IBPS RRB PO Interview Process & Preparation Tips

IBPS RRB PO Officer Scale 1 Interview Tips

As the IBPS RRB PO Mains exam is over, all candidates must be busy preparing for interview. So it is high time that you prepare yourself for the interview. Interview is the final stage in the selection process in IBPS RRB PO exam. All the banking aspirants must cross this stage in order to land up in their dream job. Attending interviews makes the candidates nervous. It is very important that you should overcome your nervousness regarding the interview.

Objectives behind Interview

Before we discuss about interview preparation tips for IBPS RRB PO 2018, let us learn about hidden objectives behind conducting an interview. All the candidates think that they are assessed based on answering skills. But, it is not the only thing for which there is assessment. The aspirants are also assessed for points such as confidence level, body language, etc. There are few things that are tested during the interview round:

  • Competency for the designation
  • Test of personal insights and attributes
  • Experience and expertise
  • Enthusiasm and Interest
  • Career Goals and ambitions

Important Documents for Interview

Make sure that you carry these following documents when you attend the Interview.

  • Interview Call Letter print out
  • Proof of Date of Birth  (Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Municipal Authorities or SSLC/ Std. X Certificate with DOB)
  • Photo Identity Proof
  • Mark sheets and Certificates for Graduation or equivalent qualification etc.
  • Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format.
  • Disability certificate in prescribed format issued by the District Medical Board in case of Persons with Disability category.

Important Tips for Interview

Here are some important tips that you should remember before giving your interview.

Research deeply on the bank

Please conduct a deep thorough research of the bank and job profile for which you are going to attend interview. The interviewer will ask at least 2-3 questions related to the company and the job profile. So, before you go for the interview, take some time to visit their website, read about their services and about the bank.

Dress properly

Please make sure that you do not attend the interview with casual clothes. First impression is the best impression. Your dress attire must give a good impression to your employers. Wear smart formals for the interview whether you are going for a private sector bank or public sector bank.

Women can wear a plain, light-colored cotton saree or salwaar kameez with a plain dupatta or a blazer with light colored blouse and trousers. Please use minimum jewelry and makeup.

Men can wear a plain, light-colored shirt and dark colored trousers and a plain tie. Make sure that your shoes are polished, clean shaved and neat hair.

Know your resume

You should know properly what you have included in your resume. It is because you will be asked questions from your resume. So, be prepared for the questions.

Arrive on time

Never be late for your interview as it will create a bad impression on the interviewer. The employers in the bank are very strict about punctuality, so reach at least 15-20 minutes before the interview. It will give you time to calm down and relax.

Switch-off your cell phone

Please switch off your cell phone or keep it on silent mode before you enter the cabin of your interviewer.

Be polite

Greet your interviewer with a handshake and a smile on your face. Do not sit until you are asked to take a seat.

Pay attention to your body language

Do not indulge in activities like nail-biting, fidgeting, shaking legs, playing with your pen/hair etc. Please sit comfortably and maintain a proper posture throughout your whole interview. This will make you appear confident and relaxed.

Don’t say bad things about your previous employer

Please never say bad things about your previous employer. If you do the same, then your interviewer will think that you might just do the same with them also.

Never answer with an “I don’t know”

If you do not know how to answer a question in the interview, do not say “I don’t know”. Rather, ask some time from your interviewer to think of an answer.

Thank the interviewer

Please do not leave the interview room without thanking the interviewer for giving his/her precious time.

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