ son preference remains high, children lend a helping hand (C)/ in economic activity for poorer households and so support the economic (B)/ as well as emotional needs of the family (A)
2) Answer: d)
Introducing the Bill in the Lok Sabha, (B)/ the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Jitendra Singh, (D)/ asserted that this was a benevolent and minor mechanism of rule-making (A)/ rather than a basic amendment to the RTI law (C)
3) Answer: c)
It engages in excessive deference to the ‘will’ of the state (A)/ and does not enter into any judicial analysis of whether the death penalty in these circumstances (B)/ was at all justified under the doctrine of proportionality, (D)/ and whether any other lesser form of punishment would have sufficed (C)
4) Answer: b)
At some point, initiatives of immediate practical value, (C)/ like the launch vehicle industry, must vie for funds (B)/ with prestige projects like a manned lunar mission, and strategic considerations (A)/ would have to be carefully calibrated (D)
5) Answer: c)
This reveals the depth of the connections between health, education and inequality, (A)/ with those having little access to health and education (B)/ being caught in a cycle of poverty, leading to more and more children, and the burden (D)/ that state control on number of children could impose on the weakest (C)
Direction (6-10) :
6) Answer: c)
The correct form of the sentence should be: Congress and JD(S) MLAs to resign. However, its leaders ran into an unusual roadblock when the two parties and the Speaker took the view that they were quitting only with the intent of defecting to the BJP.
7) Answer: b)
The correct form of the sentence should be: The police came to know of the coins after Mr. Nabi and the labourers quarrelled among themselves over sharing the coins after they returned to the Mundhapandey area of Moradabad district, Mr. Singh said.
8) Answer: d)
The correct form of the sentence should be: In an atmosphere in which political loyalties swing like a pendulum, constitutional functionaries appear to be inclined to give self-serving interpretations to the founding law and let the web of confusion be disentangled by the judiciary.
9) Answer: c)
The correct form of the sentence should be: A DSP-rank officer from Moradabad Lallan Singh, the circle office of Highway area, said the coins were found by a Moradabad-based contractor named Ghulam Nabi while he was digging at a location in Shimla with three-four labourers.
10) Answer: a)
The correct form of the sentence should be: Speaker K.R. Ramesh Kumar reminded them that they could be disqualified, rather than be allowed to resign. He asserted that he was empowered to examine whether their resignations were voluntary or induced.