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1) Which one is a grid of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns?
a) Spreadsheet
b) Worksheet
c) Range
d) Format
e) None of these
2) ___________ is open source operating system and is also clone of ____ Operating system
a) UNIX, Linux
b) Linux, UNIX
c) Solaris, Linux
d) MS-Dos, UNIX
e) None of these
3) Which of the following shortcut key is used for print preview?
a) Ctrl + K
b) Ctrl + F
c) Ctrl + F12
d) Ctrl + F2
e) None of these
4) Which one of the following shortcut key is used to enter the current time?
a) Ctrl + Shift + ;
b) Ctrl + ;
c) Alt + Shift + D
d) Alt + Shift + T
e) None of these
5) Which one of the following shortcut key is used to insert the current date?
a) Ctrl + Shift + ;
b) Ctrl + ;
c) Alt + Shift + D
d) Alt + Shift + T
e) None of these
6) When a search engine returns the links to web pages corresponding to the keywords entered is called as ________
a) Cache
b) Hit
c) Crash
d) Junk
e) None of these
7) An Email address typically consists of a user id followed by the _____ sign and the domain name that manages the user’s electronic post office box
a) #
b) &
c) $
d) @
e) None of these
8) Group of worksheets is known by ___
a) Folder
b) Files
c) Workbook
d) Document
e) None of these
9) Which one is used to define a sequence of actions to perform on a document or multiple documents that can be executed again and again?
a) Repeater
b) Macros
c) Formula
d) Loop
e) None of these
10) ________ is used to specify the intersecting of row and column of the letter and number on worksheet?
a) Mixed address
b) Absolute address
c) Cell address
d) Relative address
e) None of these
Answers :
1). Answer: B
Worksheet is a grid of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns.
2). Answer: B
Linux is open source operating system and is also clone of UNIX Operating system. It is a virus free operating system.
3). Answer: D
Print preview -> Ctrl + F2
4). Answer: A
To enter the current time -> Ctrl + Shift + ;
5). Answer: C
To insert the current date ->Alt + Shift + D
6). Answer: B
When a search engine returns the links to web pages corresponding to the keywords entered is called as Hit, otherwise called as miss.
7). Answer: D
An Email address typically consists of a user id followed by the @ sign and the domain name that manages the user’s electronic post office box.
8). Answer: C
A workbook is a document that contains one or more worksheet.
9). Answer: B
Macros is used to define a sequence of actions to perform on a document or multiple documents that can be executed again and again.
10). Answer: C
Cell address is used tospecify the intersecting of row and column of the letter and number on worksheet.