IBPS Guide continuously working towards the success of our aspirants. To take our efforts to next level, we are providing the Important Computer Awareness Quizzes that helps you for preparing IBPS Exams 2021 in the best way. Kindly make use of it and follow our site regularly for even more useful updates to achieve your dream career.
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1) The mails deleted from the Inbox will be saved in, which of the following place?
a) Draft
b) Trash
c) Outbox
d) All Mail
e) None of these
2) Which of the following layer will be sixth lawyer of OSI model?
a) Network lawyer
b) Physical Lawyer
c) Transport Lawyer
d) Session Lawyer
e) None of these
3) EEPROM is a type of ROM. What does P represents?
a) Presentation
b) Probable
c) Programmable
d) Preparation
e) None of these
4) Which of the following element will convert high level language into machine level language?
a) Translator
b) Assembler
c) Transmitter
d) Compiler
e) None of these
5) The Booting occurs while turning ON or OFF of the computer is known as _______.
a) Sectional Booting
b) Warm Booting
c) Cold Booting
d) All of these
e) None of these
6) Which of the following key is used to repeat the last action in the document?
a) F2
b) F4
c) F6
d) F8
e) None of these
7) The internet service that provides a multimedia interface to available resources is called—————
a) World Wide web
b) Telnet
d) FTP
e) None of these
8) What is the main folder on a storage device?
a) Directory
b) Sub Directory
c) Storage Directory
d) Main Directory
e) Root Directory.
9) During the which of the following operation, the control unit determines what the program is telling the computer to do?
a) Encryption
b) Decode
c) Decryption
d) Encode
e) None of these
10) A mistake in an algorithm, that causes incorrect result is known as ____
a) Logical Error
b) Machine Error
c) Compiler Error
d) Syntax Error
e) None of these
Answers :
1) Answer: B
The mails which are deleted from the Inbox will be saved in Trash.
2) Answer: E
The sixth lawyer of OSI model is Presentation lawyer
3) Answer: C
EEPROM Ã Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
4) Answer: D
The Compiler will convert high level language into machine level language.
5) Answer: C
The Cold Booting will occurs, while turning ON or OFF of the computer.
6) Answer: B
By, pressing the F4 key the user can repeat the last action in the document.
7) Answer: A
The internet service that provides a multimedia interface to available resources is called World Wide Web.
8) Answer: E
Root Directory is the main folder on a storage device.
9) Answer: B
The decode operation will helps the control unit to determine, what the program is telling the computer.
10) Answer: A
The mistakes in Algorithm will be resulted in Logical Error.