IBPS Guide continuously working towards the success of our aspirants. To take our efforts to next level, we are providing the Important Computer Awareness Quizzes that helps you for preparing IBPS Exams 2021 in the best way. Kindly make use of it and follow our site regularly for even more useful updates to achieve your dream career.
1) Which one is true about the name given to a document by the user is called as____
a) Data
b) Record
c) Program
d) Filename
e) None of these
2) All the remove files or programs or anything will move on to the ________
a) Tool bar
b) Task bar
c) Recycle bin
d) My computer
e) None of these
3) Which one of the following is a set of tools and commands across the top of the screen?
a) Ruler
b) Tabs
c) Ruler
d) Cursor
e) None of these
4) Which one of the following provides additional information about a data marker?
a) Grid lines
b) Data label
c) Legend
d) Chart area
e) None of these
5) Which one of the following allows sounds and movements that appear when a slide comes on the screen?
a) Master
b) Template
c) Animations
d) Transitions
e) None of these
6) Which one of the following shortcut key is used to refresh?
a) F4
b) F5
c) F6
d) F7
e) None of these
7) ASCII-8 is an__ bit code
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
e) None of these
8) Which one of the following consists of several programs, they are responsible for controlling, integrating and managing individual hardware components of a computer system?
a) Application software
b) Developing software
c) System software
d) All of these
e) None of these
9) Which one of the following is the new format for the internet that is an upgrade to the internet’s main communication protocol IP?
a) IPV4
b) IPV4+
c) IPV5
d) IPV6
e) None of these
10) In Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), tags consists of keywords enclosed within?
a) { }
b) <>
c) ( )
d) [ ]
e) None of these
1) Answer: D
->The name given to a document by the user is called as Filename.
2) Answer: C
Recycle bin
->All the remove files or programs or anything will move on to the Recycle bin.
3) Answer: C
-> It is a set of tools and commands across the top of the screen.
-> It consists of a panel of commands which are organised into asset of tabs.
4) Answer: B
Data label
-> Provides additional information about a data marker.
5) Answer: C
->It allows sounds and movements that appear when a slide comes on the screen.
6) Answer: B
Shortcut key is used to refresh F5.
7) Answer: D
->ASCII-8 is an 8 bit code.
->It is an extended version of ASCII-7.
->It allows 2^8= 256 unique symbols or character.
8) Answer: C
System software
System software consists of several programs, they are responsible for controlling, integrating and managing individual hardware components of a computer system.
9) Answer: D
IPV6 is the new format for the internet that is an upgrade to the internet’s main communication protocol IP.
10) Answer: B
A markup language is a set of markup(angular brackets <>) tags which tells the web browser how to display a web page’s words and images for the user.