IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 Study Plan 2021
Every year IBPS RRB exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection. As the exam is approaching candidates should gear up their preparation with the best study plan to crack this exam. This year the board has released the IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 2021 Notification. It will open the gates for the many ambitious people who want to join the banking sector. Our IBPS RRB officer scale-1 study plan 2021 will guide you until your final day of preparation. The study plan prepared by our experts is in such a way that no topic is left in your preparation. Also, this IBPS RRB officer scale-1 study plan 2021 will give you ample time for the revision of all the topics. As a result, your preparation will be a more effective one. The officially announced exam dates for IBPS RRB officer scale-1 exams by the IBPS are,
Exam Event | Tentative Dates |
On-line registration including Edit/Modification of Application & Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges |
08.06.2021 to 28.06.2021 |
Online Examination – Preliminary | 01st August 2021, 07th August 2021, 08th August 2021 |
Online Main Exam | 25th September 2021 |
Call Letter download will be made available about 10 days before the exam date
All those who had applied successfully during the registration window for officer scale-1 can download their admit card for the prelims and mains exam 10 days prior to the examinations.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 Vacancy 2021: Updated Vacancies
This year IBPS RRB officer scale-1 Vacancy released was 4703. The total vacancy of IBPS RRB officer scale-1 2021-21 has been out. The number of vacancies plays a major role in the cut-off declaration.
Keep these dates in mind, work harder to make your dream of becoming an IBPS RRB officer scale-1 true. So don’t distract yourself from the preparation and follow our IBPS RRB officer scale-1 study plan in a strict manner. If you miss this chance you may have to wait for another year for the IBPS RRB officer scale-1 recruitment. So act wisely and work hard to crack the exam this year.
IBPS RRB Officer scale-1 15 Days Study Plan for Prelims 2021
For the IBPS RRB officer scale-1 prelims exam, our experts have prepared an excellent fifteen days study plan for 2021. It will be useful for the preparation purpose of banking aspirants. Following this study plan will increase your chances of getting selected. In these last fifteen days left for the exam, candidates are advised to diligently follow the schedule. It will cover difficult topics such as seating arrangements, harder puzzles, miscellaneous word problems, etc. You can also make changes to this study plan according to your convenience. If you extend the time for your weak topic, then finish your stronger topic quickly. This will compensate for the total time taken. So that you can finish your preparation without any delay and start your revision, mock test practice, and so on. Following a proper study plan in a very strict manner will surely help you to finish your preparation well before the exam. Also, you can cover the full syllabus without missing any single topic.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale-1 2021 Syllabus
We are providing for you the 15 Days IBPS RRB officer scale-1 study plan to make your preparation in high standard to compete with lakhs of banking aspirants. It also makes your preparation easy, rather than the last-minute rushed preparation which will make you lose your cool. This study plan is prepared in such a way that suitable time duration is given to each topic based on the difficulty level of the topic. Candidates should also focus on their speed and accuracy. Follow our Guidely 15 days IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Study Plan 2021 that is prepared by our experts. Instead, if you prepare random topics getting rushed till the last minute of the exam
Check Out IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Time Table for 15 Days
Days | Quantitative Aptitude | Reasoning Ability |
Day-01 | Simplification & Approximation | Blood Relation |
Day-02 | Number Series | Inequality |
Day-03 | Average, Ratio & Proportion | Direction Sense |
Day-04 | Attempt Mock Test | |
Day-05 | Percentage & Problems on Ages | Order & Ranking |
Day-06 | Partnership, Time & Work | Input & Output |
Day-07 | Data Interpretation (Table & Line) | Seating arrangement |
Day-08 | Attempt Mock Test | |
Day-09 | Simple & Compound Interest | Puzzle |
Day-10 | Pipes & Cistern, Data Interpretation (Caselets) | Data Sufficiency |
Day-11 | Profit & Loss | Coding-Decoding & Seating Arrangement |
Day-12 | Attempt Mock Test | |
Day-13 | Data Interpretation (Bar graph & Pie chart) | Direction Sense & Puzzle |
Day-14 | Problems on Trains, Time & Distance | Syllogism & Seating Arrangement |
Day-15 | Attempt Mock Test |
Importance of IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Study Plan:
- Our study plan prepares a daily schedule to study and practice. So that it will urge the students to complete the plan on time.
- The study plan gives enough time for each topic based on the difficulty level. So that you can learn the concepts in a clear manner without any hurry.
- All the topics from every section are covered in the plan. As a result, your preparation will be of high standards to clear any tough papers.
Get here the Previous year paper for IBPS RRB officer scale-1
Following this study plan will boost your confidence. Aspirants follow our IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 study plan in a strict manner and practice more mock tests as possible.