IBPS RRB PO Prelims Reasoning Ability Questions 2019 (Day-01)

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[WpProQuiz 6458]

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eleven persons are sitting in a circular table facing center and M is one of the people among the group. B sits two places away from P. Q sits fourth to the right of B. Three persons are sitting between Q and H. A sits fourth to the right of R. Neither A nor R is an immediate neighbor of B or H. Y sits third to the right of X. F sits fourth to the right of G.

1) Who sits Immediate left of M?

a) R

b) A

c) Q

d) Y

e) H

2) How many persons are sitting between B and F when counted from left of F?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 2

d) 4

e) 3

3) What is the position of H with respect to G?

a) Second to the right

b) Third to the right

c) Immediate right

d) Fourth to the right

e) Fourth to the left

4) Which of the following statement is true?

a) F sits fourth to the left of M

b) M and R are not immediate neighbor

c) P sits third to the right of G

d) A sits second to the left of H

e) None of them is correct

5) Four of the five among the following are similar in such a way to form a group, which one of the following doesn’t belong to group?

a) P, B

b) R, Q

c) A, Y

d) F, X

e) G, M

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Six persons – A, B, C, D, E and F are going to their offices starting from Monday and ending on Sunday with one of days being an off day, but not necessarily in the same order. Each person uses different type of transport i.e. Car, Bike, Bus, Train, Airplane and Boat but not necessarily in same order.

Sunday is not an off day. A is going for office immediately before E. There are two persons going between F who uses Boat and C who uses Bus. The off day is after E and there are two days between the off day and A. D who uses Train is not going on Saturday or Sunday. The one who is going to office immediately before the off day uses Boat. A and B does not use Airplane. Only two persons are going between the one who uses Airplane and the one who uses Bike.

6) Which of the following day is off?

a) Tuesday

b) Monday

c) Thursday

d) Friday

e) Sunday

7) Person-A uses which of the following transport?

a) Car

b) Bus

c) Airplane

d) Boat

e) Bike

8) If A is related to F, F is related to D then E is related to?

a) C

b) D

c) A

d) Off day

e) B

9) D is going to office on which of the following day?

a) Monday

b) Friday

c) Tuesday

d) Saturday

e) Sunday

10) How many persons are going to office between A and D?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

e) None of these


Directions (1-5):

  • B sits two places away from P.

  • Q sits fourth to the right of B.

  • Three persons are sitting between Q and H.

  • A sits fourth to the right of R. Neither A nor R is an immediate neighbor of B or H. We cannot fix the position of A and R in Case 1. So this case is eliminated.

  • Y sits third to the right of X.

  • F sits fourth to the right of G.

  • M is one of the people among the group.

1) Answer: a)

2) Answer: d)

3) Answer: e)

4) Answer: d)

5) Answer: c)

Directions (6-10):

A is going college immediately before E. The off day is after E and there are two days between the off day and A. The one who is going immediately before the off day is uses Boat. So that Case 1 is eliminated-

There are two persons are going between F who use Boat and C who use Bus. D who use Train is not going on Saturday or Sunday.

Case (2) gets eliminated.

A and B does not use Airplane. Only two persons are going between the one who use Airplane and the one who use Bike. Case (3) gets eliminated.

So, the final arrangement is,

6) Answer: c)

7) Answer: a)

8) Answer: d)

9) Answer: b)

10) Answer: a)

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