IBPS RRB Clerk/ EPFO Assistant Mains English Language Questions 2019 (Day-09)

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[WpProQuiz 6724]


Direction (1-5): In the following questions two columns are given containing three Sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.


a) B-F, C-D

b) A-D, C-F

c) B-D, C-E

d) A-E, B-F

e) None of these


a) B-F, C-E

b) A-D, C-E

c) B-D, C-F

d) A-E, B-F

e) None of these


a) B-D, C-E

b) A-E, C-D

c) B-E, C-F

d) A-F, B-E

e) None of these


a) A-D, C-F

b) B-E, C-D

c) B-E, A-F

d) A-F, B-D

e) None of these


a) A-D, C-E

b) A-E, C-D

c) B-E, C-F

d) A-F, B-D

e) None of these

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, a paragraph with a blank is given. From the five choices given below, select the sentence which can go into the blank to make the paragraph logically coherent.

6) India’s second moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, was pulled back from launch just 56 minutes before its scheduled liftoff on July 15. ____________________________. No rescheduled date has been announced for launch. This has no doubt served as a damper on those who eagerly looked forward to India being only the fourth country to launch a mission that would land on the moon, and the very first to land on and explore its South Pole region.

a) Yet, it was best that the glitch was discovered before the launch. Rocket launches always have a nail-biting finish

b) Even the GSLV-D1, the slighter predecessor to the GSLV Mark-III, suffered such a setback when it was about to be launched for its first developmental test flight in 2001

c) This was owing to a technical glitch in the GSLV Mark-III rocket launcher

d) This test flight was conducted just 21 days later, paving the way for several successful launches of the GSLV rocket subsequently

e) None of these

7) England, the willow game’s birthplace, needed this triumph to resuscitate the sport which is waning across the country. ____________________________and Asian immigrants, while the youth root for football. A win of this scale should increase footfalls at various training academies and grounds, and the talent base will widen. For New Zealand, the second consecutive loss at the last hurdle will hurt, but unlike in the 2015 edition where it succumbed meekly to co-host Australia, here it fought with all its might, be it crucial runs or decisive wickets.

a) The Black Caps dished out outstanding fielding, and in a face-off

b) Williamson, who excelled with the bat

c) For a championship that featured skewed games

d) The game’s followers belong to an older demographic space

e) None of these

8) According to the petitioners in the Supreme Court, the central hypothesis of the amendment, ____________________________. In their belief, the law, by providing for affirmative action unmindful of the structural inequalities inherent in India’s society, overthrows the prevailing rationale for reservations. In doing so, they argue, the amendment destroys the Constitution’s idea of equal opportunity.

a) where reservation is predicated on individual economic status, violates the Constitution’s basic structure

b) while the Constitution demands equality, it does not confine Parliament to any singular vision

c) whole history of the struggle for reservation has also been a debate about its very meaning and purpose

d) where privileged castes had cornered virtually every post available under the government

e) None of these

9) The new Budget estimate for gross tax revenue is ₹90,936 crore lower than what was projected in the Interim Budget. ___________________________and a range of hikes she has levied on customs duties. The new Budget estimates show that the government does not expect to improve its performance on tax collections in the current year: Gross tax revenue-GDP ratio is budgeted to slip from 11.9% in 2018-19 to 11.7% in 2019-20. While the direct tax-to-GDP ratio is expected to go from 6.4 to 6.3, the indirect tax-to-GDP ratio will reduce from 5.5 to 5.3.

a) Dividends and profits from public sector enterprises are budgeted

b) This is despite the higher surcharge Ms. Sitharaman has imposed on income-tax for those earning more than ₹ 2 crore

c) To fill the gaping hole on the tax revenue side, significantly higher non-tax revenues

d) The Budget now estimates ₹1,05,000 crore to be raised through disinvestment

e) None of these

10) WhatsApp Pay relies on the Indian government’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) system to facilitate inter-bank transactions. ____________________________to localize all data processing related to payment transactions in India and not on Facebook’s servers in the U.S. This is well in line with the government’s existing technology vision for the digital economy, which hinges on data localization as the magic bullet to solve multiple problems ranging from prevention of personal data misuse to promotion of local enterprises.

a) The only hitch in this new business plan is that Facebook is relatively new 3to the digital payments market

b) The large amounts of social media data that Facebook sits

c) In the case of WhatsApp Pay, its parent company, Facebook, has come under scrutiny

d) Regulatory approval that would allow its nation-wide introduction is stuck on one point: the Indian government has asked WhatsApp

e) None of these

Answers :

Direction (1-5) :

1) Answer: b)

From the given options only A-D, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence.

(A-D): What seems to have touched the popular imagination is that the current launch window ends on July 16 and if this window is missed there could be an indefinite delay in rescheduling the launch. Coupled with news reports that checking and correcting the error could take up to 10 days, this has led to dire pronouncements of an indefinite postponement of the mission.

(C-F): One of the most important considerations is that any spot on the moon receives sunlight for approximately 14 (earth) days before being plunged in night for another fourteen.

Option A: (B-F, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-D, C-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-E, B-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

2) Answer: d)

From the given options only A-E, B-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence.

(A-E): Ideally both units should have shared the trophy but the quest for a singular winner and a tournament law that mentioned cumulative boundaries as the ultimate deal-breaker, helped England pip New Zealand.

(B-F): In the current popular imagination both squads are champions, but after many years when only cold statistics linger, England will have the halo and New Zealand will remain the bridesmaid.

Option A: (C-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (A-D, C-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-D, C-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

3) Answer: a)

From the given options only B-D, C-E is matched and make a meaningful sentence.

(B-D): We can debate over what theories of interpretation to apply and over whether the text of a clause needs to be read literally or in light of its historical background, but in most cases, the Supreme Court’s own precedent and commonly accepted legal theories provide an easy enough guide to finding a principled answer.

(C-E): The challenges made to the 103rd constitutional amendment, though, which a two-judge bench of the Supreme Court is slated to hear this month, present a rather more difficult test.

Option B: (A-E, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-E, C-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

4) Answer: d)

From the given options only A-F, B-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence.

(A-F): Here, the issues involved concern questions both over whether the amendment infringes the extant idea of equality, and over whether that idea is so intrinsic to the Constitution, that departing from it will somehow breach the document’s basic structure.

(B-D): The court’s answers to these questions will operate not merely within the realm of the law but will also likely have a deep political bearing — for at stake here is the very nature of justice that India’s democracy embodies.

Option A: (A-D, C-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (B-E, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

5) Answer: c)

From the given options only B-E, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence.

(B-E): Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman began a new practice in the Union Budget, presented on July 5, when she relegated the numbers, or the budgeting, to the fine print, in a break with tradition; they are usually presented as a part of the speech on the floor of the House in Parliament.

(C-F): What are the compulsions that could have made her shy away from stating the numbers as her predecessors have done earlier, no matter how uncomfortable the fiscal position?

Option A: (A-D, C-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (A-E, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Direction (6-10) :

6) Answer: c)

India’s second moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, was pulled back from launch just 56 minutes before its scheduled liftoff on July 15. This was owing to a technical glitch in the GSLV Mark-III rocket launcher. No rescheduled date has been announced for launch. This has no doubt served as a damper on those who eagerly looked forward to India being only the fourth country to launch a mission that would land on the moon, and the very first to land on and explore its South Pole region.

7) Answer: d)

England, the willow game’s birthplace, needed this triumph to resuscitate the sport which is waning across the country. The game’s followers belong to an older demographic space and Asian immigrants, while the youth root for football. A win of this scale should increase footfalls at various training academies and grounds, and the talent base will widen. For New Zealand, the second consecutive loss at the last hurdle will hurt, but unlike in the 2015 edition where it succumbed meekly to co-host Australia, here it fought with all its might, be it crucial runs or decisive wickets.

8) Answer: a)

According to the petitioners in the Supreme Court, the central hypothesis of the amendment, where reservation is predicated on individual economic status, violates the Constitution’s basic structure. In their belief, the law, by providing for affirmative action unmindful of the structural inequalities inherent in India’s society, overthrows the prevailing rationale for reservations. In doing so, they argue, the amendment destroys the Constitution’s idea of equal opportunity.

9) Answer: b)

The new Budget estimate for gross tax revenue is ₹90,936 crore lower than what was projected in the Interim Budget. This is despite the higher surcharge Ms. Sitharaman has imposed on income-tax for those earning more than ₹ 2 crore and a range of hikes she has levied on customs duties. The new Budget estimates show that the government does not expect to improve its performance on tax collections in the current year: Gross tax revenue-GDP ratio is budgeted to slip from 11.9% in 2018-19 to 11.7% in 2019-20. While the direct tax-to-GDP ratio is expected to go from 6.4 to 6.3, the indirect tax-to-GDP ratio will reduce from 5.5 to 5.3.

10) Answer: d)

WhatsApp Pay relies on the Indian government’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) system to facilitate inter-bank transactions. Regulatory approval that would allow its nation-wide introduction is stuck on one point: the Indian government has asked WhatsApp to localize all data processing related to payment transactions in India and not on Facebook’s servers in the U.S. This is well in line with the government’s existing technology vision for the digital economy, which hinges on data localization as the magic bullet to solve multiple problems ranging from prevention of personal data misuse to promotion of local enterprises

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